what's going on guys so today we're,going to be solving the issue of getting,traffic to your store but no sales so,this is essentially where you're getting,hundreds of people that are coming onto,your Shopify store but for whatever,reason they're not turning into,customers they're not buying your,product I have to say it's probably one,of the most popular problems that people,have but fortunately it's a relatively,easy problem to diagnose and a,relatively easy issue to fix as well so,my plan is in this video to take you,through the sorts of things that you can,do to help identify the problem more,importantly show you how to fix it and,with any luck then you'll be able to,turn things around and turn your,business profitable turn your ads,profitable so the starting point has to,be one of two places you have to ask,yourself these two things about the,traffic that is going on to your store,so number one is what is the quality of,the traffic and number two how much,traffic are you getting into your store,starting with the latter then is how,much traffic if you've got 10 visitors,to your store and you're complaining,about not having any custom customers,yet you haven't had enough people to,your store my recommendation would be,get to a minimum get to a minimum of 500,people that have been to your store and,if you still haven't seen a single,purchase then at that point something,significantly is wrong you need to pause,your ads find out what the problem is,hopefully I'll show you in this video,make some changes before you then go,back to switching Those ads on the,reason why you need to try and get a,significant amount of people onto your,store first is because then you've ran,an adequate test so a metaphor an,example to use would be if you were to,go to an expo if you're in fact if,you're hiring a stand at an expo and,you've got your stand somewhere in the,NEC in Birmingham and you're trying to,sell a product in whatever Niche it is,the Expo starts filling up people start,coming in looking at different stands,and one person comes over to your stand,sees the products you're selling and,decides not to buy it so at that point,you just assume nobody wants your,product you pack up your stand and you,go home whereas if you'd stuck out,through the day and let more and more,people come over to your stand and see,your product you might have found out,that the first person who came to your,stand I.E your Shopify store just for,whatever reason didn't want to buy your,product which is totally normal totally,fine but the next 50 people who came to,your stand were interested in your,products and did want to buy it the more,people you can get onto your Shopify,store the more accurate of a test it,will be and only at that point can you,make an informed and accurate Judgment,of whether people are actually,interested and want to buy your product,or not so this is why it's really,important that you try and wait until,you get to that point of about 500,visitors bin and gone to your Shopify,store for those people who are running,their business on a budget and they,can't afford to test all the way up to,500 people as a very minimum I would say,try and get to at least a hundred a,decent Shopify store running Facebook,ads will convert somewhere in and around,three percent so after the first hundred,people an optimized efficient,bigger average will get three orders for,every 100 people in the beginning it,might not be because we're going to talk,about quality of traffic in a second but,if you are running your business on a,budget get to that 100 people and if,you've seen zero orders at that point,then at that point pause your ad find,out what the problem is make some,changes before you then go again,going on to the second point then which,is the quality of the traffic both of,these things are super important by the,way so quality of traffic is the actual,quality of the visitor coming onto your,store using Facebook ads as an example,if these people coming onto your store,are coming from a website conversion,campaign they're going to be lower,quality people you're going to be,targeting people so for instance some,people like to run traffic ads traffic,campaigns because they'll get clicks,super cheap but what you have to take,into consideration this is lower quality,traffic these are people who are less,likely to buy your product and therefore,you're going to get higher numbers of,traffic with a lower conversion rate and,before you just assume people aren't,converting and there's a problem just,make sure you are getting those minimum,100 visitors preferably 500 visitors,that come in from website conversion,campaigns another reason why it's super,important to wait until those bigger,traffic numbers is because Facebook is a,learning platform it takes all the past,information from past visitors past,people who have seen your ad I passed,people who have clicked your ad how much,of the ad they've watched it takes into,account all of these things puts it into,its algorithm and then it comes out with,who they think is your ideal customer so,in the beginning I.E when you have small,amount of visitors it won't have much,past data to work on and therefore it,will be showing your ad to random people,who click it end up on your website and,might not make a purchase because,Facebook doesn't know whether they're,going to make a purchase or not it won't,know that until you've spent a little,bit more and it's had time to learn who,will and who won't buy a product from,your Shopify store so in the beginning,basically what I'm saying is that your,Facebook ads won't be as optimized and,therefore you can expect the traffic to,be coming to your store to be a little,bit less higher quality so instead of,coming to the conclusion there's a,problem on your Shopify store it may,just be that Facebook is currently,sending lower quality traffic to your,website because it just needs a bit more,time to optimize depending on where that,traffic is coming from world of depend,on what the conversion rate is as well,so