mailchimp for shopify does not show in import contacts

How to setup mailchimp + import existing contacts on Shopify 2020 (THE EASY & FAST WAY!) what's up S

Roy Goldstein

Updated on Mar 13,2023

How to setup mailchimp + import existing contacts on Shopify 2020 (THE EASY & FAST WAY!)

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How to setup mailchimp + import existing contacts on Shopify 2020 (THE EASY & FAST WAY!)

what's up Shopify pros day is a very,special day now listen I know what,you're thinking Roy you said mailing,lists word recently changed my mind and,I think both are equally valuable you,can choose to do whichever one you want,and you can make both work so what I'm,going to show you today super simple,just how to install MailChimp on Shopify,and how to sync up emails from your,existing customers do a MailChimp,audience list,let's yep by the way I got a new monitor,it's a wide watch for white monitors so,I know it looks a little bit weird but,I'm gonna make sure that everything is,zoomed in so everyone can see so what,you're gonna do as the first step to,installing MailChimp and syncing your,contacts is log into your Shopify store,and I'm going to be doing this on a new,Shopify store that I'm working on these,guys FS performance engineering a really,really cool shop this is a friend of,mine from back home and they're lacking,on the SEO side but doing well on the,quality product side so I'm gonna help,them boost up their organic rankings,remarket to their audience and by the,way there's gonna be a series of videos,coming out in the next couple of days,that are going to show you how to build,really good email sequences for things,like welcoming your audience or,abandoned carts or upsells really good,stuff coming out so make sure you,subscribe I don't know wherever it's,here okay anyways what you're gonna do,is look up an app called shop sync and,it's gonna be right here and you're,going to add the app to your store and,hit install app okay that's much better,okay so now we're gonna put in our login,information well sucks a else okay,success okay and then once it's,connected you'll get a list usually it's,gonna auto generate one based on your,store name so that's fine,do not enable the double opt-in and four,merge tags you can just leave everything,the way it is and then what you're going,to do now is it connect to MailChimp and,start sync and make sure this is zoomed,in a little bit more okay usually this,takes about in 15-20 minutes if you have,more than a thousand people in your,store thousand customers could take 30,minutes to an hour oh I will be back,okay I'm back it was about I don't know,in minutes or so and we are connected,sweet and frat oh yeah and it also syncs,your promo codes okay we're done in shop,file so now we can go ahead and go to,MailChimp so let's go to MailChimp duck,hey and we're gonna log in to the new,one okay and then generally like if you,don't have a MailChimp account it's,super simple okay so if you don't have a,MailChimp account yet that's fine just,go ahead and when you go to MailChimp,it'll do something sign up for free you,put your name and you put your email you,put your password and then,as soon as you do that you like hit this,page you just connect your store and,then it would give you an option to,design your first email and then like,add your contacts which is what we just,did and then send your first email you,don't need to do all this just hit I'll,do this later and we're gonna do this,later as well and that's it so this,video was just to set it up so that's,the setup all taken care of,now we're hooked up start sending out,emails to all of our existing customers,so in the next videos we're gonna be,covering email campaigns and like email,sequences to send out to recover people,that abandon their carts a lot of good,stuff so let me actually give you a,little preview of what we're going to be,doing on that it's a little preview of,the email series and sequences that,we're gonna be building we're gonna do,one for abandoned carts welcome emails,email nurturing so like when you get,cold traffic and they opt-in you just,kind of warm them up to build some trust,how to send emails to repeat customers,ecommerce like new products that you,drop re-engagement and how to make your,first one so make sure you subscribe if,you're not subscribed already you're,gonna have bad luck your Shopify store,is not gonna get any sales I warned you,so I'll see you in the next video

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