what's up everyone edwin anthony here,with another tutorial for shopify if,you're new to this channel you already,know what to do,if you like that shopify stuff just go,ahead and uh subscribe turn on that,notification bell you notice that on the,weekly basis in my channel i've been,throwing kind of like some of that uh,business stuff so i'm trying to see how,you guys do with that but i know that,you guys really like the tutorials and,that's why i'm squeezing this tutorial,in anyways let's get right to it uh what,are we gonna talk about today uh today's,topic we're gonna solve everything,related to,collections and multi-tier level,collections what i mean by that,sometimes you might have a menu system,at the top,where it has a drop down and on that,drop down on some websites that have a,medium size to a large size inventory,right,what's going to happen is that you'll,need a second layer or a second tier,collection,and then right underneath that you need,a third tier collection right and let me,give you guys an idea as to more or less,what that looks like in the real world,so that we know what we're talking about,here and then we're gonna get right to,it let me show you,all right so the best way that you can,see this example is going to our popular,theme turbo which of course if you guys,are interested i'll have that link down,below we use that for a lot of our,projects,and if we pay attention to the desktop,we have,the top menu system as you can see right,here we have shop but then once we hover,over and click on it you'll see that,mega menu come out,and then we have a column of different,tiers of connect collections we have,women's apparel this,is a level two collection in other words,it's here too you'll explain it i'll,explain in a second and then level three,would be this one which would be tops so,why do i see level one level two,whatever so this one if i click on shop,if i click on this one i call this the,master collection this is the one that,goes all the way at the top the one,that's on the top of the food chain if,you click on this it takes you to a,collection that's called shop all right,which pretty much shows you all of the,products right so that's pretty pretty,obvious uh if we click on this and we,click instead on women's apparel now,remember women's apparel has sub,categories underneath that such as tops,bottoms accessories but if i click on,women's apparel without clicking on any,of those bottom ones click on that it,takes me to a dedicated collection of,nothing but these products here,for women's apparel,that's level two,level three is when i click on tops,it's its own collection it's just that,it's queried up to just show,those products that are just women tops,so how do we get this completed in,shopify one of the best things where i,want to start at is,go to like google sheets and start,yourself a google documents form and,plan out i cannot stress how planning,out is so important because,if you just try to like you know,freestyle this shoot from the hip type,of thing and you just try to go at it,right away and try to like set all this,up you're going to realize that it's,going to create a lot of anxiety it's,going to create um a lot of frustration,and going back and did i do this,or i forgot to do that and and when your,frustration goes really high,it leads to this video or you end up,hiring somebody that eventually will do,that for you but the purpose of this,video again is to show you how this is,done and planning is the first step,so let's start by planning so by,planning we're going to talk about,setting up the,main,main menu system,i could type,and we type it in a google sheets so,that we have that there so this is the,main menu system and based on what this,is all broken up,let's discover what our collections or,what our level of collections are going,to be so we're going to start all the,way at the top where we have buy turbo,shop gallery and theme info write all,that stuff down right,so buy turbo,you know and then we have the famous,shop button,and then the rest of the buttons what,were they the rest of the buttons was,gallery and theme info right,okay so now that we have that,we identify what are singular links and,what are drop downs that you have to,plan out your navigation menu through,here first so that you could take all,this and then program it correctly all,in one shot versus going back here back,there go this page go that page start,here first,from shop you say okay now this is shop,okay i want to this is my,right here these guys right here this is,called,master menu,items okay,all of these guys master menu items,let's go ahead and center this,okay,let's get rid of that and put this over,here so that we know what we're talking,about okay so this right here is our,master,uh set of items or master menu items,it's all the way at the top okay and to,kind of like do a little something like,this,uh border it up,and then let's say shop shop is a mega,menu,and the rest are singular,um,direct links,right so we're saying look this is a,singular link,singular links okay that's a mega menu,so now that shop's there okay fine shop,what do we have underneath that as level,two items so level two items according,to turbo how they have here is we have,women's apparel yoga bags okay so we're,gonna go right here women's apparel,okay yoga bags,right and we start to fill this up all,the way through,okay so let's fast forward,all right so i went ahead and cleaned it,up a little bit so that you guys could,see it uh let me see if i could zoom in,just a tad bit more on this so you guys,could see what i'm doing here,let's put it at 150. i hope you guys,could see there,okay so we,have a master menu we have our second,tier collections we're identifying them,okay because the first tier the master,collection is called shop shop is the,master one the second tier is,collections now what's the third