how to upload shoptimize to my shopify store

How to set up your Shopify store using Shoptimized okay so hello and welcome I just want to,take a s

Corey McKinney

Updated on Mar 29,2023

How to set up your Shopify store using Shoptimized

The above is a brief introduction to how to upload shoptimize to my shopify store

Let's move on to the first section of how to upload shoptimize to my shopify store

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how to upload shoptimize to my shopify store catalogs

How to set up your Shopify store using Shoptimized

okay so hello and welcome I just want to,take a second say thank you for taking,the time out of your day to watch this,video my name is Chris I am the vice,president and co-founder of Detroit,Revenue and today I'm going to be,showing you how to set up your Shopify,store so without further ado if you are,not familiar with or currently using,shop Shopify you need to get on Shopify,it is the number one most used platform,worldwide undisputedly very integratable,highly customizable very easy to use,plus if you are interested in doing,something like a social media agency if,you come across somebody who's currently,not using Shopify you can put them on,Shopify for a fee so that's already a,potential new stream of revenue for you,so normally Shopify will give you a,14-day free trial but with the link that,I have attached to this video you can,get to this page which will give you an,extended 21 day free trial and a 10%,discount so go ahead and put your email,in there once you do that it'll take you,to a prompt you can skip and you have to,put in your contact information Yatta,Yatta and you will get to here which is,your home admin page now when we first,started we didn't know what we wanted to,include into our store,you know we had to look up different,apps that we wanted to have different,plugins different functions all type of,stuff it was very hectic but because,you're watching this video you don't,have to do any of that because I'm gonna,show you one of the number one themes,used worldwide that actually comes with,all of those different functionalities,built in introducing shop demise which,as you can see here the number one,unofficial Shopify theme that is not an,exaggeration they have over 20,000,stores worldwide and it comes with tons,of built-in features entry and exit,pop-ups cross-selling pop-ups countdown,timers social proof pop-ups just,everything that you need rolled into one,and it's very affordable if you were,just starting out and this is your first,store I'd recommend that you get the,basic package but if you're an expiry,drop shipper and you intend on creating,multiple stores then you can go with the,pro package so here we have a demo site,that they've provided for us what I want,you to notice is that everything on this,page is there for a reason,they have badges on their products to,legitimize them five star ratings and,reviews sales numbers you go down to the,bottom they have testimonials from,customers so really just take into,account of things that you might want to,add to your own store once you've,downloaded that you can come here go,back to your admin page go to online,store and we'll take you to themes where,you can upload the theme as I've already,done here,now we're gonna do a step-by-step,walkthrough on how to customize your,shop demise theme from start to finish,as you can see I'm starting off with a,blank store I haven't done anything to,get to it yet you can go back to your,admin page using that button but,normally I like to have two tabs open so,that way I'm able to switch back and,forth as I work so first things first to,go back to the admin page,we're gonna go to products and we're,going to add our first product so click,the add product button you're going to,put in a title add your media file,set the price that you want we're just,going to do $50 as an example here a lot,of times I like to turn off the track,wanna TV,so for the very,since we're gonna go small medium large,extra-large so forth and so on and there,we have it the first product has been,set up for this example I'm going to,make a couple more,okay so now that we've made all our,products we're going to go it out to,collections and we're going to create,some new collections to place these,products so the first collection we're,gonna make is T's for the t-shirts that,we had that we just made set it to,manual so that way you can add the,products in that you want,and we go back to collections and this,time we're gonna make one for hoodies,once if you can't change it to manual,from automated,and we are going to add the hoodie,products to this collection in the same,fashion now we're gonna go down to,online store and go to navigation so,right there you see the home and catalog,menu items and you can see it's the same,thing on the navigation bar right now,the shop Timaeus theme so we go to menu,add menu item we're gonna do tees for,one and then we're gonna link the,collection that we made to the title,that we just created so that way when,you click on that it will take you to a,page with those products that we added,to the collection and then we're gonna,do the same thing for the hoods,make sure you save now refresh