bonjour shopify world in this video,we're going to show you how you can,build your entire wholesale,infrastructure,without an app by the end of this video,your customers that are actually,wholesalers will be able to,log in see some products that your,regular customers,can't even access and even see a,completely different,navigation bar that your regular,customers don't see,don't worry we will do it so you can,choose who,of your logged in clients are,wholesalers and who are just regular,login clients,so you can pre-approve your login,account holders,as wholesalers it's all going to make,sense just follow with me so first and,foremost,this is the online store we want to make,sure that,accounts are enabled so that people can,actually create,accounts for that you have to go to,settings,click on checkouts and then put accounts,are optional,or you can also do accounts are required,depending on your business model,and you save awesome now let's go see,what our store looks like,this is what the current store looks,like and we're going to take the,zip jacket as an example you know i can,just buy it,even though i'm not logged in i can just,do my thing here so we're going to,change that we're going to make this,zip jacket only available for,wholesalers by the way in case you need,anything there is the full code in the,link down below just click it's the,first link to our website and then you,have the full code that you can just,copy paste,all right great so the first thing we're,going to do is we're going to go to,online store this is our live theme,that's where we want to build it on,so we're going to click actions and,we're going to duplicate,this is a little bit more of a difficult,video on how to code,stuff so make sure you have a duplicate,because if you don't and you mess stuff,up then you're screwed with a duplicate,version,if you mess stuff up that's you just,delete the duplicate version,all right now that we have the duplicate,version we're going to click on,actions and we're going to edit code,welcome to the code editor the first,step would be to go right here in layout,there's team dot liquid,you would click on this one and then the,easiest way is to do command f on a mac,control f on windows and then look for a,thing that's called,content for layout there should only be,one,and it's beautifully highlighted right,here don't pay too much attention at the,line number because it might be,different for you,now this content for layouts in just,that part,we're going to be removing we're going,to put a couple of,spacing and we're going to paste a,different block of code,there we go,now don't worry by the end of this video,i'll explain to you how you can get a,hold of this code,just bear with me one,second,once that done you click on save the,next step is going to be to the snippets,here to the left,and we're going to be adding a new,snippet we're going to call that snippet,wholesale,note again i'm just going to paste it,just make sure it's written,exactly like this make sure there's no,spaces in the front make sure there's no,caps anywhere,make sure it's exactly like this and,once that snippet,is done you can create the snippet you,will get the message that the snippet is,created,successfully and here we are in the,snippet right here also in here we're,going to be pasting some basic code i'm,going to provide you,right here and then we just save it,that's it now just as an fyi this is the,code or this is the text that people are,going to see if they stumble,upon a product that they're only allowed,to access as a wholesaler,so your regular customers are still,going to be able to access the product,zipper or whatever you want to sell,wholesale but they're not going to see,the price they're not going to see the,picture they're just going to see,this instead so this is where you would,change the messages,in order to have a different message so,again,the product is still going to exist,regular non-wholesaler visitors,can still access the product page but,they're going to see,nothing from information they're just,going to see this so no pictures no,pricing no add to cart,nope just this and again feel free to,change the,black text here between so this page is,approved by wholesaler customer only,log into your account contact us to,request a wholesale account,feel free to change that in whatever,text you would like it to be,okay the next step is going to be adding,some templates,so for that we're going to go to the,templates,section right here and we're going to,click add a new template,a pop-up pops up asking what type of,template,and we want to add a page template we're,not going to call it alternate we're,going to call it,wholesale again be very wary of the,spelling of this no spacing in the front,no spacing in the back,no caps just regular wholesale and we,created we're going to do this two more,times,now with a product template so,it's going to be product again we're,going to call it wholesale,and then we're going to do it one final,time with a collection template,and that's going to be collection right,here and we're gonna call it,wholesale there we go,why did we do this now we have three,different templates we have pages,templates,product templates and collection,templates and these are templates that,you know we can choose a specific,product,assign it the wholesale template and,then,only wholesalers can see that product,the same with collections and the same,with pages we can make it,so only wholesalers can see a specific,page or a specific collection or,specific product,that's why we created these templates,now for the next step we're going to get,out of the customizer so once everything,is,nicely saved yes it is we're going to,get out of the customizer and put,the theme we have been working on a live,so copy of the debut team last,saved was just now we're going to click,actions and publish,are you sure you want to publish yes i'm,sure publish now make sure that,there's not too many bugs in it because,now everyone can see what you've just,built so if you did a spelling mistake,somewhere,it might get a bit weird so don't do,this at high traffic hours or try to be,very,aware that there might be a bug on your,live version right now,but okay let's perfect once you have put,it live,we can now go change the templates of,the products,like i said we were going to do this,exercise on the zipper one,on the zipped jacket right here as we,saw in the very beginning it was,available to everyone we just wanted to,be available for wholesalers,so we're going to go right here on the,right,product templates and now product,wholesale appeared because we have put,our team,live if you haven't put your team life,yet this will not appear,so because we put our team live our new,template is available,product wholesale i select it and i,click save,now if i look at my live site like i,used to do,and i go down a zipped jacket but i'm,not logged in,so this is what we see hey this page is,only approved,is only for approved wholesale customers,you know you gotta log in or contact us,oh well what if i log in so for that i'm,gonna have to create an account because,i haven't created an account yet,um port at econ experts,dot io password pass,one two three i don't know why i said,that out loud,to continue let us know you're not a,robot,okay pretty sure i can still do these,ones,perfect now