40% of your website visitors will want,to check out your home page no matter,what page they initially landed on,according to research from Co marketing,yet so many people have poorly designed,home pages that literally scares off,your potential customers before they,even take a look at your product run,today I'll show you what exactly goes,into a great Shopify homepage how you,can design your own home page to elevate,and increase sales and of course I'll,show you examples of this so if that all,sounds good to you it'd be much,appreciated if you give this video a,thumbs up and then let's get started so,number one is your USP which stands for,unique selling proposition in marketing,and this should be very clear clearly,displayed in the home page at the at the,top so you're gonna have your banner and,then you're going to have your unique,selling proposition at the top which is,usually just a single sentence very,short and sharp displaying and,summarizing what exactly your brand,stands for and what you sell and what,you do I've seen so many stores and home,pages where you have no clue what they,sell whatsoever until you actually go,onto the product page and then you're,like okay they sell bags but before then,the home page that makes no sense at all,and you want to completely avoid that,and an easy way to do that is having a,very plea USP the USP needs to summarize,why the customer should buy from you,what your brand stands for and this can,also be displayed in other forms rather,than just a single sentence it can be,displayed in many badges or icons,throughout the home page number two is,clearly designing your ATF so I promise,this is going to be the last marketing,term or acronym potentially acronym that,I use in a little while but ATF stands,for above the fold content so anything,above the fold is when you land on a,page and you don't have to scroll you,need to very carefully structure your,above-the-fold content especially in the,home page it kind of needs to be that,like first page in a very interesting,book because not a lot of people,actually deep,all on the home page or any page for,that matter unless they're reading an,article or something along the lines as,that so not many people will deep scroll,so you need to ensure that the,above-the-fold content is very,eye-catching it's interesting it,includes that USP and that it summarizes,everything about you without needing to,read the entire home page essentially,there's a few ways to do this and I,guess this leads me on to point number,three which is a pro tip don't use,sliders or the scrolling gallery,whatever you want to call it essentially,it's that like glider or gallery at the,top where you get to you know click from,side to side so so far you want the,above-the-fold content to display just a,single image something very clear with,your USP there if you don't have these,things already you are hurting your,conversion rate and you're missing out,on sales massively yes it seems like a,small thing but you'd be surprised just,how much it actually impacts sales in,conversion rate overall particularly in,e-commerce the next point is you,actually should not sell very hard on,the homepage content a popular belief a,lot of people try to cram as much in,onto the homepage as many sales as they,can but that's not the point the point,of the homepage is to establish your,brand tell the audience who you are and,why it should matter to them why your,brand matters to them there is an,exception to this though the homepage,should definitely represent both your,Brent and what's happening right now so,for example if you're prepping and,gearing up for a huge sale such as Black,Friday well then of course you want to,decorate the homepage to reflect that,and to prep them to get ready for a big,sale or even on the day it should be,updated to show them the sales that are,on now but you the fact is the point is,you shouldn't list all the sales on that,single page it should just be a banner,to show them that the cell is on right,now and they can dive in deep us through,that banner so your homepage is a space,to tell a story to your potential,customers and that story you really need,to resonate trust with them it needs to,establish some sort of unique selling,point,but predominantly it needs to establish,trust now I'm going to give you a few,examples,in a moment I'm actually gonna jump on,my computer and show you some really,great examples of this but there are a,few more really important points I want,you to know about your homepage okay,number four is categories categories and,more categories because think about it,if you went into a supermarket today and,you went into the front door and,suddenly there was raw chicken next to,milk and there was toilet paper next to,cereals you know there would not make,sense whatsoever it'd be extremely,confusing the experience of shopping,there would be frustrating and the same,goes for your homepage and your entire,ecommerce store in essence and needs to,look clean it adds to the UX which is,use experience and a good user,experience equals credibility and,credibility equals trust equals sales,okay it's all a chain reaction here,number five is video is king and this is,something that I've been going about,sitting over since my first youtube,video that I shared over two years ago,now where I literally said video is,going to be king it is king still,remains more true than ever today so if,you have video content about your brand,or a key product and this shouldn't just,be like a random product that you slap,onto a home page if you have the chance,to make a brand video that stands for,your brand that stands for your products,that you're selling this is especially,the case of course if you're private,labeling or you have a one product store,that video should be on your home page,if you're not great with videos that's,fine you can simply outsource it don't,forget the power of outsourcing so if,you want to talk about your brand then,film a few clips and then get it to a,video editor to spruce it up a little,bit doesn't need to be too fancy you can,simply host it on YouTube and embed it,onto your Shopify store and that's a,free option right there and that's,really going to help with the overall,aesthetic of your brand and also the,home page of course now I'm going to,share with you examples of,homepages and break it down with you on,screen few examples I want to share with,you today stunning with the modern pack,comm this is a very visual example as,you can see it's a full screen,experience and I'm a large monitor here,so it's very nicely optimized and it's,very clean so staying in style or stay,in style I should say let's zoom in here,very clean tagline very stylish and with,the USP it tells us a few things so,let's read it let us carry you away with,our selection of vintage bags and,backpack including old school handbags,too festive already pom packs you got to,love a good old bum bag but with this,USP it tells us a few things and tells,us that the niche is indeed bags if you,haven't already figured that out from,their brand and on top of that not just,bags but specifically vintage bags and,backpacks so this is a very powerful,statement in just a single sentence it,tells you that they're all about,backpacks and quality backpacks too and,just the fact that it's a full screen,experience that looks very clean already,denotes high quality type products but,from here let's continue scroll down,they break it down into two collections,here men's and women's very you know,straightforward further down here check,out our hottest items now I already see,a