hi I'm Elle McCann from curious themes,web development studio in Nashville,Tennessee and in this video tutorial we,are going to go through setting up a,rewards program with the smil'd IO,Shopify app so there are a lot of,different loyalty programs or rewards,programs in Shopify that you can add in,so that whenever customers purchase from,you they can get points and redeem them,for discounts or special products and so,there's a lot of different ones to,choose from you can come in here to this,search and just type in rewards or,loyalty at the app store which is just,app stop if I calm and you can choose,the ones that work the best for you so,I'm gonna show in this demonstration,today how to set it up with the smiled,IO app and this is my personal favorite,to use for my own websites as well as,for client sites because it's really,really user friendly both setting up as,a merchant as well as for your customers,to go in and know exactly how they're,getting their points and how they can go,in and redeem them as well so it makes,it really nice and clean to put on your,site and it helps avoid a lot of,confusion because people aren't going to,use your rewards program if it's very,confusing so what we're going to do,first is we're just going to add this to,our app store so I am just gonna hit the,get button here and this is going to,take us back to our backend of Shopify,and I'm just going to approve that they,have permission to go in and do all of,these things so I'm going to hit install,app and it's going to walk us through,this now but I want to go back real,quick to the Shopify store so this is,the Shopify back-end and this is apps,and if we refresh it here so these are,the two apps I had previously if we,refresh it you'll now see that this app,has been added in so let's go back to,the demonstration and we'll go through,their steps so this is letting you,choose exactly how you want to reward,your,customers so I'm going to do it for all,of these options and they do have,different pricing plans where you have,some options like if they leave a review,that you can give a reward for however,with their basic plan it's just a,certain set of ways that they can,receive a reward so I'm just gonna hit,next and they're automatically creating,these discounts however we can go in and,we can change the price and the points,once we finalize the setup so we'll just,hit next and it's just showing how it's,going to be displayed on our site so,I'll just hit got it and now let's go in,and manage our program so this is the,back end of the app which you can always,get to by going to your Shopify back-end,over here and hitting apps and just,clicking into it here so you can come,back at any moment that you want let's,go back to it and we're going to go in,and customize a little bit more so we're,going to see that the last step of,finishing our setup is to go in and set,our brand color so I'm going to come in,and I'm going to make it the brand color,that I have for this Shopify store and I,have this hex code already however you,can always just select it from the,options that you saw there and I'll hit,save okay so now let's go in and let's,change how the rewards are achieved as,well as redeemed so we're just going to,come in here to points and you can see,the earning rules over here so we're,gonna hit view all earning rules so we,have share on Twitter share on Facebook,so they're getting if they share this on,Twitter or Facebook they're gonna get 50,points for placing an order they're,gonna get one point for every dollar,they spent celebrate a birthday is two,points and signup is 200 points so I,think to celebrate a birthday and sign,up is kind of high especially since that,first reward I think was 500 points so,let's come in here and we're just gonna,click celebrate a birthday and I'm gonna,change this 200 250 and we want to email,the customer and let them know that this,is available so we'll hit save and we're,gonna go back and we're going to change,the other one as well so you can have,your points values whatever you want,them to be as well as what you want how,they redeem the points however these are,just default rules you kind of are gonna,have to go through and do a little bit,of math to make sure that you're not you,know losing a bunch of money with your,reward with your rewards program but,that you are still incentivizing,customers so you need to make it a nice,enough a reward so that people want to,participate however make sure that,you're not you know giving away so so,much that you're losing a lot of money,and if you want to have an additional,earning rule we can come up here and,click on this button so let's say we,want to add it in for a Facebook like,and I'm gonna hit 50 and we're going to,come in and do this Facebook page URL so,I'm gonna go to the front end of our,store so that I can grab this and open,that in a new tab and I'm just gonna,copy it this URL and paste it in and,then hit create okay and we'll go back,to the earning rules and add a few more,in so we'll add in an Instagram follow,and give 50 points for that and let's,come back to our store again and see,what that Instagram handle is okay so,here we're the Facebook one you had to,post the whole link Instagram we're just,putting your username and I'm gonna hit,create and let's look one more time at,the different earning rule since,if we want to add any additional ones in,so this brand doesn't have a Twitter,account so let's go in and add the,product reveiw I think this may be with,a higher plan but let's see so we'll add,in let's say 50 points again and and hit,create ok great so it's gonna let us do,that and I think that was all that we,wanted to add so this would be if you,had a brick-and-mortar store and again,we don't have a Twitter account so now,we have all the ways that they can earn,points in our store so now let's go into,spending and we will give all of the,different ways that they can spin that,so for the first one which is five,dollars off they have to have five,hundred points and then it goes up from,there so these feel really fair for me,and so I'm going to keep it like this,however you can go in and you can add a,bunch of different ones of however you,want or you can click into them and,let's click into this and you can see,here where you can change how much it,cost as well as your total reward value,of how much you're giving that so we'll,come back here and you can always go in,and hit add role to add an additional,one so again you have the options of,doing a fixed discount free shipping,percentage off discount or free product,at checkout so this would be great if,you had a smaller product that you could,kind of throw in and still make it a,really nice deal or maybe you have a,bigger product and it's just a lot of,points to get to that and again we have,if you do have a Shopify POS setup for,your store for a brick-and-mortar store,you can come in and also enable this for,your point of sale system as well so now,that we've got our point set up if we,come back here to the dashboard under,points you'll see all of your rules as,well as once you start having customers,interact with your program you'll start,seeing that activity here or you can,also see it under activity over here on,the left hand side so let's come in,settings under the rewards program and,make sure we have everything that we,want done so our program is enabled and,you can come in here and you can name it,whatever you want so for example I have,one client that sells bath products so,they've named theirs tub tokens so you,can