how to update business ein# in shopify

How To Change Your Business Address For Your EIN with IRS.GOV | Step By Step Guide hey i'm destiny a

Destiny Adams

Updated on Mar 17,2023

How To Change Your Business Address For Your EIN with IRS.GOV | Step By Step Guide

The above is a brief introduction to how to update business ein# in shopify

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How To Change Your Business Address For Your EIN with IRS.GOV | Step By Step Guide

hey i'm destiny and welcome back to my,youtube channel on this channel we talk,about topics such as business,entrepreneurship and side hustles so if,those topics interest you make sure you,go ahead and subscribe to my channel and,as you can already tell by the thumbnail,this video is going to be a step-by-step,guide on how to change your business's,address for your ein with the,and i'm starting this video off on the, homepage,and the first thing you're going to want,to do is go to the search bar which we,have right here and type in form,8822 b,okay and the reason you're typing in,form 8822 b is because that is going to,be the business address change form,and when you type in that number six,results are going to pop up and as you,can see the first form is the 8822 and,that's the regular change of address,form for the personal side,so you want to make sure you're actually,choosing the 88 22 b and the b is for,the business side so we're going to go,ahead and pull up that form,so i'm going to point out a few things,with this form now that we have it all,pulled up so the first thing you you're,going to want to pay attention to is,that it says 88 22-b,so make sure it's dash b so it says,change of address or responsible party,business,the next thing it says before you begin,if you are also changing your home,address use form 8822 to report that,change and that's only for your home,address,so to change your business address,you're going to check box 1 and box 3,for business location you're going to,type in for 4a you're going to put your,full business name,and then 4b you're going to do your ein,number and you should already have that,saved,now for number five you're gonna type in,the old address that you had on your ein,forms,then for number six you're gonna type in,your full new mailing address,see mailing address and this is only for,the mailing address,then number seven you're gonna type in,your new business location,so you're gonna fill that out now if,you're changing let's say you're,changing the responsible party ownership,then you'll put that person's name and,put their information down below but,most of the time you're not,now number 10 you're going to go ahead,sign this put your title date it,now where to file you're going to want,to pay very close attention to this,section,so it says,send this form to the address shown here,that applies to you so you're gonna have,to mail this form in,if your old business address was in so,it has the states listed and then it,tells you where you're gonna mail it to,so a lot of my audience is from either,michigan or texas,so for the first section if you're in,michigan we're going to highlight,michigan right here you're going to send,it to the irs kansas city missouri,now if you're in texas,you're going to want to pay attention,down here,and you're going to send it to,what is that ogden,however you say that utah,at that address so make sure you're,sending it to the right location,once you have all that information,completed and sent in then you'll just,wait until it's completed and then,you'll receive a notification,so i hope you found this video helpful,today,and if you aren't already make sure,you're following me on my social media,channels which is i am destiny adams on,facebook tick tock instagram pinterest,snapchat pretty much everywhere i do,have a free facebook group to where you,can,join i'm going to drop that in the,description below to where you can,advertise your different products if you,choose to do so or just connect with,other people who follow my page,and don't forget to subscribe to my,channel give this video a thumbs up if,you want to see more videos like this in,regards to changes with your ein or even,your llc make sure you drop that in the,comment section below and stay tuned for,the next video,you

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