so Shopify just recently released the,new version of Shopify CLI and it's,version three now in this video tutorial,I'm going to show you how to install,Shopify CLI version 3 on a Windows,computer more on that after this intro,though I'd like to announce that I've,recently updated the new course or the,course Shopify liquid programming and,there I've added three new lessons and,it's about sections and schema so if,you'd like to learn about how to use,schema how to create sections and,customize the section you can check out,the course it's in the description below,and if you're not a student then you can,use the coupon code liquify to get 30,percent off once again everything is in,the description below check it out okay,so welcome back to weekly how in this,lesson we're going to learn or in this,video we're going to learn how to,install Shopify CLI version 3. so open,your browser and go to and,in this page open the themes page right,here in navigational bar click the,themes and then in this page open the,developer tools right here and then we,should have Shopify so I open that and,then open the install page and in this,page I will show you a guide how to,install Shopify SLI on Mac OS windows or,Linux but we're not going to talk about,Mac OS and Linux I'm sorry unfortunately,we're not going to cover that we're just,going to install Shopify SLI on a,Windows computer okay so if you're using,Mac OS I think I do have a lesson on my,course,so with that said here we do have the,following table requirements and for,Windows you need to install node.js and,its version should be,14.13.1 or higher now I would like to,mention that I do have node.js on my,system already so if you don't know how,to check that you can open a terminal on,a Windows computer open your search bar,and search CMD and it should open the,following window and here you can type,node space hyphen V and it should give,you the following version so as you can,see as you can see I do have version,18.12.1 so that means my version is,higher than 14.,13.1 okay so that means I'm good there,however if you don't have node.js you,can go to, I think,or you can just search node.js download,and then here open the download page of,node.js and then make sure they're using,the LTS version or the long term support,now if you don't know what is node.js,node.js is a package management package,manager tool allows you to install,packages such as react what else,let me think or Shopify CLI okay so,Jokes Aside this is what you're going to,use to install Shopify now previously,you will need to use um chocolatey if,you remember that you will need to use,choco command and then install Shopify,but now you will have to use node and,it's already a package which is good,honestly,so without further Ado stop talking and,let's install node.js I'm going to,select the windows installer and it,should download the following now I'm,going to open this,now if your download is taking a while,pause the video I'll wait for you okay,and then once that's downloaded open it,and unpause the video and you should,have the following um set up welcome to,node.js setup Wizard and then here click,next and then as you can see I do have,node.js already installed so it's either,it's going to ask me to either change it,repair it or remove it from my computer,so what I'm going to do is I'm going to,just remove it first and then reinstall,it okay does that make sense I'm going,to remove this and then click remove now,again,if you don't have that window or that,selection or options then don't do,anything just wait for me to remove the,node.js first and then I'll show you,again the installer,so let's just wait for it to be removed,have some patience all right,okay so it's removing the backup files,that's good click finish,and then I'm going to download it once,again you don't have to do that you can,use the same file and then here I'm,going to open this once again and this,time it should give me the right setup,Okay click next and there it goes you,can see it's not asking me to remove it,again so here just accept the license,agreement if you want to read this then,feel free to do that I'm not going to,stop you and then hold on accept click,next and then I'm not going to change,the directory I'll just install it to,the following okay the C drive the C,drive the program files folder and then,node.js click next and then here I'm not,going to change anything,I'm not going to touch anything here,I'll just click next,and then for this one I'm going to just,leave this checked because I'm using,python okay,so you don't have to do this honestly,but since I am developing web apps or,applications using python then I'll just,keep this checked okay you don't have to,do this but you can feel free to follow,along you can check this as well if you,want to learn python or develop things,using python okay keep it checked now,click next,click install,and it should give in the following and,it should give me a user account control,I'll just click yes I don't think you're,gonna see it on my recorded or recording,but if you if you get the following like,use our account control window just,click OK that's good okay and once,that's clicked it should start,installing and there goes you can see,now it's completed I'll just click,finish and it should open a new terminal,the following CLI and then it will ask,you to install the,modules okay the native modules this,will require you about three gigabytes,of 3D space plus and an Sr space and so,on feel free to read this but basically,this will just install