shopify how much time should you spend on your small business

How Long Does It Take To Build a SUCCESSFUL Shopify Business? what's up guys and welcome to today's,

Marco Rodriguez - The eCom Project

Updated on Feb 27,2023

How Long Does It Take To Build a SUCCESSFUL Shopify Business?

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How Long Does It Take To Build a SUCCESSFUL Shopify Business?

what's up guys and welcome to today's,video where I want to talk about how,much time you actually need to run a,successful drop shipping business so how,much time it takes until you hit,something that is six success I felt,like the the one of the most common,reasons why people fail and get,demotivated and you know stop pursuing,the business is because they had,entirely wrong expectations in terms of,how long it takes to get successful and,I got a lot of messages from people that,are saying things like I've been trying,this for two weeks not been trying this,for three weeks though and whenever I,get into these Facebook groups people,are complaining that after spending like,a hundred bucks and two weeks they still,don't have the sales that they thought,they would get and I feel like you first,of all need to get the right expectation,before you can pursue this business in a,serious way because there are so many,gurus and you and videos everything out,there that proclaim that it's super easy,and quick that you can get the wrong,expectation and then you won't pursue it,in the right way so the first thing that,you need to understand the most,important thing is how long it takes,before you get successful depends on how,much money you have so in general the,higher your budget the bigger your,budget the quicker you can expect,results why is this the case well it's,pretty simple if you have a lot of money,you can test more products you can add,more products in general you may be able,to afford some VA you may be able to you,know add certain plugins that make your,own make make your life easier and all,this together basically gives you the,gifts to the opportunity to make sales,quicker so it's easier to make sales,quicker if you have a budget of like,$10,000 compared to $500 on the other,hand that of course if you don't have,that large budget let's say you only,after thousand dollars for everything so,for advertising for your store for,everything in that case of course you,need to spend more time on the business,because you know you know you can invest,time and you can and you can invest,money but of course you need to invest,at least one of those and this is the,case with the majority of people that,are complaining they usually have small,budgets they have limited budgets but,they they still expect some miracles,within their budgets so let's say your,budget is 500 or 1000 dollars in total,it means that your,probably running come at campaigns for,five for ten dollars a day right because,you want to have the opportunity to,review your ads all the time and to,check and optimize versus just starting,with fifty bucks which will give you,results quicker but you also have you're,also running on a higher risk because,you cannot make changes all the time,because after one day fifty dollars are,gone basically so this is super,important and I would say that you need,to try at least for probably three,months is what I would say before you,can expect certain results realistically,and I don't you know making the first,sale is not something that I will call,the results if people come to come to me,and they are like hey I my free sales,now I can you know I can teach you or a,ham at five sales does anyone need help,this is to be honest this is not a point,where you can help others and this is,not really a point where you had any,sort of success because five sales three,sales even ten sales can mean that that,you just you know you hit one little you,were a little bit lucky you were hit you,you there was a one-hit wonder you had a,product that sold a few times but when I,say you know sticking to this until,you're successful this means to me,at least that you had a higher figure,income and especially that you had an,income on the on an ongoing basis so,saying that I will pursue it until I'm,successful means until you have let's,say sales for two or three months in a,row or at least a very high amount of,sales in the certain month so this being,said if you are questioning whether you,are doing the right thing because you,didn't make good amount of sales after,one month definitely stick to it and you,know even consider things like free,traffic sources I have a full video on,free traffic sources so in case you ran,out of budget but you still think that,you have some potential think about you,know working with organic traffic think,about posting on Instagram think about,SEO and also if you think that you were,onto something you probably had some,sales already or you just have a very,promising store but you don't have the,budget I don't know you know do some,freelance work get a,if you have a job at the same time use,that money that you learned there so,that you can reinvest I'm not saying,that you should pour everything you have,into this business but if you feel like,you were onto something and you were,getting you know you were seeing some,results but now you ran out of budget,think about whether you can freelance,for other stores or freelance follow,people so that you can put parts of the,money you earn back into the business,and see where you would get if you would,continue this way but the main thing is,here is to be realistic like whether you,decide to quit after two months or four,months or six months doesn't really,matter like if you found that this is,nothing for you or whatever this is,totally fine but if you go in the,business with the expectation of I have,to succeed in two weeks because this,will all the Guru's tell me this will,almost guarantee that you will fail,because you approach this whole thing in,the wrong way and you will get,demotivated all the time and things like,that so if you truly want to be,successful set yourself a realistic time,horizon like I said three months is a,minimum of course there are always those,one and wonders people that make sales,immediately but this is definitely not,normal and the more time you give it the,more you work on this you the more you,grow the more or the easier and the more,realistic it is that you will actually,hit a point where you're getting to the,sales that you want and of course you,know trainings and consulting mentoring,and all these kinds of things can,kick-start the process and I'm not,saying that you know they don't work in,any way of course I have my own training,program but it mean if you don't need,this to be successful so it is helpful,if you have the budget if you want to,cut a little bit of time if you want to,get the results a little bit quicker but,if you run on like a $500 budget don't,invest like $400 of it into a training,program so that you can only invest $100,in your budget I have to be honest here,I mean I have like I set my own training,program of course I want people to buy,it but I have to be realistic here if,you cannot really afford it and if you,are left with pretty much nothing after,you buy it then Rapha invested in the,business and learn about the things,yourself and you know do all these,things yourself and figure them figure,them out while you go if not if you have,the budget did you can if you can't,afford that then a training program can,be a good decision because you you know,you don't need that much time you can,avoid a lot of failure,you can avoid losing a lot of money but,as I said it depends on the individual,case so if you like this general type of,video right here I just wanted to give,you an overview on this whole business,if you like this video please leave a,like and please subscribe to this,channel because I will also of course,post other straight forwards details,tips and strategies on how you can,actually succeed in e-commerce but I,hope that this was a good overview so,that you are not thinking that you are a,failure just because you don't hit that,$10,000 in sales in your first month,this being said guys I really hope you,enjoyed it thanks for watching and I,will hopefully see you in the next video,bye mine

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