minimal shopify theme slideshow

Shopify Minimal Theme Tutorial (Part 4) - How to Add Slideshow on Shopify 2019 hi everyone welcome t

Andreas Waatz

Updated on Mar 28,2023

Shopify Minimal Theme Tutorial (Part 4) - How to Add Slideshow on Shopify 2019

The above is a brief introduction to minimal shopify theme slideshow

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Shopify Minimal Theme Tutorial (Part 4) - How to Add Slideshow on Shopify 2019

hi everyone welcome to this Shopify,minimal theme tutorial in 2019 and in,this part we're going to learn about,this okay so in this Shopify minimal,theme tutorial in 2019,part number four we're gonna learn how,we can add a slideshow to our Shopify,store alright so we're gonna add it,right here so this is the slideshow so,to do this just go to the back end go to,a nice store themes and click on,customize so right here we find,slideshow click on that so we got a lot,of settings right here and here we got,the slides so we're gonna start with,adding images to these slides so click,on the first slide and now we can select,our own images or we can explore free,images so I'm gonna show you both ways,so first I'm gonna right click on select,image and you can find free images at, so in this case I'm gonna,search for tech so here you can choose,free images that you can use for,commercial use so let's say I want to,have this one let's click on the image,click on free download and choose the,image click on download okay so let's go,back and click on upload choose the,image click on open and click on select,alright so now we have the image right,here in the slide and we can click on,edit to add an image alt text so write a,brief description of this image to,improve search engine optimization seo,and accessibility for visually impaired,customers all right,just add an information about this image,okay,then click on save and if you want to,have this image linked to a page,collection a product and things like,that in your store just click on this,one paste the link or search so now you,can choose collection product pages,blogs blog post and policies so let's,say I want to have a page click on pages,and choose the page and that's it,so when visitors click on the image they,will come to this page,alright so let's add another slide so,now we can use Explorer free images and,yes use your category or search right,here so I want to have tech find the,image you want to use so let's say I,want to have this one click on select do,the same thing click on edit and you,just add the information about this,image ok thank lick on save and let's,say that this is a product you'll stick,on this one and choose products and,choose the product like that and if you,don't want to have 4 slides you can just,click on the slide and click on remove,content and do the same thing remove,content and if you want to add a new,slide,let's click on add slide and add an,image and a link so that's really easy,so in this case I'm only gonna have two,slides and then we can choose,out rotates lights yes-mo in this case,I'm gonna have out rotate a show slide,indicator dots so these stops so if I,uncheck this one we no longer have the,dots so I'm gonna have the dots and we,have changed slides every three seconds,four five seven ten or fifteen so I'm,gonna choose seven then we have,transition effect fade or slide,okay so we have the slide so I'm gonna,choose the slide and that's it so add,your images add the links to the images,and add alt image text and change the,settings right here and you're ready to,go then click on save okay so let's go,and have a look,update and if I click on the image this,will take us to the page so this is just,a page test so let's go back for the,next image for click on this one we come,to the product so this is only a test,product alright okay everyone so this is,how you can add a slideshow to your,Shopify store and also where you can,find free images to use in your Shopify,store so let's go to port number five,okay well so this is the end of this,part now we can go to the next part just,click on this image and this will take,you to the next part and continue to,build your Shopify store so see you,there

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