the,third is what follows up right,underneath each of these second tier,collections i'm going to fill that out,too,and finally we have our third tier,collection,so long story short this is how our,planning looks like let me zoom out here,so that you guys could see just a bit,how all of this uh planning happens okay,so,what i suggest is for planning purposes,you start off here you try to emulate on,a google sheets exactly what your main,system is,most importantly don't lose that sheet,because every time your business evolves,and you're trying to update rather,inventory new types of products came in,new catalogs came in whatever you always,want to refer back to when you first did,this and for that reason i'm going to go,ahead and call this google docs right,my inventory,collections,uh system,so you could call it you know the,website's collection system or inventory,or main menu system call it whatever you,want the point is is that you you have,to always come back to this,the moment that you want to change,something,reason for that is so that you could,understand visually what are the things,that you're going to either delete,or that you're going to create new long,story short you need to follow down this,path let's pretend that we went over,we've already went ahead and did all,this so we are ready to go ahead and,start implementing this stuff how we're,going to do this we're going to do this,backward guys,so first we need to create these,third love third tier collections we're,going to work backwards we're not going,to work from all the way at the top,we're going to work from all the way at,the bottom we're going to reverse,engineer this problem and work our way,up and there's a reason to this madness,of course okay so what do i mean by that,i mean that you're gonna focus on,creating the collections for the third,tiers okay third tier collections,what you do is that you go to your,website and you create a collection so,let's go to the website here to this,practice website i'm going to go here to,where it says products collections and,what you're going to do what i strongly,recommend is that you create what's,called a automatic collection,what is an automatic collection an,automatic collection means that you set,it once and it's automatic meaning as,new products come in you don't have to,worry about adding more products over,and over again it just continuously goes,in there as long as whenever you make a,product you add that tag which is,important in this particular case,so,what we're going to do is we're going to,go here where it says upper right hand,corner create a collection,and here again this is just for example,purposes guys we're going to,hypothetically create the collection,that's called tops,but remember,it has layers meaning that it's not just,tops,no why because pay attention over here,look my mouse,women's apparel has tops,men's apparels has tops,so we don't want to call,a collection just tops when there's,going to be other collections that are,also going to be called tops you can't,just label it that way so that's a key,rule of thumb for you guys to remember,that if you have a collection with a,name that's going to be shared across,different dimensions of of collections,you need to be specific with the name,okay so in this case women's apparel,tops you concatenate it that's what you,do so what we're going to do oh back,over here is that we're going to say,women's,peril excuse my typo,uh what's it called tops,we have it's tops but you have to say,that it's woman apparels of course we're,not gonna say,shop women apparels tops because shop is,that first tier remember that no we're,not gonna do that,we're gonna go,concatenate the second tier with the,third tier in the name of that,collection of the third tier,what are you talking about let me say,that again slowly okay,so look,if if a collection has two has shares,the same name,we don't and systematically we don't,want it to be called the same name,because then shopify is going to be,confused shopify is going to say so,which one's what that's why and so what,you're going to do,is that you're going to create a,collection that's called women's apparel,tops and then separately you're going to,create another collection called,men's apparel tops right and then we,program the navigation to this that's,what i mean so let's go back over here,and we're gonna say woman apparel tops,so what do we tag it as,we're gonna we're gonna triple click on,this,because we already came with with the,name,copy we don't want to use our typing,skills to type in the name of the tag,and the reason for this because,sometimes your collections could be easy,peasy such as tops or it could be like,look at this one this one has a hyphen,in it and or or,whatever the point is is that it,sometimes human error can occur i could,forget the s i could forget you know the,apostrophe i could forget all that type,of stuff so i want to copy it and paste,it here instead and press save,by doing so,it focuses on the typo prevention of,typos like you know you just won't have,typos so now that you've made that,collection you're gonna go and you're,gonna make the other collection for the,men's and then you're gonna make sure,that in the products you have that tag,i go over these instructions in my part,one part two part three video which is,found on my youtube homepage where,there's this guy kind of doing like that,or whatever,look at that look look at all those,steps as far as how i create collections,and how you add products to collections,i go over all the basics there but in,the meantime we're going to continue,with this process,so let's pretend again that you have,made all of these guys right here you've,made them all they're all done,okay,now it's time to create,the tier 2 collection and this one is,called,women's apparel,so women's apparel that collection is,going to be a connection right