hello shopify merchants my name is chude,i am the operations manager of wholesale,and custom pricing this is a shopify app,that allows you to provide wholesale,discount and custom pricing to your,store,along with that we also have order form,which is a pretty huge feature and i'm,gonna save this for a separate video for,now we're gonna focus on wholesale,custom pricing this app is,easy to install,and our pricing is based on your shopify,subscription level,in other words if you're in shopify,basic plan,our app will charge you with this amount,if you're on shopify standard plan,this is your charge this is our monthly,charge,and so on and so forth i hope i made,that clear,now in this video i'm gonna explain how,you can set up your first wholesale,offer,so this is gonna be my product,and,yeah let's go to our app,so this is our dashboard the first step,is to go into install or uninstall tab,like so,and then choose your theme in my case,i'm using the debut theme,and then hit install,install,and then hit save,and that should do the magic now if your,app is if your theme is not included in,here just choose the default it's it's,it's fine,so then the second step is to go to the,discount groups tab,assuming we're the same we're under the,free trial um we're only allowed to,create one discount group,so let's do that,so let's check this one enabling the,discount group the discount group title,will be wholesale so the customer tag,field is what you're gonna tag your,customer with,so i'll show you this a little bit more,once we've finished,setting this up what should i name it,wholesale,test so this is gonna be my wholesale,tag or my customer tag description,perfect,for black friday,sales,all right,um,in the next section we have options to,choose either discount amount percentage,or,discount prices,so basically the discount prices is just,the prices you see here,but we're not allowed to change that,because we need to upgrade this uh,our plan but right now since i'm on the,free plan i'm gonna go ahead and proceed,um,so my discount tiers will be based on,let's see,let's go for the card quantity my type,of discounts can be either of this,let's just go for percentage and if,you're not sure what this means you just,have to click this and our app shows you,what it does now the keyword here is,each,so what it means is,if you're you're using a cart value here,so,if um,if when a shopper has more than 100 or x,amount,depending on what you provide here on,this field it will give you the customer,a 10,off or an x percent of,each,unit,so that's the key word there it's not,providing discount to the subtotal,instead it provides discount to each,line items in the cart,all right um let's just cart quantity,um so if i have 10 in my cart i give 20,discount if i have 20 in my cart i'll,give 30 if i have,30 i have 40.,so the next options is this one so i'm,only allowed to choose this one because,i'm on a free trial,um,selected products,in other words i need to select a,product,where this discount group is attached so,in my case i'm going to attach this to,this specific product right here,so i copy pasted the product title,and it appears that i have multiple,uh product,bikes right here but i guess the one,that doesn't have,numbers in it after the title is the one,by the way i'm not gonna edit this video,so,if i encounter any issues,we're gonna fix it together,um perfect it's it's here so this is a,great indicator this is your indicator,that your products is added is attached,to this discount group,so the next step is to,discount table,show,i'm gonna leave this as is because i,wanted to show you guys the discount,table,and if we're on a pay plan you're going,to have options to change whether or not,you want your free shipping a flat rate,and so on i also have a tax exemptions,but uh we're not gonna do that for you,for this video,so save this one,and we're done we're done with the,wholesale just remember copy and paste,the customer tag first can be on your,notepad so i'm going to copy this to my,clipboard,go to customers,because if you go to the product page,this is the discount this is where we,want the wholesale offer to appear it's,not appearing yet,it's because we're missing a crucial,step which is tagging a customer account,so i'm gonna use my test account right,here,and you should see this,um under the tags this section just,below the email marketing tab,um,write it paste the,customer tag that you made in our app,so click on this one,so this has a plus icon here click that,one,and,you should double check if it's added to,your account and then hit save,now,we are good to go,refresh the page,and there we go,so this is my wholesale my discount,group title,this is the description and this is the,table,so let's uh test it in the cart so if i,have 10 to 19 i should receive a 20 off,so each of these bikes should cost 60,dollars,let's go ahead and try that,okay so this is part of our app,um,encouraging your,wholesale customers to,let's say 10,there we go,so it has uh it should be 60 dollars,each correct perfect now let's try doing,it let's check out,all right excellent now,this is important,um,this will only appear when you are,logged in remember you are providing a,wholesale offers to your wholesale,customers it's not going to be available,uh,in public,it's going to be it's only going to show,to your customers that is tagged i am,only able to see this because i'm logged,in so here you can see but if i log out,let's see if i log out,there we go and then go back back to,this bike,and yeah,okay so this is from a different app um,this is from our,bulk discounts uh app,but you can,already see the difference so i've used,uh wholesale as my discount group title,but if i log in,let me,type that in,go back to that page,i should see the wholesale offer instead,you see,all right perfect so if this doesn't,work,if after you've followed all my,instructions i'm gonna leave all our,support details,under the description,and maybe you can leave a comment or ask,questions i'll,i'll make sure i'll address those uh in,my next videos okay talk to you soon,thanks
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