how to upload featured image to shopify blog

How To Add Video As Product Featured Image in Shopify (Without Code) hello everyone welcome to Webse


Updated on Mar 16,2023

How To Add Video As Product Featured Image in Shopify (Without Code)

The above is a brief introduction to how to upload featured image to shopify blog

Let's move on to the first section of how to upload featured image to shopify blog

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how to upload featured image to shopify blog catalogs

How To Add Video As Product Featured Image in Shopify (Without Code)

hello everyone welcome to Websense Pro,I'm your host Bilal Nasir with a new,Shopify tutorial and in today's tutorial,I'm gonna teach you guys how you can add,video to your Shopify product collection,section just like this as you can see,this product have a featured video and,similarly on this product I have added,the video on her work,and this tutorial is will be implemented,without using any code Yes you heard it,right I'm not gonna use any code to,implement that so if you want to learn,stick to the video don't forget to,subscribe the channel okay which will,motivate me to create more valuable,content for you guys so without further,Ado let's get into our tutorial,today's first what I'm gonna do I'll,upload an MP4 video file and show you,guys how it's gonna look and then I'm,gonna show you guys a trick how you can,use a video to display it as a product,featured image okay now let's go to the,back end of our Shopify store,and I'm going to add a video by,navigating to products,and let's try add the video for this,product Polo,so let's go to that product backend,click on polo,and in media section we have three,images now I'm gonna add a video here,so I have some stock videos already,downloaded,so these are the videos,so let's upload one of them,let's do this one,it's going to take a while to upload,hey guys so our video has been uploaded,now if I move this video to the featured,selection,where the Shopify show the featured,image,and go to our home page,and hit refresh,you can see that it's showing a static,image and not the video,not like this product,and not like this product so even if I,move it to the second place where it,should show the second Hoover image,feature,let's drag it to the second position,oops,okay now go back to home page and Edge,refresh,you can see that,the hover image feature is working but,it's not a video when you hover over the,image now the question is how did I,added the video on this product and on,this product without actually doing any,code,so the quick the answer is that I,haven't added any video I just added a,gif,to the product to make it look like a,video now I'm gonna show you guys how I,added a gif format so let's go to this,product for example the female t-shirt,product,click on products,and then go to female t-shirt,and in this product you can see that,this is a format and not an actual video,and I used a two one called,in order to convert the video to give,format,so you need to go to,click on video to give,upload your video,and do the following settings,so make sure you select the correct,resolution,and select the fps to maximum because if,you lower the FPS it will lack the video,let me show you so for example if I,select 5 Max,click on convert to gif,you can see that it's,the video has a lagged right so you'll,have to go to the maximum FPS rate which,is 33.,also make sure you do only five to ten,second video because otherwise your GIF,will be really heavy and you won't be,able to upload it to your Shopify so as,you can see I have uploaded this video,and actual size of the video is 62.91 MB,and it's 44 seconds long,but when I converted it to give format I,I'm just taking five second part of this,video so I'm starting the video from 35,seconds and ending it to 40 seconds,and that's how the result looks like,after converting it to your gif,click on this save button,which will download the video to your,desktop,and you can upload it to your Shopify,just like this,and you can also add it as a second,hover image when you drag it to the,second position,now if I go to the home page and hit,refresh,you can see that now it's showing up on,over,in some cases if you are not seeing the,hover image make sure you have that,feature enabled in your Shopify settings,so click on online store,click on customize,so I'm doing this in daunting if you're,using any other theme you might not have,second image on a hover feature on your,team but in Dawn theme you have that,feature where you can show second image,on Hover so click on customize,and now when I click on this section the,featured collection block,I have this check mark which says show,second image on Hover so that's the,check mark which you need to check in,order to in order for you to see the,second image on hover if you disable it,your second image in homework won't work,but you can still see the video on,featured image,so you'll see you'll still be able to,see your video as a featured video,but not on over,cool right so that was an easy trick for,you to add videos to your Shopify,product section and to your collection,page so the similar effect will also be,in connection page so if I go to my,collection,So currently we don't have a second,image on over featured enabled on my,collection page now let's go and enable,the feature on my collection page so,from customize click on collections,default collection,and when I click on product grid I have,this feature show second image on Hover,so I'm going to enable it,click on Save,and now when I go to my collection page,and hit refresh,you can see that I can see my video on,Hover not a video actually a gif but,still which looks like a video,nice trig rate that's it for the,tutorial guys if you like don't forget,to comment the video below like and,share it with your friends until next,video have a great day

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