my shopify products are not showing up on my facebok page

How To Fix Product Listings Not Showing In Facebook Shops if you have products in your shop that,are

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Updated on Mar 05,2023

How To Fix Product Listings Not Showing In Facebook Shops

The above is a brief introduction to my shopify products are not showing up on my facebok page

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my shopify products are not showing up on my facebok page catalogs

How To Fix Product Listings Not Showing In Facebook Shops

if you have products in your shop that,are not showing up for your customers,here's something you can check,go into your shop and then click on the,shops tab,from there,click edit shop,and that's going to open up the layout,editor for your shop from there click on,settings,inventory and check to see if this is,set to advanced if it's set to advanced,it may have only a few products in your,inventory selected,change it back to default,you'll see once it loads here,all the products are now showing in the,shop,a second place you can check is going to,be in your catalog to see if your,listings have any errors there's three,main places where you can go to find,that in your under your catalog click on,items,scroll down and you can see the part,that says issues,open the drop down and it will give you,various reasons for the issues,also you can go to the issues tab,from there it's going to show you a list,of items you can click review,see what the reasons are for those,errors you can see these ones are out of,stock usually yellow errors do not cause,items to not appear in your shop unless,it's out of stock,most commonly causes for items not,showing in your shop will be either,image size,or out of stock or maybe some violation,with facebook's commerce policies or,advertising policies and the third place,you can check is going to be under data,sources items will only show up here if,you use something like fbm fox or,spreadsheet to upload products through a,data file or a csv file simply select,your data feed at the top of the list,and then click on view report from there,you can click download report to get a,full report of all the errors for a,glance all you have to do is just scroll,through here and you can see the type of,errors that facebook is telling you,about also if you just recently listed,these products that you're looking for,in the last couple of hours it does take,facebook some time to make those visible,both to you inside of your shop and to,your customer a less common place that,could be causing the issue is going to,be the global country or age restriction,settings to get to that you're going to,have to look at your shop's page from,your home page of facebook look for the,flag icons to go to pages from there,select your page off the list,if you have the new pages experience,like what you're seeing here on my,screen you're first going to have to,switch into that page so that you are,operating as that page not as you,so click on switch now,you'll know it worked properly when your,profile icon in the corner turns to your,page's logo click on that click settings,and privacy,settings,select privacy,public posts,and then you'll see the section called,restrictions check to make sure that the,united states is not on the list of,banned countries and the age,restrictions is set to what you want it,to be,if you go to your facebook page and it's,set up under the classic facebook page,experience it'll look like this,the way to get there from here is first,to go to settings,general,and then from there you can see the same,thing under age restrictions and country,restrictions,while one of those things might be the,reason with all the people that i've,worked with over the years the most,common problem that is causing,visibility issues is more simple than,you might think double check that your,shop is actually published you can do,that by going into your shop clicking,shops and look to see if it says active,under the status column,a second place where you can look is,under settings and go to business assets,and look for the green light,sometimes facebook can glitch out a,little bit and one of these may show,enabled one may not don't be too,concerned about that so long as one of,them is showing it's published and live,you should be good to go and lastly make,sure the products that you think should,be showing up in your shop are actually,listed in your shop i can't tell you how,many times i've seen this where someone,thinks they listed a product but in fact,that product was not completely listed,so wherever you went to list that,product originally go back to where that,is and just double check to make sure,that product is actually there before,you get too far ahead of yourself if,you've checked all those things and,you're still not finding a problem go,ahead and contact facebook support and,see if you can get someone to look into,it secondly if you're a part of the,mastermind program,hop in there make a post and another,member or coach will be happy to take a,look at what you've got going on and see,if they can offer some advice,you

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