hey there welcome back to my channel my,name is brittany bundles and today's,video is going to be a walkthrough of,how to edit orders through your shopify,store so if you are interested be sure,to give the video a big thumbs up,please make sure that you are subscribed,and let's get right into the video,before we get into the video though,please be sure to click the link down,below this video if you have not tried,shopify or if you are interested in,becoming a shopify customer,client click the link down below choose,the plan that works best for you and,there may even be a free trial but you,have to click that link to see,back to the video um this is an order,that was already submitted through my,store,my online store this is a wholesale,order and for this particular order,there is a discount being applied,typically with wholesale orders,discounts are not applicable,but every scenario is is different,so there are some um you know,wholesale orders that will or have,received discounted you know pricing for,for various reasons,um however what i'm going to show you is,how to edit orders now this,is going to come in hand if you are,going to be using shopify and if you are,planning on working with customers so,a lot of people can use uh you know,this this information i just showed an,email,that states that my customer that,already placed the order,wanted to or needed to add additional,bundles and closures to the order to,fulfill the wholesale,bundle minimum so i asked our,you know i just asked some clarifying,questions to see if she wanted to add,two bundles and two closures or two,frontals,she let me know what she was wanting to,add and so at this point i have the,order pulled up and i'm going to go to,the top of the order,where i have about four different,options i have restock edit print,and more options or more actions excuse,me,and um i'm going to go ahead and go over,to edit,now you can also click on restock if you,want to,this is if you are wanting to restock,certain,products and if you are tracking your,inventory through shopify which is an,option but that's not what we're looking,to do at this point we're not looking to,restock anything we're just looking to,add on,additional products to the order so that,we reach the 10 bundle,wholesale minimum and also so that we,reach the six frontal,wholesale minimum or sometimes it's okay,to do,like mix and match frontals and closures,as well,so for this particular order i'm going,to go ahead and add additional bundles,and i'm also going to add,closures to this order so what i'm doing,now is i clicked on,add custom item so you can either add an,item this way,by typing in the item name the price and,going ahead and adding or you can go,ahead and browse,through your products that are already,available through your shopify store,and add the products in manually so,that's what i'm doing now i'm just,going ahead and i am typing in what i'm,looking to,pull up i typed in wholesale but for,some reason i did not pull up my whole,sell options,so i'm gonna scroll down now i was,having,a challenging time scrolling down and i,did click,renew drop shipping membership which i'm,going to go ahead and unclick in a,moment because that's not what i,intended to click,but for some reason i don't know if it,was because i was holding,my phone with one hand and then trying,to like scroll up with the other hand i,don't know,it's working now but there were some,times that it was really challenging to,get,the scrolling down pat like it just was,not scrolling for me,and then i tried to use my arrow and the,arrow wasn't working either i don't,think it's,to any fault of shopify i think it was,you know pretty much my my ear i don't,know like i said if it's because i was,using one hand or if it's because,of of what you know but um that's what,i'm doing right now i'm just,trying to get down to my wholesale,products so that i can go ahead and,begin adding to the order,now i think this is a really important,feature that shopify offers because,there there may be times i don't get,these requests too often but there may,be times,where i don't have these you know,scenarios too often but there may be,times where you have,a certain minimum for your orders,and you need to add additional products,to fulfill,those minimum requirements and there,also may be times where,a customer has placed an order and they,have maybe forgot to put a discount code,in,typically like i mentioned discount,codes are not applicable with wholesale,orders,but sometimes they are every order is,you know unique uh and every,circumstance is unique so there are some,one-offs um,and then also you know there may be,something where your customer has,ordered the wrong texture,and they want to go ahead and edit the,texture that they order,now being that this is before you went,ahead and,began fulfilling the order and before,the hair is actually or the products,whatever you're offering is actually,sent out,there are workarounds where you can,actually go in like i'm doing now and,edit that order,without having to cancel the entire,order and having your customer go back,through and repurchase,before