it's,going to be a collaborative collection,of numerous products what products are,we talking about,all the products,from these collections that you've,previously made okay so you remember,that first collection that we made it's,going to be,that tag plus the bottoms tag plus the,accessories tab let's let's just try it,out again,i want to walk you through this whole,process okay so in this case i went,ahead and i created one that's called,women's apparel tops i'm gonna go right,here and i'm gonna see that that's part,of my collection there let's go to the,next one i'm gonna create another one,called women's apparels bottoms because,as you can see men's apparel also comes,in bottoms so we're going to type in the,exact same thing let me get out of here,the exact same thing right,let me just uh copy this thing here,because i don't want to mess around with,the typos here and i'm just gonna go,boom right there and i'm gonna fix this,and i'm gonna say men's okay triple,click on this copy and i'm gonna press,right here paste because i want this,collection to look for all the products,that have that specific tag that's what,i'm doing,so make sure that once you're done with,this make sure that all your products,have that tag all right,so um,so look look how i just messed up there,let's try that one more time uh let's go,right here to women's apparel i'm gonna,go a little bit quicker this time guys,create collection all right and right,here i'm gonna put bottoms,triple click on this right here because,that's what i was trying to do i was,trying to do bottoms right there,press save i got one more to go,accessories all right so i'm going to go,right here to collections i already have,a habit on this so let's go ahead and i,have something in the clipboard,right there and i'm going to type here,accessories,okay i'm going to triple click on that,i'm going to press copy,right here paste,save,now let's take a look at all these,collections that we've just created,so we have women's apparel tops it's a,singular collection right it's going,straight to that avenue right,to that dedicated collection then same,thing apparel bottoms apparel,accessories we have three separate tags,now we're gonna create the level two,watch this,so we're gonna go right here into create,a collection but i'm not gonna lose my,place so i'm gonna open another new tab,for collections,and on this one what i'm going to do,is that i am going to concentrate on,this keyword right here or this tag,it doesn't matter,triple click on this copy right,go to this collections here,and,paste,but this time it's just women's apparel,that's it because it's level two,remember level two guys this guy right,here,that's what i'm making okay,so i'm just going to leave that at that,but here on the conditions i'm going to,type in that same,pasted which is apparel women's tops but,now i'm going to add another one and,another one because there's going to be,three in total,and on the back end let me go to the,other one here real quick,so we have the accessories,copy,paste that here,got one more to go guys,uh then i have the last one that i did,which is bottoms,triple click on this press copy,then come over here and press paste,okay,save,there's one more thing that i forgot to,do here okay and notice these radio,buttons one is called all conditions and,the other one is called any so i want to,make sure you understand what's the,difference between the two all,conditions means that it must apply that,whatever product that we're looking for,has to satisfy those three conditions it,means that the collection is going into,the shopify's database and saying,show me all products that have these,three tags at the same time,it's like wait no hold on that's not the,case because one belongs over there one,belongs to that one one belongs to that,we don't want that,instead what we want is,any of these collections or any of these,tags,go to the database and show me and and,enter into this database or into this,collection give me,any product that have any of these three,and then it's gonna bring all of them to,have any of those three and that's how,we create the second tier collection,it's basically grabbing the tags that,you program for the third tier and,putting it into one collection,that's how you do that that's the second,tier collection,so let's pretend that you've done that,already that you've that you've done the,women's apparel the yoga bags this that,the other,and now what you're looking to do,is you're looking to set a collection,for the master collection,this is the part that gets a bit tricky,okay,so,and of course based on this example this,example is pretty simple but i'm sure,your projects will be much deeper,we want to create the collection called,shop that has you know all of these guys,right all of these all of these things,such as women's apparel we want it so,that it's yoga bags yoga props blah blah,blah so i'm gonna create some fictitious,ones real quick just to fast forward,all right so i did one very quickly here,so again remember what i just did the,woman's apparel well i did another one,called yoga bags and yoga bags as you,could see it has map bags and tote bags,not bad,here is the next step the next step is,that any products inside of the level,two tier,now need,a level two tag,what,here hear me out,you see how these guys right here these,level three they have the direct tag for,that level three so in this case for,tops it's women apparel tops like it has,those level three tags in them,we need since we already created the,collections for the level two tier,collections,the all the products that live inside of,level two tier collections need level,two tags,so women's apparel,regardless if it lives inside any of,this,needs a tag called woman's apparel,but how do we inject all of them without,going one by one,that's when i will introduce to you guys,a favorite app,it's