um,i have an account but now again if i go,to zip jacket,even though i'm logged in that's because,i'm not,approved as a wholesaler,if i go to clients right here this is on,the store owner side customers,i can see andrew duro is a new customer,and now if i add the tag wholesale,to andrew and i save it,then andrew is going to be able to see,the zip jacket page and now he can buy,it so this is obviously to avoid that,all your clients start accounts and,automatically get access to,better prices so you definitely have to,manually approve,all the new accounts that have been,created,and you have to manually decide which,ones you want to give wholesale access,to and which ones you don't,you do that by adding the tag to the,account,right here the tag is called wholesale,again,no caps no funny spacing just wholesale,another thing that i would like to point,out is you see once we have created the,account we were redirected to the home,page,also when you create the account or log,out you get redirected to different,pages then my account page might not,necessarily be how you want it,we made a video last week about this to,say how to customize all that so you,definitely want to check that out and,build the ultimate wholesale experience,together with this video pretty cool,right all for free now there's one other,thing i would like to change you see i,don't like the fact that,i see the exact same nav menu now that,i'm a wholesaler and i'm,logged in as a regular visitor because,maybe i want to see elements in the nav,menu that,apply just to me again we can now,create specific pages,and specific collections put them under,the template,wholesale and then it's only visible,to wholesalers so i lost mine,anyway it doesn't matter what's written,here but the phase shifts,wholesale there you go so this page will,only be visible to wholesalers and the,same with collections i can do the exact,same thing,with collections so obviously i would,want my menu to be,representatives of what the wholesalers,can buy so they can,easily buy stuff so this is where it,gets a little bit tricky so if you want,to stop here you're,happy by just keeping the same menu,fantastic,if you want to bring it one step further,we're going to go back,in the copy of our theme,i don't i really don't like to work on,live versions so i'm gonna,publish the uh the old version first,that way we're working on on the backup,we've worked on before but at least it's,not live,that's a better way to do stuff we're,going to click on actions and we're,going to click edit code,again this is definitely the more tricky,part of the video you can,launch everything without it but i feel,like,if it works it's really fantastic why is,it more tricky a little bit more coding,and every theme is different so,it's a bit harder to do this anyway in,sections right here we're going to look,for,header section header dot liquid,this one right here then i'm going to do,command f on mac control fr windows,and then i'm going to paste something,here you go,link for links list main menu i'm going,to type,enter and i do not find if i,don't find it maybe it's because it's,this instead uh here we go,the link list for mobile,so once i found that and again i'll,explain exactly where you can find all,these pieces of information,at the end of the video um and again,you can find all this link down below,but once you have found this it's,important for you,to replace it so remove what is written,right here,that we found we type and enter a couple,of times to create some spacing,and then we paste that little block here,that's going to basically replace the,menu if the person is logged in,as a customer and if there they're,labeled as a wholesaler okay so we have,just added this this was for the,mobile navigation now obviously it also,has to work for,desktop so for the desktop it's going to,be a little bit different we're going to,look for,centered here it is,centered when the logo is centered,here is the nav,so when the logo is centered it's going,to give you a nav element right here,we want that that line in between that,navigation tag so not the navigation,tags itself,the one in between we're going to remove,that i hit enter a couple of times,and then we're going to paste the,desktop piece of code,that's provided like this,and we're going to save that and then,and then often,the logo you have the opportunity to put,it on the left,as well so let's find it,here when the logo is on the left but,this isn't talking about,nav so no when the logo is on the left,uh the diff class no it's not one either,that's not the one minor here we go when,the logo is on the left we again have,these nav,blocks here so we're going to remove,this,in the middle we leave the nav blocks,but we're going to remove it in the,middle,we do a couple of spacings and then,we're going to paste that same piece of,code for desktop,again i like to select it all and indent,it,because because it looks,better,and clean it up a bit but white spacing,doesn't,matter that much all right,great we save it right and then the last,step is of course,creating a menu for your wholesaler so,you do that in a classic way right here,in a navigation once it's all saved,we're going to create a separate menu,that just the wholesalers can see,so we're going to add a menu right here,we need to,name it exactly like this main menu,wholesale,and then we add menu items you know,this is i'm just going to add random,things here,but this is exactly how you would create,a,normal menu of course there's not much i,can link,to there we go just create a quick menu,if i go on my live version that's not,the version i worked on,of course you don't you don't see,anything i can still access,everything however let's now put it on,the version,we have worked on together so online,store,last saved one minute ago so we click on,actions we click on publish,yes we're sure we want to publish this a,beauty,perfect then we go see on the live store,here,and here we go gift wrappings stories,login this is,a different menu because i'm still,logged in as you can see my account,i can also go back and look at,the zipped jacket i can add it to the,cart,however if i log out right now,and again the redirects of all of this,is explained in the previous video i did,last week,but if i log out now i'm not logged in,anymore i want to see the zip jacket i'm,not allowed to,and you'll also notice that the menu is,completely different,because i'm not an approved wholesaler,so,this is really useful you would have to,create different products with different,prices though that you then,only show to your wholesalers all those,products you put them in a separate,category that you are only showing to,your wholesalers,it's a little bit of a workaround versus,just using an app we've reviewed some,wholesale apps,but on the area's hand it's free the app,are paid,so you know it's it's hey you gotta you,gotta,anyway i really hope you enjoyed this,video this was a little bit more,complicated,than we usually do i could i even was,missing my words there,i hope you enjoyed it binge watch these,type of videos and the strategy videos,if you do that shows,youtube we're doing a good job and then,youtube shows it to more people and that,would really be,amazing for us so thanks a lot and i'll,see you in another video,ciao
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