shopify debut theme how to edit text alignment under product images

Shopify Code Editing: How to Align Product Title to the Center in a Collection? hello everyone,welco

Shopify Deep Dive

Updated on Mar 29,2023

Shopify Code Editing: How to Align Product Title to the Center in a Collection?

The above is a brief introduction to shopify debut theme how to edit text alignment under product images

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shopify debut theme how to edit text alignment under product images catalogs

Shopify Code Editing: How to Align Product Title to the Center in a Collection?

hello everyone,welcome back to the channel today we,will talk about align the title and,price of every product to the center on,the collection page,first let's right-click on the page to,open the html inspector,and then we are going to find the html,element of the title and price of the,first product,then let's go up and find a html element,with it equals shopify section,collection template,and copy the id we will need to use it,later,if we go to any of the css selectors in,the html inspector we will find a link,starting with theme.scss on the right,side,click into the link we will find all the,css rules for the entire website,scroll down to the bottom let's write a,hash and paste in the id we just copied,we will need to go back to the html,inspector to find the class of the,product element and the class of the,product title,and paste them back,it is the css selector to match all the,product titles inside the collection,page,for the css rule we need to set text,align equals center,we can see the title is already centered,after the change,now we will need to make the same change,for the product price,everything looks great on the web page,let's copy the code here,then go back to our code editor and,finalize the code change there,search css in the search box and click,the file name theme.min.css,scroll down to the end of the file and,paste in the code we just copied,save it and go to refresh the home page,as expected the title and price on every,product is aligned to the center,that is all for today's video if you,enjoy the video,please give us a like or subscribe to,the channel see you next time

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