shopify how any tables

Shopify: Creating Free Tables for your Products hey guys so welcome to the first of our,school share

Germinate - Shopify Resources

Updated on Mar 16,2023

Shopify: Creating Free Tables for your Products

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how any tables

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Shopify: Creating Free Tables for your Products

hey guys so welcome to the first of our,school share classes on adding tables to,Shopify so Tim this is the first one,I'll just explain a few things along the,way so what we're going to work on today,is this site it's a sample site that,I've been put together it's not actually,in real existence but what we're going,to look at today is the product page and,we're going to look at putting tables in,it so let's look at the finished product,if I look at this product and you know,one of the things that's worth,mentioning here is the content it's King,you'll hear me say that a lot so how you,present this stuff and how you put it,out there you know it doesn't matter how,nice your template is or whatever what,matters is how well you put it together,so we're gonna look at in this,particular way selling raw being rule,green beans coffee by various weights,and based on that they need to,understand a little bit about the coffee,types so copy if you don't know anything,about green beans that's totally,understandable but coffee green beans,are go through a copying process and,when they've gone through a cupping,process they given all these various,scores out of 10 okay and for people who,buy coffee it's critically important,that they understand where this coffee,fits in on sort of defects from flavor,acidity aroma and what they're you know,all this sort of stuff so we needed to,build out this table to present that,information nicely now there are lots of,ways to do this you can go into the App,Store and find numerous apps that will,charge you by the month to enable you to,build out nice tables in Shopify there's,also if we go back to the product go,into products here there's also you know,obviously you can put a basic table in,there just through this insert table but,it's going to be pretty basic okay,so I wanted to do this and I want to,didn't want to pay any money for it I,didn't want to pay monthly fees for apps,so really,we believe in trying to avoid using too,many apps there are going to be times,when you have to use apps this is one of,those times where you do not have to use,map so what I did I went off I wanted to,put it in in code so I basically wanted,to code this table and if we look at the,code if you are not each product you'll,see this sir button here which is the,show HTML okay so let's click into that,and you'll start to see here this code,here all relates to that table so it's,written in HTML and I'll go back to the,top here a minute it's written in HTML,it's also written in CSS as cascading,style sheet language okay and you can,see the various things like the font,size here the padding here body so you,know there's two ways to do this we,could learn to write all this code,ourselves well that'll be tough wouldn't,it who wants to do that right font color,font backgrounds you know this is the,header basically the header row we don't,want to do that so how can we do this,without doing that without buying an app,okay so I found a website and it's,basically tables generator calm and for,absolutely free here we can create,tables and when we create tables we can,then generate all the code we need to,put into a list so let's click generate,here okay and now we've got we're gonna,have all the code that we need in order,to make at the table that's actually,written in we want this in HTML not the,text tables we want in HTML so here's,the code we want it for HTML which is,your hypertext markup language which,includes the CSS part of it so I've made,the table here and making the table this,straightforward enough I'll show you how,to do that in a minute but once I've,made the table then I can simply copy,all this code and I can do that with one,click of a button copy to clipboard and,I can go over to my product here and you,can see here where I've just pasted that,code,straight in and if I want to edit that,code I can either go back to my the,website tables generator calm which does,hold this table it stores if if you use,it doesn't just get rid of it for me or,I can edit the code itself directly it's,pretty easy to see how it works each one,of these is a row so if I wanted to make,another row I could simply copy this,paste it below and change the content,okay so let's quickly see how to make a,table on this website file new table,telling how many rows how many columns,so I'm going to do a two by three just a,real quick simple one here create then,it gives it here and then I can,basically block off I can color things,so I can make it a bright red header,that's the fun sorry,that's gonna be the background bright,red let's take the font back to white,now I can start typing values in here if,I generate that you'll see it's got,nobody use at all okay so if I come up,here and now I want to just start typing,in here,hether one and if I don't like that font,I can obviously change that font,whatever I want and then I can put in,here header to you and then I can start,typing my data my answers basically data,one they said two etc okay and once I've,got this actually generate and you can,see it puts that straight into here with,the appropriate colors and everything,else and this is just ready to copy and,paste into your product into your,product here,through this button here which then when,that's saved is going to make us a great,you know presentation on the product,page okay so that's how I would sort of,hack my way around this and save myself,any app the,and create a product table in a product,a table in a product or a page or any,other area of Shopify content that I,want without using apps without paying,monthly fees and without understanding,how to code it I think the result looks,great hope you do too

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