hey guys I'm gonna show you how to film,order today using an app called Shippo,it's very easy to use so we've got your,order page here open up and there's my,order it's a I'm going to open this,order this little thing here says that,there's a note there by the way this is,a fake footer it's an order I made to,myself okay so I'm going to click the,order and it's gonna open up and it's,going to show you who ordered it and so,forth okay,now I set up a fake product and there's,the note see it says dude send this fake,stuff pronto man so it's got that now,you go up to this app's part here and,you get this label with Schiphol get a,label on Shippo,then the Shippo app will open and you go,ahead and create the the order,information right there I'm going to use,my own packaging for this example I'm,going to use a box it's five by five by,five and it weighs 1 pound now and and,then you just got to be careful here if,it's a residential recipient you got to,click this button here and then the ship,date today happens to be a business day,but if you're making a label on Sunday,you'll want to change this to a,legitimate business day and then you'll,see the stuff that's being printed there,then you go ahead and you select the,rates once you put in the dimensions and,the weight the shipping date,clicking making sure that this is,correct and of course you want to make,sure the address is correct as well so,go ahead and print up go ahead and grab,your rates I ship everything via US,Postal Service since it's cheaper than,FedEx and UPS at the lower rates oops I,forgot to put in one thing here that's,what's happening so it's five by five by,five inches now it's finding the rates,for me like I was saying UPS US Postal,Service for a one-pound package his five,starts at five fifty for this particular,dress and you'll notice that UPS starts,at 40,seventy and FedEx is not much better at,1388 and believe it or not USPS for all,across the United States it's like two,to three days unless you live in some,real rural place and the rates do change,depending on which area you're sending,it to the nice thing about Priority Mail,is it's fast and you get all the bells,and whistles but the tracking and so,forth so you go ahead and then you hit,the Buy label button here and it's gonna,go ahead and create this window here you,download the label you download the,packing slip and you send this off to,the customer now once you come here,you've already purchased this label okay,so now you just hit download label and,it's going to create a separate window,you got to have your pop-ups enabled so,that it pops up and you've got the label,there it's to me myself you hit the,print button in this case I'm using,Google Google and you just hit the print,button there and the way to you go and I,close this window I create a download,the packing slip also creates another,pop-up like I said you got to have your,pop-ups enabled and it'll create a PDF,and I just go ahead and print this PDF,here boom and the old print button there,and it's good as gold and it also loads,a preview page the invoice here that,they print up is actually a pretty,good-looking invoice gives you the,sender the recipient the order number of,the stuff that you need to see in there,and it leaves you this little space down,at the bottom if you don't have too many,things on there and generally a good,practice is to write dear so-and-so,thanks for your word we really,appreciate it you know reach out to us,I'll reach out to us if you have any,questions handwritten note man that goes,a long way in developing goodwill with,your customers so go ahead and do those,handwritten letters notes at the bottom,there and finally when you're done you,send a notification to the customer and,you hit that button and basically it,gives you everything you need the,tracking number a link to,follow the tracking number and you know,a little thank you here letting them,know that your order is on its way it's,super you just hit the send button and,it's on its way now if you want to,change this you can just copy and paste,this copy this and paste it into your,email and you can add whatever you know,information modify the email and then,send it out to them that's also,something you can do but just hitting,this a generic generic email,confirmation for their order is super so,go ahead and do that and hit Send and,boom it's done now you're basically,fulfilled the order now if you go back,to the orders page you'll see that the,order is actually done well so let's go,to this orders page that's in the app so,I'm going to refresh this page real,quick here,and this order will be marked as,fulfilled and you'll see that down here,the tracking numbers been populated by,ship oh and it's fulfilled and,everything you need is there if you need,to resend the email you can resend the,confirmation there now if you go back to,the main orders page you'll see that the,order has been fulfilled as well so,there you go that's the complete loop on,how to create a shipping label using,ship oh I hope this was helpful for you,guys and if you want me to make any,other apps tutorials shoot me a comment,and I'd be happy to do that for you,thanks a lot
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