this is our configuration page and it,contains two sections,one shopify setting two amazon setting,the shopify settings section it contains,all the settings that are related to,your shopify store,admin email here you should add the,email on which you want to be notified,about any change or error related,information,you can also add multiple email,addresses separated by a comma,send daily sku mismatched email,notifications to admin,if it is set to yes then every day you,will receive,emails from us containing a list of,items that have been mismatched skus,between your shopify store and amazon,fba,send archived non-amazon fulfilled items,notifications to admin to tell you about,this setting,first let's talk about the archive item,archive item is an item that you are,hiding from amazon fba fulfillment,so if you select yes under this setting,then you will receive an email from us,that will tell you that an order has,been placed with an archived item,so now if you want to fulfill this item,from your non-amazon fba inventory,you can do that auto export high risk,orders,if you have set this to no then our app,can utilize shopify's ability to detect,and act on high risk orders,order shipping email notifications to,customer,if you want your customers to receive,shipping emails from shopify,set yes in via shopify or,if you want your customers to receive,shipping emails from amazon,set yes and via amazon partial,fulfillment,our app also supports partial,fulfillment example,each fba package will have its own,tracking number,and here is a screenshot of an order,that contains three items,with each having its own tracking number,show all amazon shipping speeds to,customer,if you have set this to yes then on,shopify during order checkout,our app will automatically show all the,available,amazon shipping methods their real-time,shipping rates,and expected date of deliveries by the,way,this option is valid if your shopify,plan supports it,by default this is available on all,shopify annual plans to enable this,functionality on other shopify plans,please contact shopify our app also,supports amazon's markup fees,and if this is something you are,interested in simply click on the add,markup button,further you will be seeing these below,options,now let's talk about them as you know,that amazon's available shipping methods,are standard,expedited and priority so our app can,add markup to all of these shipping,methods,show on website if you turn on this,toggle then we will start showing the,selected shipping methods along with its,defined values during an order checkout,override if you want to give a custom,name to any shipping method,just check the override button further,enter its name in the name box,and hit the save button shipping cost,markup,this can be done by either a flat fee or,a percentage of the total shipping fee,for example,if amazon's standard shipping rate is,five dollars,and you add a five dollar flat markup,then during checkout,ten dollars will be the total shipping,cost that will be displayed to your,customer,if you want to offer discounted shipping,simply enter a negative value,free over order total if you want to,offer a free shipping cost,above a certain order value just enter,the amount in this field,and hit the save button show default,shopify shopping speeds relevant to,order,if your shopify plan does not support,real-time carrier calculated shipping,speeds,or you wish to have more control over,the shipping speeds,you can always use shopify's default,shipping rates,and methods mapped to amazon shipping,rates as soon as you click on the,configure button you will see the below,options in shopify shipping methods,you can see all your shopify shipping,methods,in amazon shipping methods from the drop,down menu,you can see all the amazon's available,shipping,if you want to map a shopify shipping,method with an amazon shipping method,click on the drop down menu select the,appropriate amazon shipping method,and hit the save button let's expand,this shopify settings section,it contains all the settings that are,related to your amazon marketplace,add new amazon marketplace if you want,to add an,amazon marketplace simply click on this,button,once you do that you'll be seeing these,above options,amazon marketplace from this drop down,menu,you can select your desired amazon,marketplace,and in order to get the amazon seller id,and amazon,mws auth token please read our how to,get,amazon marketplace web service,credentials knowledge based article,once you have entered these details,simply click on the authenticate and,save button,auto export orders from shopify to,amazon fba,if you have turned on this toggle we,will start exporting,all the orders from your shopify store,to your amazon marketplace in real time,you can also see the last order export,date from here,auto import tracking of orders from,amazon fba to shopify,if you have turned on this toggle we,will start import tracking information,from your amazon marketplace to your,shopify store,you can also see the last tracking,import date from here,to view all the other settings we have,for your amazon marketplace,simply click on this show additional,settings including,inventory sync settings link and as soon,as you do that,you will see these options auto import,inventory from amazon fba to shopify,if this toggle is turned on we will,start synchronizing the fulfillable,quantity of your items from your amazon,fba,inventory to your shopify store auto,sync,cancel order from shopify to amazon fba,if due to some reason one of your,customers have cancelled a shopify order,then to avoid its fulfillment simply,turn on this toggle,or you can say that this setting can,help you avoid fulfilling the cancelled,orders,set shopify's non-amazon fba item,inventory to zero,if there are products that you fulfill,from a warehouse that is not of amazon's,then to prevent them from going out of,stock on your shopify store,select no from this drop down menu,shopify location to use as virtual,amazon fba,here you have to choose an inventory,location that we will treat as a virtual,amazon fba location,out-of-stock quantity buffer on amazon,whenever an amazon item's inventory,reaches or,goes below this entered buffer quantity,then this particular item's inventory,will automatically be updated to xero,default packing label message if you,want to print a standard message on,every packing slip,select yes from the default packing,label message,drop down menu click on the add label,enter your default packing label message,hit the submit button,now let's talk about our product's,linking page,you
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