shopify how to add image on tab

how to add images and add product tab in shopify store okay that was so that was how to do the,image


Updated on Mar 09,2023

how to add images and add product tab in shopify store

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how to add image on tab

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how to add images and add product tab in shopify store

okay that was so that was how to do the,images,now i'm going to show you how to detect,um the instructions and the installation,instructions,um,so when i go back to the spreadsheet,and i already downloaded it but you,would do the same thing so you would,just come open this again,because this has all your links in it,that you need for your images and your,text documents,and i sort it again by type,of the file,your document files,so just click on these,two,and hit the download button but i,already did that so i'm not gonna do it,again and then it'll come down here,open it up,and,actually i think these are the two,maybe i had to use the exact,format it came in,let me try again let me go back to the,spreadsheet,short by type,i'm just gonna do this,download,um,i don't even know what i should type,here,just type in um,just type in the name of the product,all right so,we're just going to open them,and then close this,go back to,upload files,so it looks like you just need the one i,think this is already description and i,don't need that so it's just this one,yeah the assembly instructions,and then in that document i got i gave,you i want you to copy this paste just,push copy,now you're going to go to,edit custom fields,details,and hit ctrl v you can't do it on your,mouse you have to hit,there you go,and then you just since there's no,warranty actually don't worry about this,one,you want to click the link,go back here,to the link settings,copy the link,paste it,and just put in,instructions,and then,save,and then save and close and you're done,if you have any questions let me know

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