shopify how to add common text to every product

Add Messages To The Product Pages By Using Tags - 2022 FREE Shopify Tutorial in this video you're go

Andrew from EcomExperts

Updated on Mar 31,2023

Add Messages To The Product Pages By Using Tags - 2022 FREE Shopify Tutorial

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Add Messages To The Product Pages By Using Tags - 2022 FREE Shopify Tutorial

in this video you're gonna learn a,little hack on how to add,specific messages to specific products,not all of your products,just the ones you want and we're gonna,do this little hack,by using tags it's gonna be super easy,at the end,it's gonna look amazing so stick to the,end bonjour shopify well my name is,andrew from e-com experts dot io,as you know this is the green hoodie,we're doing shopify coding below in the,description there is a link if you,follow that link,put in your email address you will get,the full document with all of the code,that we're using in right here so you,can just copy and paste the code instead,of having to figure it out all right,let's just jump straight into our store,so welcome to our demo store right here,and just to show that i'm not,bamboozling you um,i'm going to this amazing chakra,bracelet oh my god that was weird,i got stuck there for a second um this,amazing shot crap bracelet,um let's view it you know it looks like,this there's no message and if i do,message here,or something like that nothing nothing's,gonna happen,if i add the tag message here,nothing's gonna happen there is no,message,i feel betrayed but we're gonna change,that right now,so uh in order to change that it's,actually,really simple you're going to go to your,online store,right here you're going to wait until it,loads and when it's loaded you're going,to go to the live,theme or the theme you want to make a,change on you're going to click actions,and you're going,to click duplicate if you forget this,you're an idiot do not skip this step,because if you make a mistake in your,code and you're not,good enough with code that you can't,figure out what mistake you made,it's crude you have to hire a developer,just duplicate the theme,now you have a backup you work on the,backup and if you mess up you just,delete the backup and you start up,all right cool we're on the same page um,you're gonna click,actions once the duplication is done,you're going to click actions and you're,going to click edit code,and you have some drum roll in the back,because right now ladies and gentlemen,you have arrived,to the code editor all right,once you're here we're going to go here,right here on the left we're going to,find,the sections section it's so confusing,uh the sections and then we're going to,look for product dash,template uh let's see,where are your recommendations,product template here we go so product,template dot liquid,again under the sections if you don't,have it,something that looks similar the naming,might be a little bit different i mean,there's over,hundreds of teams out there and there's,fast one slow ones i made a video about,that,um about which ones are fast which ones,are slow,and they're all very different but you,know it's gonna be,named something like product,template.liquid as long as it's in the,section,section this is confusing,all right once we're there let's say i,want to add the,message to above the add to cart so,we're going to click,control f on windows command if on a mac,and we're going to do,add and then this is going to pop up a,button,type submit oh if your button type is,submit that is your add,to cart button considering one of the,products templates,um so this entire section right here,that's the beginning of a button that's,the end of the button,so if i want to write something above,the button,i do a couple of enters spacings do not,matter in html and css,so i create a bunch of white space and i,paste the code,that i've provided copy,and paste boom i know i'm going to make,it look a little bit prettier,like this you don't i recommend you,doing it but you don't,have to do it,a little bit more it's a little bit too,much,and then i'm going to even do a little,gift,to the next person that's going to be,playing in this,theme start code,by tech,all right andrew why are you doing this,well you know,this way the next developer that walks,into this theme,they don't have to spend hours trying to,figure out why there is a tag being,called here and what's happening,no they just look at the comments when,it's great it's commented out it's not,real code it's just a comment,and they say oh this is the start of the,code message by tag,okay this is the end of the code for the,message by tag maybe i should do it like,because even with comments it's not,clear sometimes as you can see,anyway if you don't want to put the grey,part in of the commenting just forget it,just copy and paste what is written and,you're good to go,basically what it says is you know if,you find the tag and the con,the tag contains the word new message,then remove the word new message from,the tag and,paste whatever comes after the word new,message,right above the cart button,now if you don't want it to appear above,the card button,you can move this you can play around,with it so you can,um you know cut,and you can paste this on other places,as long as it's in the product dash,template dot liquids you kind of have to,try it for yourself you know if you,don't want it above the add to cart,button you can do it below the arctic,card button you can do it,above like the description you can do it,below the description above the pro,above the images you can kind of paste,it like here or you can paste it here,or you can paste it you know you kind of,play around with it and then look at the,result and then come back and play,around with it again,we're going to keep it simple we're,going to do it above the,add to cart all right save,and that was it for the code now uh,one very important thing is that you,need to copy this new,message you don't need to copy it but,you need the spelling exactly the same,with the caps exactly at the same places,so no caps for new but,m in caps for message that's really,important,because you're going to take that like i,said,take it like this you're going to copy,it that's the easiest way,now we're going to go to products i,found my sharper base,all right and it's here products shack,replace it,all right so you go to the shop bracelet,right here,you can paste what we have just written,and you say this product,is available for,pick up at the boutique,just text me,all right so you're not supposed to,write an entire bible here like this is,for messages and notes and stuff like,that,uh it doesn't work for it could work for,a product description,just don't do it it's really not meant,to work like that for a product,description it's a hack,so once you have that yeah you add that,new message,so you got it here as a tag now and then,you save it,and if you view it it's not going to,appear,because i forgot to put our theme life,so you go back to the,online store you go to online store,right here,and remember we worked on this one last,save two minutes ago we did not touch,this one,so this one is not live so we do actions,we do,publish are you sure you want to publish,this,yes we're sure we want the whole world,to see our new code,all right now it's live so i go back to,products check my bracelets,i view it i guess it was open here i,could have just,this product is available for pickup at,the boutique just text me,oh but andrew does it appear on all of,them no look origami it's not here,silver treated necklaces ain't there,but andrew i want the guardian angel,earrings,god where did i come up with these names,um,i want there to be a message there okay,fair enough the,guardian angel earrings look at that,look at that i can do,tags uh paste,new message yep,here is a specific message you get the,point,you you're smart enough you're like oh,let me get it,and that that's basically it it's,oh it takes a moment close preview,why are you not showing yet view,new message here is a specific,why are you not working here is a,particular message there you go it takes,a moment before it uploads,but it did work so yes if you're,building your store like this make sure,to check out this video that we did,about the,seven steps that you kind of have to,check out before you start building,stores it's gonna save you tons of money,and time,i do it with my shopify plus clients and,even they are like oh my god there's,value in this even though i'm shopify,plus and i make a million a month,yes sir madam there is so uh make sure,to check out that video also make sure,to,like and subscribe and if you couldn't,find all of the code that i copy pasted,it's in the description,the first link just click on it put in,your email and it will get to your email,address thank you very much guys my name,is andrew from ecom experts and i will,see you in,another video,you

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