get a little playful with it and,make it match your branding however for,this example I'm just gonna go in and,put points and for a higher plane you,can also make the point expire so we'll,come in here and hit save and now let's,go in and customize a little bit of how,it looks so if we come in to our site so,let's on the home page so this is the,our site that we're adding this for so,this is Tomo fit comm and I'm actually,showing how to grow your business with,Shopify and all the behind the scenes of,this business on the YouTube channel so,make sure to subscribe to get more,updates about that and be able to see,exactly how we're doing with sales and,growing our audience month after month,so you can see right here that it is,added in this rewards program over here,in the right-hand corner and if we,select on that it pops this up so it's,automatically prompting us to create an,account to be able to start doing it but,if we hit this learn more we're also,going to be able to see the different,rewards as well as the options of how,you can redeem them or earn them so,we'll hit back out of here and let's go,in and customize it just a little bit,more so right now we're in the free plan,I'm gonna head back here so right now,we're in the free plan which you can see,here so we are a little bit limited in,our customization it does typically,require a little bit higher plan I,believe to add in some additional,functionality however let's go in and,see how much we can do before upgrading,our plan so let's go under branding and,hit customize brand so we've already,done this of our colors so let's go back,and actually I'm going to come in and,I'm going to change this color to be a,little bit brighter so it pops a little,bit more on our site I would definitely,go in and make this an accent color so,it's just gonna be really bright and,stick out okay so let's hit back now and,will customize the launcher so this,right now is on the right hand side,however since people read left to right,and I want people to see this I'm gonna,go in and hit left okay and I'm gonna,say rewards program okay and you also,have the option to instantly show the,launcher as well as show on mobile so,you can see here that you do have to,have a higher plan to add in a logo so,let's go in and customize a few other,things and then I'll upgrade this to a,higher plan so you can see how that,looks and now on the left hand side I'm,gonna hit karts and so right now this is,how it will display on your store once a,customer is earning points so you'll see,here it's just the name Tomo fit as well,as welcome and no logo there and you can,see that it's showing how quickly,they're getting to their point and then,the ability to either earn more points,which would be shopping or spend the,points which would be just redeeming it,once they get to that so let's go ahead,and upgrade to the basic plan so that we,can add in a logo and customize it a,little bit more so the basic plan,includes up to 2,000 members and is $59,a month so again you kind of just need,to make sure that it's going to be worth,it for you in terms of adding in this,rewards program and that you're not,going to be losing money either with the,app fees or with the discounts that,you're doing so also by doing this basic,plan we're going to be able to remove,this powered by as well as just,customize it just a little bit more so,we're going to hit upgrade and I'm going,to approve this,and I'm not saying you have to get a,higher plan this is just something I was,wanting to do so that you can see,exactly how it works and the different,levels so let's go back to our display,area and go to customize cards so now,I'm going to go in and add our logo so,I'm going to hit edit card I'm gonna,click here to upload the logo I'm just,gonna select it here okay and you can,choose where you want it to be,positioned as well as changing some of,the text so you can also have a,background I'm gonna keep it just white,I think so that it looks really nice so,we could come in here so let's just do a,background and I'll play around with,something real quick we'll select this,image which is one that we were using,for our coming soon page and I can,change this to a white logo so that it,pops really nicely okay and we'll hit,save and so now you can see here that,it's showing the welcome back John which,would be this customer first name so,let's add an exclamation point to it,that looks silly if they don't have the,customer name so we'll take that off and,it just hit save okay and then let's go,back to cards and so you have to have a,higher plan for this one to edit that,even more so this one is a little bit,more expensive so we're not going to,upgrade to that level and then finally,let's go into notifications and so this,is going to be the emails that are being,sent off so we can come in here and,customize these so we'll hit customer,spent points so we can customize this,email oh it looks like we have to have,the the small business plan to customize,this but you can see how it's,looking now on your site of this is what,they would receive in their inbox the,ability to see that they've gotten the,discount as well as how to the actual,discount code as well as shop said that,they can go in and quickly go to your,store and redeem it so there's also,additional functionality with the app in,terms of reports so we'll come over here,and you can see exactly how many points,are being earned as well as spent as,well as how many members you have and,repeat purchases that are happening,because the repeat purchases are,definitely where people are going to,rack up points the most and then finally,over here in the apps area so there are,different app integrations that you can,see here of how you can connect this,into work with your rewards program,however all of these do require the,small business plan so we're not going,to be able to connect with this however,as your rewards program grows so the,basic plan only goes up to 2,000 members,so as your reward program grows you can,add in a higher plan to accommodate,those subscribers as well as go in and,add an additional app functionality so,let's go back to the front end of our,store now that we've set everything up,and let's just refresh it so we're gonna,see how it looks so we moved it over to,the left-hand side so we can see it here,now so we click on that and we hit learn,more and we can see now that our color,has updated and whenever someone is,logged in they would be able to then see,it the banner that we added as well so,let's hit create a store account and,we'll just do this real quick,okay so this is our account area so,let's hit this rewards program again and,now we can see this banner that we added,of the welcome back as well as how we,are doing on our point scale so this is,the smile dot IO app and how it,integrates very quickly with your store,so you can honestly have your rewards,program up and running in about 10-15,minutes which is really nice,so once you have this set up make sure,that you send an email out to all of,your past customers or existing,customers and let them know about your,new rewards program and information,about your different options so that,you're really enticing people to go to,your site create an account if they,don't have one already and go ahead and,start purchasing so they start earning,rewards I hope you found this video,tutorial helpful and make sure to,subscribe to get more video tutorials,all about Shopify and how to grow your,online store,you
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