Python and the um,VB or vsb tools necessary for compiling,node.js native modules I'll just press,any key to continue and then for this,one it's going to ask me to use,chocolatey to install packages that's,okay to press ok to continue and it,should start or it should give you,another UAC control or UAC window or,user account control just click OK and,it should give me the following Windows,Powershell and it should start,installing python as well as the visual,studio tools,okay so now it's done I'll just press,enter to exit and we can open,um terminal again but since I already,have it here I'm going to close this,make sure that if you open CMD or,command prompt close it after you,install node because it's not going to,work if you just use the same command,prompt okay just make sure that you,refresh everything or reload or restart,everything not your computer by your,command prompt and in this terminal or,command prompt I'll type node space,hyphen V and it should give me the,following version,18.12.1 okay so that means we have,installed node.js now the next tool that,we're going to use or the next thing,that we're going to do is to install,Ruby plus dev kit version three and I,believe I already have,um Ruby plus dev kit here if you don't,know what I'm talking about I'm going to,type Ruby hyphen V and it should give me,the following version it would be,version,3.1.2 okay,so with that said,I'm going to install Ruby plus dev kit,once again just for you okay I'm going,to click the following Rubin store for,Windows link,uh I'm not supposed to do it that way,I'm going to open this in a new tab like,so,and here I'm going to download the Ruby,plus dev kit version,3.1.2 hyphen one okay the one with an,arrow with an arrow and it's highlighted,it's a bold okay that's what I'm going,to download not without devca do not,focus on without javkin focus on with,dev kit the one with an arrow I'm not,sure if you get that right with an arrow,okay so I'll just click this to install,it or download it and that should take a,while because it's quite big,132 megabytes,okay so now that's done I'm going to,open this,to install Ruby plus dev kit and it,should give me the following installer,and feel free to read the licensing,agreement,if you're that bored I accept the,license and click next and here I'm,going to install the amsys2 development,tool chains if you remember there was a,note make sure you select mcs2 component,and msys2 base,installation option okay so that's what,they're talking about you need to,install this as well so msys to,development tool chain make sure they,check that and if I check that as you,can see it's saying attention mc2 is,already installed or present in the,following directory it will be deleted,now and then reinstalled if you have if,you have Ruby plus dev kit installed,that's what it's going to do it's going,to reinstall it okay,so click next,before we continue make sure once again,make sure to check the answers to,development tool chain Okay click next,and you should start preparing the,install or you should start installing,and if you take a look here it's,uninstalling my Ruby,and it should install it once it's done,now this is one thing that I noticed,it's a long process installing shopifix,lie if this is your first time it's a,long process but if you're a developer,and you've been using node you've been,using Ruby get and I think it's a short,process but if this is your first time,yeah it's a long process you need to,install node you need to install Ruby,you need to install Git You need to,install bundler and seven zipped now,it's,it must be really exhausting for our new,developers but I admire those Learners,and you gotta keep going with that to,learn Shopify development okay,so this is going to take a while to,speed it up and or you know it's done,the next one we're going to do is to,ensure or to make sure that the Run ridk,install is checked especially if this if,this is your first time if this is your,first time make sure that it's checked,to install the mcs2 and development tool,chain okay now with that chat I'll click,finish,and then you should give me the,following CLI and then here I'm going to,select one and three you don't have to,select the amsys2 system update by,default it's going to select one and,three as you can see right over here,okay,so I'll just press enter,and it should start installing the mss2,base and then the Ming W or MS2,development tools but it will give me a,few warnings here and there which is,normal you don't have to worry about,that,foreign,as you can see everything as being,updated,and it's also going to skip everything,because I already have them installed,and then here install mcsus2 and Min W,development tool chain successfully,installed or succeeded so we can just,press enter we're not going to do it,again press enter and then,we're going to reopen terminal or,command prompt I'm going to close this,like I said make sure that everything is,restarted before you continue obviously,note that we have installed Ruby plus,dev kit let's check that by using the,terminal or command prompt once again,CMD and then I'll type gem hyphen V and,of course you can see I do have the,version 3.3.7 and if I type Ruby hyphen,V I do have the version,3.1.2 but the problem is I already have,Shopify CLI installed so if I type,Shopify version,as you can see now it's using the node,and it's going to give in the version,3.20.1 and there is an update look,3.21.0 so how can we get rid of this so,we can use the command npm remember you,do have node already