i am adding more product to my exsisting variants how do i add them in shopify

How to add new variant options to a product that already has variants in Shopify so um i will be sho

Studio Raven

Updated on Mar 17,2023

How to add new variant options to a product that already has variants in Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to i am adding more product to my exsisting variants how do i add them in shopify

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i am adding more product to my exsisting variants how do i add them in shopify catalogs

How to add new variant options to a product that already has variants in Shopify

so um i will be showing you how to add,variants to a product that already has,variants i've seen some videos here on,youtube that show you how to,add variant to a product with no,variance uh but i'm going to be showing,you how to add a product uh how to add,variance to a product that already has,variance um so for example if you were,to go into a product,with no variance then you could simply,just scroll down to the bottom,and add all your variants,here,and that's all self-explanatory that's,all pretty easy,but,if you have already done this and you've,already created a product how do you,then add extra variant options to a,product that already has variants,so why don't we go ahead and open up a,product with variance so we have a,product that has a size from extra small,to,extra extra-large now if i wanted to say,add colors,red blue green and yellow let's just say,i could click on the add variant,here,but i would have to,add a size basically it's just asking me,to add a new size so,if i go back,then we can go to more options and,edit options and then we get the,ability to add another option,now the only difficulty with this is,when you add an option this way so if i,wanted to add in,the same way that i added the sizes new,colors i could say red,comma oh wait,it only allows me to add,one color,so this is still necessary so we're,still going to want to do this,because it creates the new option for us,so,we're going to go ahead and press done,on that and it'll create color red now,we want to add,you know green blue yellow etc so now,what we can do,is i can select all and then,go to,duplicate variants in another color,well i think i need to save the product,first before it's going to let me,duplicate those variants,okay and now let's create this in,another color,so,we're going to want to,copy over any,information that is relevant so if you,have a sku,that is for example,specific to the product but has a,difference for,variant type like size and color you can,copy the sku and then change it after,i'm going to copy inventory quantities,just to show that you can do this,and we're going to do green and we're,going to duplicate that so it should now,create,we have red green red green and all the,sizes uh now's here uh here's where it,gets a little,different so now we want to add blue so,i'm going to have to select,all of the reds,or all the greens it doesn't matter but,just select all of the,ones of the same color,and then we can do the same thing so,we're going to go to more actions,create another color and we're going to,say yellow,copy inventory qualities,quantities or,anything that you want to copy,now we have red green yellow and we're,going to do one more time for blue so,i'm going to select all the reds again,let me just make sure i got all of them,and then i'm going to go to more actions,duplicate variance another color,and we're going to create,blue,so now,we have essentially created,a completely new variant option and all,these variants for,sizes extra small to extra large and,colors red green yellow and blue,now suppose that you,have colors and you're creating sizes,and those sizes are numeric and you want,them to be in a certain order,because on your page they're going to,show in the order that they're listed,well you can go into more options and,then reorder variants,and it looks like i'm going to have to,refresh here to make sure that the,colors are being read,so that should take just a second,and then we can go to more options,reorder variants and now if we didn't,want red green yellow blue we could do,red green blue yellow,just to follow rgb and then just add the,extra yellow,if we wanted this to be in reverse order,then we could say extra large large,medium small extra small and now,that will reorder our variants,so that we can,preview the product,and see it in the correct order so,that's pretty much it i hope this helped,um it's a little bit manual there is,another way to do this using uh csv and,excel but i assume that if you're,watching this video you want to be able,to do it in the shopify platform so i,hope that helped and i will be making,more,content hopefully soon if there's,anything specific that you'd like to,learn about whether that be with a,shopify platform,in general or themes in general then i,would be more than happy to help out,so until next time thank you

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