hey guys happiness here welcome back to,my channel and in today's video i am,going to be showing you guys an overview,of narrative shopify theme so this theme,is actually free and it's all available,in your shopify store and basically this,theme is designed for brand and product,storytelling so i am going to be showing,you guys an overview and show you what,the what this theme is all about i know,sometimes it can be really really hard,when you're trying to find the perfect,theme of your stone and sometimes you,might end up not liking a theme so i'm,going to show you um the background of,this theme and go through about every,detail about it so you can save your,time when you download your theme and so,you can know if this theme will be,perfect for your products for your store,and stuff like that so before i move,ahead i just want to show you what these,narrative theme is all about so this,theme is actually built for small,catalogs so if you have a store that,only sells like a single product this,theme will be really really perfect for,you um even if you have like a small,number of products this theme will be,perfect but if you have like so many,products this won't be perfect for you,you're gonna have to use different,things because this theme is,designed for store with single products,and small number of products only and,you also have a feature where you can,add your video so you can tell your,story about your brand uh with a big,full screen video on top of your,homepage and it as i said before this,theme is designed for a visual,storytelling so you can showcase like,different details of your products with,different customization,um with code slides um images and so,many things uh to tell your story and it,has a vertical slideshow not all free,theme on shopify they have a slideshow,feature but this uh theme has a free,slideshow feature so you can display,different products,with different images or you can add,like multiple posts on a slideshow on,your home page and also there is a fixed,navigation so navigation is really,important on your,store so you can create a better,browsing experience for your customers,when they're servicing you different,menus um also they have a wide range of,layout,um on most of the pages and with the,high good resolution of your products,pictures so this is all about the,narrative um,shopify them and it comes in different,presents,for example this one is called earthly,um if we click that there is a warm,theme,i mean it won't present,and there is a light blizzard the cold,preset and,things like that so i'm gonna show you,like couple of presents how they're,looking like i'm gonna start with our,third project so let's go and view the,demo so as i told you before this theme,is perfect for um if you're selling one,product so you can have that really good,space to tell you a story about your,brand like for example this is still,here so this is the so-called stark and,looks like they're selling um,those strollers and as you can scroll,all the way down you can see the only,products they have here is strollers,only stores as i told you before this,theme is built for all small catalogs so,if you're selling one product,you can use this theme so you can have a,wide range um of selection to tell a,story about your product so for example,here on the banner section here you can,add like different slides if you want to,but with this still they only have one,slide here but you have an option to use,um different slides,they also have a section here with a,video to tell the story about the about,the brand and it is a huge screen as you,can see here it's like a huge screen and,so it can show a really really good,visual for your customer to see the,story,um about your brand so they can buy this,raw,and also here down you have another,space to tell more all these stories so,this is a really really good for visual,telling as you can see here they are,telling us that you can use these straws,for forest or city or even if you are,out at the beach you can still use them,uh so basically this is my point when i,say this dean is really good about,telling a story it is good for showing,those really good views,in store and tell a story behind it so,that is how it looks like let me go back,and show you um one more project,um,let's use,let's use warm so let's view the demo,and you can see here this is the store,called ratio and it looks like they're,selling coffee ground machines so you,can see here this is the product for the,machine and this is the video showing,you how you can borrow your coffee and,tell the story behind it as you keep,going down you can only see pictures of,coffee the coffee machine and things,like that so,if you're looking or if you're selling,only one product in your store the,narrative is really perfect for you so,you can tell different stories uh about,your brand okay and this is how it's,gonna look like on the desktop and this,is how it's gonna look like on the phone,okay,as you can see there it looks really,nice,i really like this theme so,that is how the narrative demo store,looks like so now let's go to the,shopify admin page so i can show you the,behind scene of all the settings so here,we are on our shopify admin page let's,go to customize and see how the,customization looks like actually,so okay i'm gonna move this here,so basically my store name is called,copy mugs and i have a section where i,can add um my header um edit this,slideshow this is on this section here,this is where you can add your,slideshow and you can add different,slideshow and tell your story as you can,see it's telling you tell your story so,you can add different slideshow,and you can also change your image with,text you can add the video so this is,where you can add your image with text,and right over here you can add your,video,okay,and also we have a rich text section,where you can talk about your brand and,things like that,also when we go down here you have,another section where you can add,different images to,be more visual and tell more stories,about your brand just like how i showed,you earlier on the straw company they,have like three different sections where,they telling or showing more stories,about their straws that they can use,them on the forest trails it also the,other berries for the city streets as,well as on this beaches,so you can do that here by telling more,about your brand talk more about your,brand tell your customer about your,brand and also you can add more image,text here and on the header section here,you can see that you can see that this,name doesn't have like many,complications the homepage is very very,simple even the catalog doesn't have so,many complications you really won't have,to add like so many um sections just,like how you can do on the other themes,it's just really really simple like now,let me show you how the product actually,looks like so so when we click like this,product like in term of the product you,can see here that you have a section so,this is how your product section is,going to look like it's just a picture,on,the picture will be the first and then,underneath here you're gonna have like a,title for the name of the product and,then,um the section that you can pick the,colors and add to cart and the call to,action which is by it now and the,description of the product this is,looking like really really different,from other themes and for the footer,menu section the photo menu section is,also very very simple,you have an option to show your social,media icons to show payments so your,social media icon will appear somewhere,here,um your payments icons as well as to,enable the photos scrolling power looks,effects you can also do that and if you,want to show the,um show newsletter sign up you can also,do here,so basically everything is very very,simple it's not like really really,complicated and let me show you how it's,gonna look like in the actual store,um this is the footer menu like,different icons,here i have to sign up to sign up for,the newsletter and the payments um,gateways they are all located here so,yeah guys that is all about the,narrative shopify theme as i told you,before this theme is very very simple,and it's only meant,to tell a story about your products and,your product should have been so many,it's only if you're selling like one,product,or a few numbers of products but if you,have like a really really big store and,you're selling like so many products,then a narrative shopify them is not for,you,there are so many different themes that,you can use for your products so i hope,you guys liked today's video um if you,want me to do a tutorial on how to,customize your narrative shopify them,leave me a comment down below on the,description so i can know and make that,tutorial for you guys um yeah so,that's it for today guys if you liked,today's video please give me a big,thumbs up subscribe on my channel for,more tutorial and video like this and,leave me a comment down below to tell me,what you think about the narrative,shopify then do you like it or you think,it's just okay,and i'll see you guys on the next video
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