typo with hottest so someone needs to,fix that up but this is a another common,approach where you have your hottest,products on your homepage now this is,not a way to really push hard and get,the sell on the home page that's not the,case but instead it is to get the person,landing on the page to think deeply,about your products to show an example,of the products and also show demand,with hottest items it shows the man it,shows popularity as you can see here,even one of the hobo bags man I gotta,love the names here got bum bags hobo,bags the hobo bag is sold out so that,shows popularity and it shows demand now,these are drop shipping products so,chances are they're not actually sold,out it could be a strategic play playing,on the fact that they are the hottest,items and then of course you have the,footer everything looks clean everything,is streamlined so this is one approach,that you could take let's move on to the,next product and the next product is hey,silky skin this is something that I,mentioned it before and you may already,know this brand this is a white label,product and I wanted to show you this,example because they do a few things,right and a few things that they could,approve on now just checking the up here,so it is indeed on Shopify as you can,see here but immediately this stanza as,a person who is in UX UI user experience,and user interface and if you're a,designer looking into this you can tell,that this is optimized for mobile,straight off the pad just by the fact,that the CTA and the text is just really,like in-your-face it's really large,let's scroll down a bit further here so,right off the bat you can see this is a,very heavy influencer type brand they,obviously rely on user-generated content,that you rely on influencer marketing,the thing that they don't do so well is,it's not optimized for desktops I'm on a,desktop right now,and you can see that the after pay logo,here is just far too big the stars icons,here are far too big but what we're,gonna do now is we're going to go into,the developer tools and click inspect,and then we're gonna change it to a,mobile format and you can immediately,see already that it completely changes,the game here which tells me that this,is not optimized for desktops if you go,back here and go full screen it is not,very optimized for desktop which is a,big no-no but overall in terms like the,home page in itself it is it's pretty,great I mean it's very clean it tells,you immediately what they're selling,with a very complimentary image and then,you have social proof that is very,forefront because of their influence on,marketing as well it is a popular,product so they have the ability to,share a lot of different reviews now,this might not be the case,just like the modern pack which by the,way real quick,let's take a look at this and inspected,as well this in a mobile format is a,very nicely very nice-looking so this is,purely optimized for mobile and desktop,which is perfect which is what you want,moving on from this one let's take,another look at a brand that I really,admire which is grove maid now grove,maid is all about custom products made,from wood and this is also hosted on,Shopify which is why when I show you,this design inspires what you do build,your stream workspace so you can get,your best work done it is very clear,through images what exactly they sell,not necessarily the tagline in this case,but still it is a very clean type,looking website as you can see from all,the previous examples it is very visual,centric which is how it should be a very,big part of the homepage is all about,the image and then complementary text,now they could interchange this here,with desk pads here and have the USP you,know right on the image as you can see,here few reasons why you might not want,to do that for example might clash with,some of the black as you can see here,and they want to keep the image the,visual masterpiece the journey here is,okay immediately you know what they sell,moving down here they split their,products to offer the customer some,insight into what they sell to,incentivize them to click through and,find out more about their product and,moving down here you can see that they,start to talk about their brand in their,brand story this is very important if,you have a brand that might have been,around for a little longer or you're,trying to craft your own brand right now,made the hard way they talk about how,they create their products and then,their team now obviously not all of us,have a huge team like this that's,totally fine,but because they do have a large team,this is something that they want to,highlight and this is a smart move it,shows them that it shows the customers,like ourselves that these products are,indeed handmade it's crafted by love,it's crafted by a large team etc so this,is a great,way to bring a customer through a,journey through the home page because,this brand has invested a lot into the,home page journey this next example is,quite interesting it's something a,little bit different and this is the,click funnels type approach so you might,have seen this before this is a one,product approach and this is very,different so this is indeed the home,page but it's not even a home page it is,the only page a very short and sharp as,you can see it tells you exactly what,they're offering,it's the ever strike lighter the world's,most durable long lasting completely,waterproof light up immediately,impactful immediately tells you what,they're selling this is what you want,you want it to be very clear you don't,want it to be long-winded so it tells,you what they're selling immediately,there is a check out box on the side ok,the the reason behind this is a,two-prong but I won't get into too much,detail because this is a separate a,video in itself and I'll probably make a,video about this next week so just stay,tuned for that,but going down further here they start,to build out the USPS and also the,benefits of this product and a lot of,CTA buttons claims your claim you're,free now,claim yours free now I don't know grand,matically that sounds a bit weird and,but going further down to have the CTA,button again but very simple very short,overall the really the focus here is the,check out box right here and again like,I said this is hosted on clickfunnels,and this is part of clickfunnels,dropshipping which i'll talk about in,more detail in next week's video but,this is a different approach in the fact,that it is the home page it tells you,everything about the product but they,also have integrated checkout on the,home page and this is the only page,which is pretty amazing yes they have a,footer page here but there's a specific,intentional strategy here,that I'll talk about next week so if you,haven't already subscribed to this,channel then make sure that you,subscribe because next week we'll be,going through how to use click funnels,for draw,shipping an ecommerce to create a page,like this that converts extremely well,now not saying that these pages don't,convert well but if you follow every,single strategy that we talked about,here you're going to improve your,homepage dramatically because I'm,willing to bet that you're not doing,everything correct on your homepage,there's a lot of people that are,absolutely butchering their homepage,unfortunately and they have a lot of,work to do on that homepage now this,video is hardly quite long so next week,I'm going to go into more detail about,click funnels drop shipping so stay,tuned for that in the meantime keep on,hustling I'll see you in the next video
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