let's talk about shopify conversion,tracking for google ads in this video,i'm going to be going over actually two,separate ways that you can set up your,shopify conversion tracking there's one,way where you where you can do it,directly through google ads and another,way that you can do it directly through,google analytics now i'm going to talk,about the pros and cons of both and show,you how to set up both of them that way,you can understand which one might be,better for you and the shopify store,that you have and we're going to,basically go through all that and then,at the end i will talk about what which,methods i prefer to use and the pros and,cons of both of those so let's jump,right in the first thing that i do want,to show you if you aren't familiar with,why you need to set up conversion,tracking for your google ads account,this is why it's important so if we come,over here to this view and actually jump,inside of an account you can see inside,of here um we can we have this column,for conversion value and conversion,value over cost basically this is how,much these campaigns have made in,dollars amount and you can see how much,we have spent over here in the left-hand,side and then this gives us the,conversion value of our cost shows us,our return at on ad spend so if you,haven't set up your conversion tracking,and you're running ads inside of google,inside of google you don't know how much,it's costing you to get a customer right,so as you can see this campaign right,here is getting us every dollar we're,putting into it we're getting 8.26,back and then on some of these other,ones we're getting 3.94 so it kind of,gives you an idea and then this one you,know we're getting a 1.71 so maybe we,need to pause that campaign because it's,not really super profitable for us so,there's there this is the reason why you,want to set that up so that you can go,and optimize your campaigns understand,where you want to allocate more dollars,understand where you want to allocate,less dollars,and i highly recommend it if you're,going to be running any ads inside of,google ads,for your shopify store to set up this,conversion tracking now let's get into,actually how to set this up the two,different methods the first way that i'm,going to show you is actually through,google ads um how to go in and set up,your conversion tracking and then the,other way that the way that i'll show,you after is google analytics setup as,well so the first thing that you're,going to want to do is you're going to,want to come into a your google ads,account so here's the dummy account that,i have here,from the google ads account you're going,to click on this tools and settings,button,and then you're going to hit conversions,we're going to let this load up and then,from here you're going to see you may,see conversions that you've already,submitted or you may not we're going to,hit this plus button,and then we are going to click on,website conversions,we want this category to be purchased,you can name this whatever you like,simply i like to do purchase and then,wherever the the um the conversion is,coming from so for here i like to,purchase shopify the value you want to,use a different value for each,conversion you can leave this as one for,now i'm going to we're gonna all have a,little code that you can edit so that,this dynamically tracks the actual value,of your um sales because chances are on,your store you have items that sell for,maybe ten dollars some that sell for,twenty dollars so you want that value to,be pulled in so that you know when,you're spending ten dollars you're,getting 20 back 30 back whatever it may,be so click on that option there don't,worry about this number right now we're,going to change that a little bit later,we do want to count every because if,customers are coming back to your store,and doing re repeat purchases you want,to keep track of that for these,conversion windows i would leave all,these other settings just as is for now,later you can change your attribution,model but chance sorry if this is a new,shopify store you're not going to have,too many options to kind of play with,inside of there so i wouldn't worry,about those ones next we're going to hit,create and continue,and then you're going to notice it's,going to ask for a couple of different,options for this one we're going to do,install the tag ourself and then it's,going to give us a couple different,codes here so as you can see here it's,going to ask for the global site tag and,for us we're going to assume that the,global site tag is not already on your,website so we're going to copy this,thing right here,and then we're going to go to our,shopify store,and the first thing you're going to need,to do is come over to,online store and then from the online,store you want to click on themes,and then you want to click on actions,and you want to edit code,from here you want to find the,theme.liquid we're going to click on,that next we're going to scroll till we,find the end head tag and what that,looks like is basically this little head,tag just with a backslash at it so right,here is our end head tag and if you,could do command find and find it there,as well we're gonna go here i'm going to,click enter just so i'm right above that,in the head tag and then we're going to,enter in this global site tag inside of,there okay and then from here we're,going to go over to the settings tab,once inside the settings we're going to,come here to checkout and then you want,to scroll down until you see this little,box here that has the order status page,now chances are you probably have no,code inside of here you may or may not,if you are tracking something else but,for this one we're going to scroll down,and enter in that code right there that,global site tag,inside of that page like i said you may,or may not have code inside of here,depending on what you are currently,tracking then we are almost done we're,almost in the home clear then we're,going to go back over to our google ads,account and then we are going to have,this event snippet we need to add this,one on here we want it to be on the page,load because this is our order,confirmation page we're going to go back,over to our,shopify account,then we're going to hit enter a couple,times paste that in here and then this,is really important so right now if we,left this as is it would every time,somebody purchased the value would just,be,one dollar but what we need to do is,actually go over and i will leave this,code in the bottom of the description,but what you need to do is copy this,code come here to the value and then,replace the value there make sure you,highlight the whole thing,right there,and then now we are going to be tracking,that value dynamically and then one,other thing we need to do is grab the,transaction id,and put that inside of there,just like that i was,very careful here,and then now we are officially tracking,that conversion value dynamically we're,going to then hit save here,and then we can go back over to our,google ads account and then hit next,and now congratulations you've set up,your purchase conversion and action,inside of