right here we have five drop shipping,stores and in the last 30 days each of,them has done over one hundred thousand,dollars so today I'll be taking you,through each of these stores one by one,I'll be showing you their exact layouts,the exact products they're selling so,that way you can copy these products,over onto your store we're gonna be,starting off with the smallest store,first but as the video progresses we're,gonna end with the 700k per month store,the first store is called made of rows,and in the last 30 days they have done,85 000 in Revenue almost 1500 orders and,if we scroll down we can actually see,the top products that they're selling,and this store is heavily focusing on,Valentine's Day products now you may be,asking yourself like okay Anthony how,accurate is this tracker and on the,screen now I'll put up a little side by,side comparison the founders of this,website actually sent me this screenshot,you can compare the revenue on both,screenshots and you can see it is almost,100 percent accurate you can see that,the two screenshots are pretty close so,this tool is called Dropship i o they're,not sponsoring today's video but I do,have a custom discount code Eclipse 20.,so if you want to sign up you get a one,week free trial I'll put that link in,the pin comment in the description below,you get a one week free trial so I mean,you might as well sign up and have some,fun but let's go to their website let's,just click a few of their products,they're only focusing on Valentine's Day,so this first product is the rose with,the I love you necklace in there he,shows the product more when we scroll,down up top he has a bunch of bundles,and like this dude's website is super,spammy he's got the timer up top shaky,add to cart button he has these upsells,here a little gift wrap he has low in,stock and like this is a super spammy,website but he's still getting good,sales like this was his top product of,the month they've done 10K and this is,what what their product page looks like,so it's very visual that is good you,know all of these pictures and gifs like,10 out of 10. so even though their,product page looks a little bit spammy,it is still converting moving on to the,second product it is this Rose in a,glass container and the website follows,the same exact format so despite it,looking pretty spammy there's just a ton,of visuals the customers want the,product and because of that they're,converting they also have a little FAQ,at the bottom they just put it in,paragraph form they talk about the,shipping email support safe checkout so,everything you would typically have on a,product page they have in there their,website just has a ton of like old Drop,Shipping tactics uh here we have another,galaxy Rose uh the description follows,the same format awesome if you needed,ideas for Valentine's Day that store,should hook you up so we can move on to,the second store now now the next store,is get reg and they've done 150k in the,last month about 1800 orders and these,people are selling a great price product,for the new year it is this all-in-one,fitness trainer it's got resistance,bands like a squat bar and one thing,they're actually doing is giving away a,free ebook as well so the customer,thinks they're getting really good value,the product page though just covers all,the benefits and it really explains how,this product works in a pretty simple,way so they definitely hit all the,product page criteria it's definitely a,good website overall and if you're like,well Anthony what is the best product,page I can do I got some sauce for you,guys real quick join my Discord the,first thing you have to do is just,verify your role but if you scroll all,the way down I have a website review and,it's literally a full checklist run,through this I have pictures of,everything it's a full store checklist,it's literally the same checklist that,my team uses before we launch any,product so as long as you have every,single thing on here checked off your,website is going to be ready to go so,the Discord link is in the description,below in the pin comment below free to,join so I'll see you in there moving on,to store number three we have plushie,and they've done 470k in the last month,almost 10 000 orders and the best thing,is they're selling a super saturated,product like they are only selling,projectors and in particular their,number one best seller is this space,buddy now the reason I like this store,so much is because one it's a general,store plushie is just literally a random,name that sounds cool and then they made,the logo neon to sort of match this,product but it's a general domain and,their product page isn't too crazy they,have the sticky cart they have some,quantity breaks you know buy more save,more and their description is super,visual you know they have this cool,slider showing like a before and after,so their description really hits all the,marks this is a super saturated product,but the reason they were able to sell it,so well is because their product page,was literally more optimized than anyone,and they also have this fake Warehouse,video this is super funny uh you can buy,these on Fiverr for like five bucks but,uh it's just a video where your your,logo is watermarked on all the boxes and,trucks,um hilarious this actually builds a ton,of trust with your customers they show,trucks driving with it I think I have,the same exact video saved for one of my,other stores uh and then their reviews,are really good as well one thing to,note they were running this product,mainly during Black Friday and Christmas,and this is a very good gift giving,product you can see they have the Santa,hat on them they have the text here,overall this store is branded very well,and it's the perfect example of how you,can take a general store but really,scale any product on it now the next,store is no misc they have done over,500k in the last month about 6 000,orders and they are selling that period,relief cramp heating pad uh that's,mainly the only product they're selling,they're getting a majority of their,revenue from this it's just 99 they,don't even have a fake sale or anything,so that's kind of respect their,announcement bar looks good you know,free shipping trusted by thousands easy,returns they have a ton of product,photos and notice how the photos show,like lifestyle images it's actually the,product in person which definitely,builds more trust this right here again,in stock free shipping secure checkout,boom really good trust badges so if we,scroll down they have some trust badges,right here more social proof it has some,reviews with gifs of the product how it,works ditch the pills goodbye cramps,live life blissfully and then your new,best friend so they're really pitching,the benefits of this product as opposed,to the features and look at all the,social proof they have like all of the,people actually using the product Oh,super easy to use just a three-step,process an FAQ and then there's a ton of,reviews at the bottom so this product,page is honestly so damn good I think if,they had a sticky card that could be a,great idea but overall 10 out of 10,product one disclaimer if you run this,on Tick Tock ads you may have some,issues it's sort of a gray area product,in the health and beauty Niche and the,main reason for that is just the nature,of the product so let's go on over to,the number one store this is Mr Fluffy,bed and if we actually change this to,like the last month and a half you can,see they've actually done 1.1 million so,that's even more insane but let's just,change it back to the last 30 days and,we have 700k 11 000 orders and they are,selling one of the oldest Drop Shipping,products in the book it is this,anti-anxiety dog bed they call it the,world's number one anxiety relieving pet,bed and wait till you see their,description because it is literally like,the shortest description ever so before,I show that I just want to quickly plug,my premium Discord it's only 35 and I,have a 70 video Drop Shipping course I,just want to show you some of the,results that our members have gotten,we've only been allowed for three to,four weeks so I expect that the numbers,you see here are only going to continue,to get bigger and bigger so these are,all people they've only been in the,Discord again three four weeks they're,all still relatively new so if you want,to join the econ Mafia today join up,links below only 35 dollars to get the,course it's a no-brainer and if you use,code yt15 it'll be a special 15 off,coupon just for you so to show you their,description are you ready for this at,the very top they have a sizing chart,which is super important and they made,it super easy to see which type of size,you should get for your dog they have,some trust badges here that are probably,fake they have a YouTube video which is,actually Vimeo and it's embedded on the,website you can't click off so it looks,official uh this could literally be it's,probably just the video they stole from,someone else and put their logo on or,they have a guarantee then they have,reviews at the bottom they literally,don't have like any big paragraphs of,text they don't have gifs but they have,a ton of social proof look at all those,reviews 300 4.9 Stars they have the,guarantee they're they're featured in,magazines they have this video so yeah,they're absolutely popping off and again,it's a super old product their product,page is simple but they're still,crushing it so that's gonna be a wrap,right here are all five of the websites,if you want to search and research them,on your own thank you guys for watching,all the way until the end on the screen,now are two videos you may enjoy and,peace out
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