good morning this is a short screencast,to demonstrate how to install,uncomplicated categories to an existing,site so here I have a demo site this is,uncomplicated that mode site if I go to,products and this is a site that has an,array of products already if I go into,the admin section and on to navigation,then I can show you that I've already,set up the linked lists as I,demonstrated in a previous screencast,navigation is set up with all of the,linked lists such that they contain the,categories that I want so the next step,here is to install uncomplicated,categories so I go to the app store and,search for categories uncomplicated,categories pops up get and then drops me,into the permission screen install app,set up the recurring payment although if,you're installing this into a,development site you'll notice that it's,a test charge only and you're not going,to be billed if I approve that I then,drop into the app and here it's telling,me that I've got my top-level set up at,the top level I've got a list of,categories that it's pulled from the,site and the detection script has run to,see whether the little snippet has been,deployed on the site already and it,hasn't so far so here's the category,list I've made earlier I'm now going to,select here the top-level category and,that will rerender and then I'm gonna,open up my current theme for editing and,show you how to insert that little,breadcrumb this so the little snippet,the snippet is here so I'll copy that,and then edit the connection page I,straightened out all this on the default,theme which is called Launchpad star,I've now installed the supply theme,which is another popular theme from,Shopify and I thought I'd demonstrate,how to set this up within the supply,theme was nice about supply it's that it,has a sidebar which gives us a great,opportunity to place the categories in a,place where it's gonna look good for the,users that sidebar isn't all on the time,but it isn't on all the time but if we,were actually going to show categories,on the site all the time it'd be nice to,have that sidebar there so I'm going to,change this variable assign has,I barked true and save and that's the,only change I need to make in collection,liquid because in the snippets the,supply theme uses collection - - sidebar,liquid and down here I'm gonna insert,the little snippet there that in curtain,sets catalyst I'm also gonna give it a,heading much like the other things from,the sidebar this heading is going to say,come here to Greaves and save so now,when I go to the front-end at my site I,see from page and if I click onto a,collection I now see the category list,here on the left hand side so the,category list here is working in its,default mode and this is called path,back path back is designed to show a,category list anywhere on any collection,page and to try to show you the most,meaningful set of categories at that,time so if I'm only in the top level the,top level version of the site and I,haven't selected the category that it's,showing only the the top part of my,category tree if I descend into that and,go into technology then it shows all the,subcategories within technology and I,can go down to desktops laptops tablets,or servers I'm always allowing me to do,is to just simply browse through this,category tree showing me the relevant,subcategories now I'm currently in the,computer section which is why I can see,these subcategories here if I go into,mobile phones,I see the subcategories belonging to,that section if I go into peripherals if,there were any subcategories it would,show them the peripherals things as an,example of a category that doesn't have,many more subcategories if I'm in film,and TV it shows me the subcategories,belonging to that section one of the,advantages here is that it's keeping as,a frame of reference for top-level,categories so no matter where I am in,the tree I get a sense of what's,possible I get a sense of what what,categories lie underneath it now there,are lots of different modes in which,categories can operate it this one is,called path back and I thought I would,show a couple of others so deploying a,different version,of the category list is very,straightforward I go back into my theme,and in here I modify the include line,that I've put in there already so by,default this is using path back but what,I want to do is configure it to use a,different so I set a show class and the,name of the class that I want to use in,this case show all and hit save,now when I go back to my site and,refresh wherever I am on the site,whatever category I'm in the category,list is always going to show me the,entire category tree so if I flick up,and down this list to each one of these,sections you'll notice the category tree,is very static this lends itself to,sites where the category tree is,complicated and actually all of the,products within the tree might be,relevant to the customer so the current,category is being shown is selected,there but the rest of the tree is,remaining very static and I can just,browse up and down it so now back to the,theme and let's take a look at another,option show active down active down will,show you the current category and any,subcategories down from there so if I go,back now to laptops refresh laptops as a,terminal category so it won't show me,any categories underneath it it only,shows me categories if I browse up to a,higher level category such as computers,I can select categories from there but,when I get down to a subcategory there's,no easy way back up what might be more,useful would be to have an active list,that shows both down and up so if I,change the show class to show active up,down save and refresh now it will show,me the path back up from where I am and,it will show any subcategories of the,sex time in so when I'm in computers I,see the subcategories but once I go into,one of those subcategories I don't see,the peers the final option is where I,might want to actually configure it so,this list is not really a calculus but,only a sub categories list and it should,only actually display sub categories if,subcategories are available so here I'm,going to say showdown and showdown will,show only the subcategories of the,category mitten it won't show any of the,active categories or any of their peers,or any of the super categories or any of,their pit so if I go back down to the,front end of the site refresh laptops,doesn't have any subcategories which is,why that's appearing as blank if I go up,a category to computers then it shows me,a list of subcategories that are,available for computers when I'm in each,one of those subcategories it doesn't,show me any one of the options this is,very good if sub category navigation is,really only part of your site's,navigation and you want to have it as a,way to refine what users saying rather,than necessarily 8i category that they,would browse up and down so I'm going to,revert my site now to the default having,shown all these other options path back,being the default and I can either,specify that default explicitly or I can,allow it to be a default so class show,path back save refresh the site and I've,actually left it was saying,subcategories when in fact I wanted to,say categories save so now when i,refresh the front end of the site I'm,seeing a subset of the category I see,all of the top-level categories which,gives me a sense of where the other,categories are on the site I see the,subcategories for the section that I'm,in which makes it obvious what similar,things I might find and equally I can,browse to other parent categories and,start descending the tree again from,there critically when I'm in a different,part of the tree I'm not losing screen,estate to categories that I have no,interest in,so once I've come into photography for,example I'm only really seeing,subcategories here and some broad sort,of placeholder categories that help me,understand where the top level the site,is that's it for today if you have any,questions please let me know otherwise I,look forward to speaking using
Congratulation! You bave finally finished reading i changed my category handle and now it doesn't show up in shopify and believe you bave enougb understending i changed my category handle and now it doesn't show up in shopify
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