shopify now you're going to,notice when this comes in it's going to,say unverified because the it won't be,verified until somebody actually goes,through and hits that page,so just keep that in mind for that,transaction now that was the steps to,complete this for the directly through,google ads like i said i do want to show,you both ways so that you understand now,i do want to make it very clear you,don't want to go through and set this,conversion action up for both the way,that i just showed you and the way i'm,going to right now if you do that you're,going to be double tracking conversions,you want to do one or the other way,essentially so now i'm going to show you,how to do this through google analytics,so if you wanted to run this through,google analytics the first thing you,will need is a google analytics account,and unfortunately inside of google,analytics shopify does not yet support,the new version of google analytics,google univer or google analytics 4 so,and how you can know if you're in google,analytics universal analytics or,analytics 4 is if you come in here to,your click on this little property thing,you'll see here that i have a ua in,front of my google analytics code that,means that i have google universal,analytics which is the one that shopify,currently supports if you have something,that looks like this and it doesn't have,a ua in front of it then unfortunately,you are using google analytics for and,that one does not uh this this,google analytic or shopify does not yet,support that they will eventually,because that's the new google analytics,but that's just the the way that it is,so we're gonna come over here to our um,our universal analytics account we're,gonna come to the properties and,settings and i am going to grab the,tracking id right here,then we're going to go back over to,shopify and from here we are actually oh,and make sure that you save i think i,saved that yeah we're saved okay good um,then from here we're going to go back,over to our store i'm going to hit back,again and then we want to go to,preferences,and then check out how easy this is so,from here we hit google analytics we,want to paste that in there hit save,once that saves you're going to notice,this little box comes up that says use,enhanced ecommerce we want to check that,box then we want to hit save again,once that is done you want to go back,over to your google analytics account,there's a couple things you need to make,sure are set up inside of here first you,want to go to your google ads linking,account right here oh and how i got to,this view by the way is i am in the,admin and then uh so if you're in your,google analytics account if you're just,in the home if you click here on admin,it takes you to this view right here um,so we want to and and this is where you,can get your property settings but here,you can go to google ads linking and,then make sure that you have your google,ads linked to the account that you want,to show these conversions for so you hit,new ad group and as you see i already,have one inside of here it will show you,all the list of accounts that you have,access to and you can click and uh,confirm the one that you want to import,this goal into once that's done,then you come back over here to,your ecommerce settings and you want to,click on sorry i'll do that a little bit,slower so on this right hand side,ecommerce settings you click that you,want to turn this on and then you want,to enable enhanced ecommerce reporting,and then you hit save,and that has successfully been saved now,we can go back over to our google ads,account we're going to come over um here,and then we're going to add a new,conversion value,and this time you notice the last time,we did websites this one we're actually,going to import it we're going to import,it from our google analytics account,we're going to click on here this is for,our google universal analytics account,we're going to hit continue,and then as you can see right here here,is our transaction so this the name for,this will come through as,transactions and then the view that,you're doing for your google analytics,account sometimes this can take a minute,to come through so if you don't see it,right away give it a little bit of time,but this is the one that we want to pull,through in our google analytic or from,our google analytics account that is now,connected to shopify and then we import,that inside of there and then we have,now successfully imported that goal so,we're gonna hit done,and now we have the transaction filtered,view from our google analytics account,and the purchase from shopify like i,said these both will track the exact,same thing so you don't want to go,through and do this for both of both,methods um,because then you'll be double tracking,conversions now the pros and cons to,both of these and to be honest the one,that i i like to do and have done,historically and what i do the most is,through google analytics the reason why,i like to do it through google analytics,is because then i'm getting the same,data you have to set up your google,analytics account anyways so not only,getting the same data in my google,analytics account then it's also,filtering into google ads and then i can,do more reporting inside of google,analytics that makes the whole process,streamlined now that's the pros of doing,it with google analytics and as you saw,we didn't have to manipulate code um it,was a direct integration it was really,easy and um straightforward now the cons,of doing it through the google analytics,integration right now is that it doesn't,support the new google analytics so a,lot of you probably watching this right,now may be using google analytics for so,that's not supported,this will change eventually but just,know that if that's the case then you're,going to have to go through the google,ads option and the pros of the google,ads option is that it is it is like a,tried and true method it's very it's,it's somewhat it's it's pretty,straightforward to do you do have to go,through and edit the code but then,no matter what happens to your analytic,analytics account the conversion value,is just directly imported into your,google ads account you don't have to,worry about playing with google,analytics or going getting inside there,or even setting up a google analytics,account if you don't want to,um so those are kind of the the the pros,and cons hopefully you found this video,helpful and an understanding on on uh,sometimes if you watch certain videos,you may see somebody doing it one way,and another way and somebody's doing it,another way so hopefully this was,helpful to kind of see both ways and,then the pros and cons of those if you,did find value in the video today i,would appreciate it if you do subscribe,it does,help me out quite a bit and that is,pretty much everything that i have for,you well if you want to learn more about,google ads you can check out this video,right here i have a step-by-step,tutorial on how to run google ads and,get really good results for,your your shopify campaigns and we'll,see you in the next one,you
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