i knew that this was an option,i've had a few different times where,i've gone in and cancelled orders,and even had to refund the payment,and then had the customer or client,repurchase,that works but it's just a longer,process especially on the customer's,behalf we want to make sure in my,opinion that we are having,our customers do as little as possible,we want the experience to be as seamless,as we possibly can make it so if i have,to do more work on the back end to,simplify the process,on my customers or clients and that's,what i'm committed to doing,so i went ahead and added the additional,products and,the it updated my customers order the,pricing so the summary is updated now it,does show that,authorized the authorized payment amount,is 755.90,and so it says amount to a click collect,is 102 with the products that i've added,but i do need to add additional products,so i went ahead and added the 18 inch,brazilian body wave i added two,so i'm going to go back through the,brows or click the browse button,and then go back through so that i can,add the closures,that my customer decided to add on so,i'm going to go ahead and add in,the closures that she requested and then,i'm going to add those to the order,and then it's going to go ahead and,adjust the pricing again,now this is where i kind of ran into,that the halt again i'm trying to scroll,down but it's giving me,you know um a little bit of,pushback when i'm trying to scroll down,again it could be because i'm just using,one hand but,that's what i am trying to do right now,i'm gonna get it in just a moment,um so once i go ahead and,add on the closures like i said it's,going to update the price,now she has authorized a certain amount,the reason that it says authorize,instead of collected is because i have,a manual payment capture set up on my,website which means,when orders are purchased through paypal,you know not sells all so much because,sales will automatically captures the,payment even though i have manual,payment capture,and that's because i have automatic,capture through cell,um it's like set up on their platform so,it automatically captures the payment,that way,but when i go through paypal which is,the other option,on my website i do need to manually,capture the payment so it helps me a,little bit because if i do have an,issue like this it's not really a you,know a huge issue or anything like that,it's just,needing to add additional products to,the order to fulfill the wholesale,minimums like i mentioned,but if something was to happen like this,i don't have to,um i mean either way i'm going to have,to send another invoice,but it just works better in this way for,me um,you know i just i i feel more,comfortable doing manual payment,captures,versus automatic i may go back to,automatic but right now,you know manual you know it has its,benefits,and a lot of scenarios so right now it,shows the amount to collect has,gone up to 226 the updated total is now,981.90 and i'm going to go ahead and,send the invoice to my customer,so as you can see now it says order,updated and invoice with payment,instructions is sent to your customer so,that is sent over so now my customer is,able to see that although they submitted,the payment for the 755 and change,that was authorized there is an,additional amount that needs to be,collected,and it does show balance customer owes,you so that you know that this is the,amount that you're needing,before you actually continue with the,order,so after this video it took about maybe,10 minutes,i got a notification that my customer,client,went ahead and submitted the additional,payment and i went ahead and i manually,captured the amount that was initially,authorized,and so everything now flows with the,order the order is meeting the minimums,and the payment was collected and i was,able to go ahead and edit the order,without having my customer or client,cancel that order and reorder if i,wanted to add on a discount i can do,that,if i wanted to pretty much do anything,add on anything else i could do that,so i just wanted to create this video to,let you all know that there is a way to,go ahead and,update certain orders correct certain,orders without you having to cancel out,the order and start completely over,because believe it or not like i,mentioned that was me before,there will be times that i would be like,wow you know i really wish i,i could change this order but i don't,know how to do that or i don't know if,there was a way,so i'm going to go ahead and cancel this,order and then i would send them the,instructions to reorder again that way,does work,my customers and also clients did go,ahead and reorder sometimes,but sometimes i did i lost the order,sometimes they would decide to go,elsewhere so i'm just saying,if you already have the order in the,system i recommend not canceling it just,editing the order going you know through,the steps that we just went over so i,really hope that this video helped if,you have any questions feel free to,leave them down below,thank you so much for watching and i,will see you all in the next video,bye
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