how to add seo product tags in shopify,hey guys welcome back to the youtube,channel in this video i'm going to be,showing you how you can add seo search,engine optimized tags in your shopify,store so let's get into it now the first,thing you need to do is understand what,seo basically means and seo basically,means uh having search engine,optimization so search engine,optimization is basically when i go on,to google and i search for black t-shirt,in,canada so when i search for these terms,i'm going to get like a bunch of,different results and these are going to,be based on the search engine results so,depending on what words i used in this,toolbar and the google search bar i'm,going to get results accordingly and the,websites or the listings that have fit,these exact words like the websites that,have these exact words are going to be,ranked much higher than the ones that,have slightly more complicated words so,that is search engine optimization which,basically means using terms in your,products that are frequently used by,consumers to look for your product so,whatever you expect people to type in,their search bars when they're looking,for products or looking for your,products then you're going to add that,to your shopify product so how do you,actually go on about finding these words,before you actually add them to your,product well there are many different,keyword research tools available for you,to search the volume of keywords like,helium 10 is one of the great tools you,can go into their tools section over,here go into the black box list and you,can find different keywords over here,you can just select the keywords and,look for those or if you don't want to,go there you can also use their reverse,keyword shirt so you can use the cerebro,magnet 2 or my list or misspellinators,to see the misspelling checkers so let's,say if we do magnet two and then you can,enter like let's say i'm telling toys so,i can just search for toys and i can see,similar keywords or specific phrases,that are going to be used by most,shoppers or most people that are,searching for those so i can find those,specific phrases and then add them on to,my shopify store so i'm just going to,search for that and you can see the,search volume you can see the word,frequencies i have toy old year girls,boys kids gifts and all those and if i,scroll down i have large dinosaur drones,for kids drones for children fidget toys,for autism fidget toys for kids lego for,four-year-old these are like super,cherished words and you can see the,search volume for each of these words,and you can also see the search volume,trend and you can pick the one with the,highest search volume and that has a,increasing search volume trend to add to,your shopify store now other than helium,10 there are other tools like keywords,everywhere this is a chrome extension,you can click on add to chrome over here,you can click on add extension and then,you can just add this extension onto,your google chrome,now you can see it has been enabled so,i've added this extension and i'm just,going to pin it over here and i can turn,it on and now i can do bulk keyword data,i can analyze page content i can see,bulk trends data and see what are the,current keywords that people are,searching for the most so let's say,i go on to the bulk keyword data and you,know you can obviously browse keywords,as you go but this is how you find the,different keywords now once you have,keywords so let's say i'm doing toys,with the helium 10 example that i was,doing so i realized that drones for kids,and drones for children are like two,popular keywords and that have a,increasing search volume although the,trend is currently decreasing but they,did have like quite a increasing search,volume and they have a magnet iq score,which is pretty high especially on,drones for kids so what i'm going to do,is i'm going to go on to my shopify,store and i'm going to go into my,product section and i'm just going to,create a new product for this but,obviously you're going to optimize your,previous products as well so whatever,previous products that you have you can,optimize those as well but i'm going to,click on add product over here and once,i click on add product i'm just going to,add the titles so previously as i would,just add toy drone to the title now i'm,going to add toy drone for kids because,i know in my keyword research that i,have troy drones for kids is more,popular so what i'm going to do is i'm,going to add this title now what i'm,going to do in the description is i'm,going to make as good use of my keywords,as possible so with your helium 10 tool,try to fit in as many of these keywords,in your description make sure it's not,too repetitive you don't want to sound,like you're some chinese seller from,aliexpress that is like trying to bunch,in as much keywords as possible but as,the flow of language goes you want to,add as many as you can so this is a,toy drone safe for kids and children and,then i'm gonna go into my,helium 10 and say drones for kids so i,want to add drones for kids are not,dangerous at all,this,product has blah blah blah safety,features and then what i'm going to do,is i'm going to go back into my keyword,research and i'm just going to look for,other keywords over here and you can you,know,add some of the word frequencies uh,words is here as well the ones that have,good frequency so you can add like this,is a toy for girls and boys so what i'm,going to do is i'm going to add that as,well,toy for girls and boys like this,and now after that you're going to add,your image you're going to add your,price and then you are going to add,whatever you want over here so,after that i'm going to,just click on this and now you can see,this is what my engine listing search,engine listing is looking like at the,bottom so shopify gives you your search,engine listing preview at your bottom so,this is what it's going to look like but,i want to change the toy drone for kids,i just wanted to say drones for kids i'm,going to click on edit website seo and,this is going to give you the option to,edit your title so i'm just going to add,that to drones for kids boys and girls,so obviously this is like a bit,unrealistic but i'm just trying to fit,into keywords but you can you know make,it a bit more seamless you can make it a,bit more natural obviously for your,actual store so for your actual store,you want it to be a bit more seamless,and a bit more natural now you know that,i have the description and you're going,to add your meta description so make,sure that you're adding a good one and,then you have your url handle so this is,another very important part where you,have access to optimize the seo so for,optimizing the seo it just says toy,drone for kids so whenever you create a,new product the search engine listing is,going to be titled and the url handle,both are going to be the title that you,add for the product but make sure that,you change it later on because you want,this to be search engine optimized but,the title for the product can be a bit,more professional looking or a bit more,better sounding than just a keyword so,for the url handle i want it to be drone,for kids so i want to make sure to add,that extra s,because that is what people are,searching for and make sure you add,those dashes and you might be wondering,why am i adding dashes that is because,when people search they add spaces and,the work of spaces is done by dashes in,the url world so you're just going to,add those dashes in the place of spaces,and now you're just going to click on,save over here and now you have a seo,optimized product now you might be,wondering that okay if you update any,previous product according to seo search,engine optimization results why don't,you see the difference in your web,traffic well don't worry you're going to,actually find the difference in web,traffic after like a while you can,request google to update your website uh,to get like an updated map of your,website and then you might get the,update instantly but google uh you know,after a couple of weeks google does web,browsing and web hunting and through,that they update their seo so it might,take a couple of weeks for you to see,actual changes in regards to your seo so,i hope you guys found this video helpful,and you're now able to add products with,seo optimization if you have any,questions you can leave them in the,comment box down below and i will make,sure to answer them as quickly as,possible and like this video if you,found it helpful and subscribe for more,content like this and i will catch you,guys in the next video
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