how to verify gmc on shopify

How to Verify and Claim website in Google Merchant Center | Connect Shopify with GMC welcome back to

Ecom Ranks

Updated on Feb 26,2023

How to Verify and Claim website in Google Merchant Center | Connect Shopify with GMC

The above is a brief introduction to how to verify gmc on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to verify gmc on shopify

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How to Verify and Claim website in Google Merchant Center | Connect Shopify with GMC

welcome back to e-commerce if you have,successfully signed up Google merchant,center account then it will ask to,verify and claim your website I am using,my Shopify store uh this is my Shopify,store so I have to verify and claim my,website so first follow this quick,tutorial in the after watching the video,you are able to verify and claim your,website so you have to click on this,continue button after clicking on it uh,you have to move to the tab verify and,claim website okay so here we see that,the website is not verified yet and not,claimed yet so the first thing we have,to do is uh we have uh multiple options,to verify our website firstly using this,option use your e-commerce platform uh,if if you are using Shopify who command,Squarespace will be simply click on it,and then select your platform uh Shopify,big comma slide speeds Magento Squad,space Square webix WordPress or any,other e-commerce platform I am using,Shopify so let me select this option and,from here what we have to do we have to,copy this our code okay so let me copy,it by clicking on it it will get copied,and then we have to paste it in our,theme dot liquid file okay so before the,header and all of the instructions are,listed here so I would suggest to follow,this instruction to verify and claim,your website it's easy so let's go back,to our website Shopify store so you have,to click on online store and then theme,and then from this dot options you have,to click on this edit code button,and from this theme section we have to,scroll down and there would be an option,of this head R there would be a close,head tab just paste the code over here,and hit the save button once it gets,saved you have to uh I have already,claimed it so I am just giving an,overview once um you have pasted it code,you just need to verify your online,store click on it and it will get,verified if you are not using e-commerce,platform or for any purpose you want to,do it manually simply you can do it,through HTML tag it's the same method,you just need to copy it and paste it in,the HTML section,um before the first body section okay so,it's an easy also if you are using,Google analytics on your website it will,automatically get verified you just need,to select this option and then click on,verify your online store once you are,done with these steps so let's move to,another step okay so now we see that our,website got verified now we have to,claim it just click on this claim,website button once we click on this,claim website button our website will,get verified and claimed by Google,merchant center so this is the quick,tutorial on how are you able to verify,and claim your Shopify website within,Google merchant center if you like my,video please don't forget to subscribe,to my channel,thanks for watching

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