like oh we got to a nap oh ed where,we going with this,i'm gonna show you right now,this guy right here,edit,bulk edit tags by power tools get this,installed into your website it's free i,don't get a kickback i use this all the,time it's a very very good app to save a,lot of work it doesn't inject any code,to your customized theme or anything,like that so you guys don't have to,worry about that i'm going to go ahead,and accept the terms on this,and then i'm going to go to the upper,left hand corner right here on bulk edit,tags,and what i'm looking for specifically,is for a collection called,uh let's see if we go back over here,again,the women's barrel i'm looking for that,one women's apparel,i say hey look for that collection that,level two collection called women's,apparel,not these guys i'm talking about this,one the level two,yeah women's apparel,in that collection any product that,lives inside of it i need you to add a,tag which is what the software does,and what taco we're going to put it,women's apparel,exactly that okay and i want to run this,so what this app does is that it looks,at your collection and and you tell it,to add a tag,or add a specific tag to any collection,that you want and that's what we want to,do no matter what product lives in it,just add this tag and it just,it adds it all in one shot so here i go,i'm going to press run on that and it's,going to do its thing obviously it's,pretty much done because there's no,products in there right i'm doing this,for testing purposes,but now that i've done that all of those,tags are living or all of those products,now have that level two tier tag on them,okay,so fast forward right after you do that,all of the products that live inside of,this level two tier collection,you've already created a conditional,collection and then you also use power,bulk editor to add a level two tag,called these exact collections,now that you have all that this is the,last step to create the master,collection at the top,you're going to i think you guys know,where i'm going with this you're going,to create the last collection called,shop,and on that shop you're going to put,you know every product that has,women's apparel,or what was it again it was um,yeah woman's apparel,woman's apparel right,again,that had,what was the other one the other one is,called,yoga bags right you're gonna add all of,these guys one two three four five six,you're gonna add all of those guys over,here,all of them and that's what creates that,master collection no you guys understand,now that we had to work backwards we had,to first start with the first one and,then kind of like create the second one,add all the special tags on the second,one in order to create the master one,i don't know what happened my nose so,now that we are there that's how you,once you have all those collections done,it's time to go to the navigation system,and plug them all in which you can find,also in a video that i previously,recorded as to how to connect all your,connect all your collections into the,navigation system well guys i talk a lot,that was a long video so uh i miss you,guys tremendously we're almost touching,like 10,000 subscribers,whoa i can't believe who's gonna be my,10th,000th subscriber to comment i super want,to hear you guys out and celebrate,whoever that is so definitely thank you,so much for the support and also follow,me and liking the videos uh there's so,much more videos that are coming out my,apologies i'm working with my clients at,the same time and i wanted to give you,guys this experience and understanding,how to do a three level thing uh before,i let you guys go there's one last thing,actually as a tip or a bonus um i don't,recommend the fourth tier,i'm sorry guys because the moment that,you create a fourth tier,you are now creating an anxiety to the,buyer because they have this menu system,that has that looks like the yellow,pages that looks like it's like whoa,what what what is this directory so many,things to choose from,they sell this they sell that look at,this that now major retailers such as,best buy amazons or whatever they could,get away with the crazy menu they get,away with anything because they're the,number one retailers but when you're,first starting out and you realize that,you're going into level four tier guys,it's it's not that it's a bad idea it's,perfectly fine,the thing is is that once you go level,four,it it's it's too messy it's not clean,anymore so instead what i recommend is,whatever that fourth level tier is make,it into a sidebar filter so let's,pretend we go to tops,and we're in this collection and you see,on the left hand corner by the way using,turbo you see that they have styles they,have bra top dress jacket tank top tonic,they have black white gray all that so,style could have been a fourth level,tier,it could have but they decided not to,they're like no we'd rather just give,this to you so that when you click here,it queries up into just that,so that the buyers can filter,exactly what they're looking for,so again,if you go through a fourth tier,hold on the fourth tier and make it a,sidebar,if you go five tiers that's overkill if,you go five tiers that's that's just way,too much because,you at that point you need to start,consolidating and you also need data to,prove that people actually buy in five,tiers,i personally disagree because that's a,lot of clicks,and the more clicks you do on a website,the less your conversions,bottom line the less clicks you do on,your website for your buyers what i mean,by less clicks,the less people have to click to get to,where they want to see the product the,better your conversion the more they,have to click in order just to find that,product,people gonna get tired they're gonna,leave,let me know if that was powerful tips,for you thank you very much again,until next time
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