how to use helpcenter shopify

How To Use Helpcenter On Shopify - HelpCenter enjoy guys my name is marcus and in this,video i'm goi

Knowledge By Marcus

Updated on Mar 01,2023

How To Use Helpcenter On Shopify - HelpCenter

The above is a brief introduction to how to use helpcenter shopify

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How To Use Helpcenter On Shopify - HelpCenter

enjoy guys my name is marcus and in this,video i'm going to teach you simple way,how you can easily use help center,faq and help desk uh by vertex lv,in shopify so the first thing you want,to do is just simply click here add,application,and let's just wait until it loads and,just click here install application,just wait for a while enter until help,center is going to install on your,shopify store,and here we go,so the first thing when it's going to,load you're going to see,like okay you need to edit your help,center page,and now what you can do is to simply,view the instructions,and now navigate online store click add,menu item and just add link here,and now what you can do is to simply you,can have the section here you're gonna,have the category,and you can add a new article new,section or new category,and now uh what you can do you can also,click here faq,page template,and you're gonna see plenty of templates,that you can use,for faq i can view demo right here,how it looks like and this is like,really pretty,but i think you need to upgrade the,account to access it,then you have like style here that you,can change the font size,main color page layout top bedding and,everything,and then you're going to see like so,search bar collab sections,really edit multiple things here and,also social live chat is available,in the upgraded version,and then you have like translations here,to another language,if you want to so this is pretty much,how the settings works,let's go back to the,back to the edit so what you can do so,you're going to see the first thing,new category here you're going to click,edit,and you can change the name of it,then you're going to see the section you,can edit that,and it's going to call it frequently add,sections,what you can do is to always preview the,page next to the settings,and okay it looks like this so you don't,really see anything that much,and then you're gonna see the articles,here right so,you're going to see shipping and you can,add that,and edit it same thing with,new article payments what you can do,is to simply add a new article,or add a new section,or add a new category,but you need to upgrade it,so that's pretty much it how to do it,what you can do is,simply,and now you can and publish it,so ask questions save,and right now when i would preview the,page,i see right here and what i can do is to,add,hope,you just need to always save it after,you edit it,save,and look at this i'm going to enable,this enable this,and i'm going to preview the page and,voila here you got it so this is how you,can add,faq in your shopify store if you can,have any questions guys ask me download,comments,but this is pretty much it how help,center works and you can edit it for,every article you can add new articles,add new sections and add new categories,so thank you and have a great day and,goodbye see ya

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