the shop,- mais page and you should be able to,see the changes that you just made you,know sometimes it takes a little second,there we go so you can see tees and,hoodies up there on the navigation bar,now,so from here you can see the desktop,slideshow right there,now the desktop and mobile slideshows,are mutually exclusive adjusting the,desktop so I'd show does not affect the,mobile slideshow so you're gonna have to,go in and enter those pictures one at a,time so we're gonna continue to add our,pictures onto our desktop slideshow you,can also link these pictures to a,product page or a collection page or,whatever you want everything on your,front homepage should be there for a,purpose though so don't have anything,right there for your customer to see,that doesn't take them to anything,specific so afterwards we move on to the,mobile slideshow and like I said before,you have to do these individually doing,something to the desktop slideshow will,not affect anything on mobile selection,once artwork is saved you go to the top,and you can interchange between desktop,view and mobile view just to get an idea,of what it looks like on your phone so,there's the mobile slideshow,so we get to our featured collection,here all you have to do is go to the,featured collection section click select,collection and then you can select,either the ones that you've just made,we're gonna go with hoodies and they,appear right at the front of the home,page there,so now we're gonna embed our videos into,our home page first you have to click,the display video so you can see where,the section is at then go to youtube if,you want you can make a YouTube channel,and upload your video so that way it,gives you the toad rather than having to,come up with it some other way I'm just,gonna throw a little baby video on here,just as an example if you know these,popping right now so copy and paste the,title click share go to embed copy paste,the code and paste that into the section,underneath and then you can add a,caption if you want a lot of times I,don't so do another one a little baby,with baby goat same thing copy and paste,the title share embed copy,and then paste,and now we have our videos so it's great,if you have a channel that you also want,to advertise on your page now we're,gonna go down to our home page reviews,now you can add a profile picture into,into the section if you'd like or some,sort of image just to make it seem more,legitimate we're not going to do that,currently just for time sake but,you,so in this section you can put actual,customer reviews or you can just type a,positive review about yourself I think,to try revenue is the greatest company,in the world,save it to say me too,and let's go there great,and then we see the bottom where the,customizable phone number you have your,social media icons so those are all,links that you can add to your page so,as you can see down in the corner,there's been a social proof Papa that,says someone purchased a whatever,particular product however long ago in,whatever place so what I like to do was,come down and first adjust it to two to,sixty minutes so that way it seems more,legitimate about the times that people,are purchasing it normally shift the,intervals to about thirty five seconds,in twenty seconds just so people aren't,barrage by the pop of something coming,up on their screen every five seconds it,might slow their browser or their phone,down then initially there's going to be,randomized cities on it like Rome or,Madrid Spain Berlin Germany it's so,attached to this video I have a template,with the top 50 to 60 most populated US,cities it's already formatted and you,can just copy and paste it right into,that section into the place value,section and our business is also located,in Michigan so there's also several,Michigan cities attached to it as well,and now you can see it says Raleigh,North Carolina side,you,now we're gonna go and change our logo,so let's go over to theme settings go to,logo and favicon we're gonna go with the,Detroit Revenue logo and then depending,on how your logo shaped obviously can,adjust the size and need to make it as,aesthetic as you'd like it to be,this icon is the one that appears on the,tab so you can also change that to your,logo if you'd like otherwise it's going,to appear it's that little shopping cart,that they have there,you,the left column is more for your,contents the theme settings column is,more for the font and colors of the site,everything like that so let's go to,header menu background color you can,adjust it a lot of times if I want a,specific color I'll actually go into,Google and look up the color code so,that way just copy and paste it into all,my different sections so there's,continuity throughout the site right,and then same thing with the footer as,you can see on the bottom you have your,Twitter Facebook Pinterest Instagram etc,you can link all those as well,then if you go to the actual color,section here you can change the coloring,of all the buttons throughout the site,and some of the small icons and,everything so you can play with that as,you want,you,and now we've just built our shop,demised homepage thanks for watching

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