again another big mistake I see,especially beginners is because there's,a lot of advice out there that tells,people to Target worldwide to go into,your Facebook ads manager create a,campaign and in the ad sets Port America,bought the UK put France put Germany put,Australia put New Zealand put all these,countries in and then send them to your,Shopify store in my opinion that's not,the right thing to do because I don't,know about you guys but if I go onto a,website and I see the price of the,product is in dollars I'm probably not,going to buy from it because I want to,Source it from somewhere in the UK If I,go into a website and I see that the,price of the product is in Euros I'm,probably not going to buy it because I'm,looking to Source it from somewhere in,the UK so if you have a business on,Shopify that's selling in Great British,pounds and you're targeting America,you're tagged in Canada you're tagged in,France Germany all of these places that,don't buy things in Great British pounds,they're not going to buy your products,they're not going to convert and,therefore you're going to have that,issue of getting people onto your store,and they're just not turning into,customers so as a beginner my,recommendation would be to stick to the,local country in which you're selling,sell to people in their local currency,you can be in the UK and sell anywhere,in the world just make sure that people,can shop and pay in the local currency,because that's how most people feel,comfortable doing so now if you're,confident you pass both of these tests,so I suppose you could think of them,like tests like number one have you had,over 100 visitors as a very very minimum,preferably 200 if not 500 if that's a,yes and number two is it high quality,traffic so is that coming from campaigns,that have had significant ad spend in,your ads manager is it sending traffic,from the country that matches the,currency in which you're selling in also,what you need to check is the CTR so the,link CTR results of your Facebook ads,the reason why this is really important,is because the CTR is an indicator of,how interested your audience is in your,ad so Facebook can be a bit of a sod,sometimes in that it won't necessarily,always give you the best traffic it'll,just give you the cheapest traffic so,that the data looks good and you,continue to spend money on it but what,you need to do is you need to go into,your breakdowns you need to look at the,placements you need to look at the,platforms you need to look at the age,ranges you need to look at the genders,which I think we've already mentioned,and then you need to see which one has,the highest CTR I.E the segments which,have the highest interest in your ad and,that's where you need to focus your,money on as well because it might just,be a case that Facebook is spending all,of your money on 18 to 25 year olds,because it's super cheap but they might,not want to buy your product if your,product is aimed at somebody who is,supposed to be a grandparent so what you,can actually do at this point is edit,your ads Focus all of your ad spend onto,50 plus if you haven't done so already,and in turn this is going to increase,the quality of your traffic which should,in turn increase the conversion rate of,your Shopify store so after all of that,if you're still confident you've got,high quality traffic and you've had a,significant amount of it and it's still,not converting then your issue is on,your Shopify store 100 if your Facebook,ads or your marketing campaigns whatever,platform it is is getting significant,traffic and high quality traffic at that,onto your store and it's still not,converting the problem is on your store,the problem is probably on that very,first page that loads up and the,customer sees think of that first page,as like a first impression for your,customer if they don't like what they,see in those first few seconds those,first sort of five seconds or not,they're going to have a bad impression,and they're just going to leave straight,away now this video would be too long to,go over every single potential issue,that might be on your store perhaps I,could cover that in a different video,but some main culprits then uh number,one is the overall feel and branding of,your store is it all mismatch have you,got dodgy fonts that are hard to read is,it really small fonts I are you using,poor quality pixelated images that,feature Chinese branding or Chinese,text or have you just imported images,from AliExpress or wherever it may be,and it's broken English are you using,dodgy colors like have a black,background and red text now there are,some occasions where that might be,called upon and that might work really,well but for most people stick to a,white background with black text is,there no social proof behind the,products people like to know they're,buying from businesses which are,established and trustworthy and to do,this you've got to make sure you include,all the relevant contact information and,so on and so forth so there really is a,lot of things in which it could be like,I said this video is too long to do this,perhaps I could do another video on it,if that's the sort of thing you want to,see make sure you let me know in the,comment section below and so with that,being said then guys that is the traffic,but no sales problem solved I really,hope this video helps you out I really,hope you've stayed with me this long if,you have please do make sure you,subscribe to see more videos please make,sure you drop a like as well it helps,the channel out helps me grow grow this,and help more people if this video does,help you out make sure you come back and,let me know I'd love to hear from people,and how my videos have helped them if,you're looking for a UK Community to,share thoughts ask questions and get,answers from experienced dropshippers,like myself then make sure you check out,my free Shopify UK group on Facebook the,link is in the description below thanks,for watching and I'll see you in the,next one
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