so node hyphen V,you do have the following version npm,hyphen V you do have the following,version,8.19.2 okay,so to uninstall Shopify SLI just so I,can reinstall it again I'm going to,recommend an install so npm uninstall,and then the command that we're going to,use is uninstall and then specific uh,package at Shopify CLI and then at,Shopify theme this is what I'm going to,uninstall and also I'm going to use the,hyphen G because I was using it globally,okay,so uninstall hypheng and then add,Shopify hyphen CLI and then add Shopify,hyphen no not hyphen forward slash I'm,sorry at Shopify forward slash silai,space at Shopify forward slash and then,theme double check it,before you do anything npm uninstall,hold on this is just for me okay since I,already have it here since I can use,Shopify SLI I'm going to uninstall it,for the sake of you okay so that I can,install it again but do not uninstall,anything just watch me npm uninstall,hyphen G at Shopify forward slash is,rcli blah blah blah blah I'll just press,enter to uninstall it,ok,there you go,so now we can try to use the Shopify,version,there I guess you can see now it's not,working it's no longer working because I,uninstall it now to install it guess,what we're going to do we're going to,use the command install you guessed it,right good job so our npm install space,hyphen G Global to use it globally and,then space the packages at Shopify,forward slash CLI space at Shopify,forward slash theme now if you want to,develop Shopify apps now obviously,you're going to use the add Shopify,forward slash,app okay but do not press anything yet,we need to double check because I don't,know if I'm right so open open the apps,page in the new tab,and then developer tools Shopify Li and,then overview,and then if we scroll all the way um,down we do have the following at Shopify,app package okay so let's open that in a,new tab,click that and we should have the,following page so we can use the um at,Shopify forward slash app to create,Shopify apps okay,so,I'm not entirely sure if we need this or,we can just use the command at Shopify,at Shopify,create,you honestly don't need to install it,now,so npx at Shopify create you can create,apps just by using node it's already,installed by default okay,so no you don't need to use the,um you don't need this,it's a great Shopify apps okay,now I'm not going to cover Shopify up,here okay this is just for Shopify theme,so npm install hypheng just run the,command I'm taking so much time now here,just install it and it should work,okay so now it's done the next one we're,going to do is to verify if it's,installed successfully so we can use the,command Shopify space version but before,we do that I'm going to clear my,terminal so CLS and then Shopify,space version,now if we press enter there goes you can,see it started a node command,and then this time it's going to,produce the following version,3.21.0 there we have it now we have,installed Shopify cell I on a Windows,computer now let's try to create a,Shopify theme let's try that so I'm,going to create a new folder,and I'm going to call this Shopify,so mkdrr make directory and then I'm,going to that directory by using the CD,command change directory,Shopify and then here we can use the,command let's just go back to the,documentation and getting started create,a theme,and then if we scroll down we can use,the command Shopify theme in it okay,let's scroll down this is for,installation let's just scroll down we,can use here we do have the following,instruction in the terminal navigate to,working directory we've done that,already we did it already we're in,Shopify folder,and then we can use the command Shopify,theme in it okay meaning initialize or,create in it create a new Shopify theme,that's the Shopify theme in its command,so Shopify theme,in it,okay press enter and it should clone the,Shopify theme called done but before it,does that or before it creates or clone,anything it's going to ask you to name,your Shopify theme so we can just call,this Don,done,done,and then that should start installing,dependencies,there you go now it's cloning,now it's done so let's try to use the ls,command,or a list,uh,I don't know comments here so okay so,it's not working I think it's dear for,Windows and then hyphen s,so here we do have the following there,are no um,hyphen h,deer out here you can just use their,command I'm sorry I don't know how to,use on window commands Okay so now it's,working just use deer and then you,should list all the folders or files,inside of your working directory so I do,have the folder done done I can use the,um let me just clear my terminal CLS and,then use the CD command and go to don,don,and then here I can use the dear command,and I do have here I do have the,following files git ignore assets config,layout locals section Snippets templates,and so on so if you have vs code,installed you can use the code command,and then just dot symbol to open the,current directory so if you run that,command it should open,the following window,okay,and here you do have the following,assets,there you go,templates the following Json files index,you do have the following section cart,drawer,Etc and there you have it now you have,installed Shopify sale I on a Windows,computer now you can start developing,Shopify themes now if you do have any,questions or if you have any requests,let me know in the comments below and,I'm going to make that video for you,anyway thank you for watching and I'll,see you next time bye
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