welcome back my name is andrew from ecom,experts dot io,and in this video i'm going to explain,to you how you can avoid,people right clicking on your website,and stealing your images,so we're gonna do that by adding a,little bit of code i have the green,hoodie so we're going into the code,we're gonna do that by adding a little,bit of code to your team no big deal,it's super straightforward,you can click the link down below in the,description,to have the exact walkthrough and copy,paste the pieces of code that i'm going,to be copy pasting,in my computer right here and at the,very end of the video,i'm also going to explain how effective,this is so you want to stick around to,see,because maybe this isn't solving your,problem at all,so um let's start with going straight,into the,the code right here so we are in our,online store,as you can see let's look at the code,i will let's look at the store i mean,and currently you will see that i can,right click,and i can basically steal the images so,right here i can do,um let's go on the actual product uh,save,image as and i'm stealing the product,image right now,yes but we're about to change that,so um let's go back into the store right,here first and foremost as we do with,every time we jump into the code we,duplicate the theme to make sure that we,have a backup,in case something goes wrong and also we,never want to be working,on the live team so um we're going to do,that by,doing the right by click on actions,right here,and then we click on duplicates,so the team is duplicated and this is,going to take a second,okay so the team is duplicated it's,right here again it's,super important that you do this part i,have people who haven't done it and then,in the comments they're like oh my god i,messed up now i'm stuck,always duplicate your feed um now we're,going to work,on this one right here so to do that,we're going to click on,actions right here and we're going to,click on edit,code it's going to load up the big scary,code editor don't,don't that's it's really nothing once,you get used to it completely nothing,and right here we're going to look for,the theme,dot liquid file so the theme.liquid,should be,right here um on your left side so you,want to make sure you click,on that one and then in the,documentation that i provided there is a,little piece of code that you will have,to,uh paste within this file so,just i'm going to copy it right here on,my other screen,copy and then i'm going to paste,it and you have to paste it within the,head tag,so you can see the head tag here that's,the opening of the head tag,and probably somewhere down here you'll,have the head tag that,closes so we will want to add that,uh we'll look for the actually we'll,keep it simple the opening head tag,right here,you press enter a couple of times so you,create a,space and then you right click paste it,so here we go by the way this will not,work on,older versions of internet explorer,unfortunately,that's kind of just how it goes right,again this will work for chrome for,sapphire,even the new internet explorer versions,it will work just not on the older ones,once you have added this piece of code,just click on,save right here,the asset is saved and then we're going,to go back in our online store because,it should work like a charm right now,so we're back into the the store right,here remember we,made the changes here you can see it,last saved we didn't work on this one,yet,so let's do an actions preview so we can,kind of see how this,looks um we go to the same product again,and i'm right clicking and i'm not able,to right click,let's see here right clicking there is,nothing happening here oh boy i also,lost my mouse,but there you go i'm not able to right,click so i can't steal the picture,anymore,so we see that that works perfect we're,going to put,this theme alive so we click on action,and we click on publish it's going to,ask us if we're 100 sure we want to be,publishing this the answer is,yes because we tested it and it works,so we publish it perfect,and then um it's on the live version,right now so i'll close all of this,and now everyone visiting our site will,not be able to right click,on our site perfect so that is that,there is going to be two more caveats,first of all,um i'm gonna explain whether or not this,is useful and the second element is,we're gonna do a slight little,modification to the code,um just because it's the right thing to,do,so first of all is this useful well this,kind of depends there is another way,if someone really wants your pictures,there's plenty of other ways to do it,um they can pull out the inspect,tool they can find the url if this is a,bot that's scraping your picture so an,automatic little robot that's creeping,it from a third party website,they can still do it this is going to,block like the,amateurs or the people that are looking,for quick results to,quickly duplicate uh your image it's,definitely gonna block them,is it going to be an absolute stop is,this waterproof no absolutely not,there's still ways,around that so that's definitely an,advantage it will deter,and possibly stop quite some people but,again if the bot is creeping you or if,someone really wants your pictures,this isn't gonna do much and so second,thing i like to do is to kind of clean,it up right now we just slapped it into,the code,like if someone walks in here and,doesn't know what it is it might take,them a little second to kind of figure,it out,so i like to indent it so that it's,properly made,just to kind of follow the coding,procedures,so like this and then i like to add a,little,comment in there so that everyone knows,if i get hit by a bus tomorrow people,know what it is,start of code to this table,right right clicking,like that,and then here i do,and of course to disable,the right clicking,and like that and so this way it's,pretty clear if another developer,has to walk into here they can clearly,see oh,they scroll through and they say what is,the script right here oh it's a start of,code to disable the right clicking oh i,see,well i don't need it or i want to change,it so this is just to kind of,keep your coat clean well that's it for,this video i hope you uh,learned something out of it i hope it,works for you remember to like and,subscribe if it had,any value to you because i'm trying to,teach everything i know about shopify,about like eight years plus on the,shopify uh,network to you to my youtube viewers so,it would mean a huge deal for me,if you subscribe whenever i have the,green hoodie we're doing some coding,so um check that out check out the app,reviews check out the general strategies,videos whatever,floats your boat and also make sure to,test your shopify store speed at,testmystorespeed.com,all right thanks a lot and i'll see you,in another video ciao
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