what's up everybody welcome to another,apex academy video today's going to be a,real easy simple video to kind of go,through we're going to be showing how to,set up upsells for your one product,store,you guys know i've been talking about,one product stores for a little while,i'm starting to get some questions how,do i set you know i'm getting questions,from different people how to do this how,to do that so today's uh video is gonna,be an upsell video show you guys how to,do upsells for one product store i'm,gonna be also talking about why it's,important to set up upsells so let's,just go into the one product store by,the way i am using the themato uh one,product store theme uh you guys can,access it by going to,one product theme.thermado.com,uh you know you could take a look at,their demos you can order the buy now,button the theme is currently 79,and also they have a discount code so if,i click on this little button they have,like a little,discount code that you guys can go ahead,and take a look at it says here use code,summer so,you guys could check it out use the,discount code get yourself a discount,when you use the theme,because i know some people are going to,ask me what theme am i using so on and,so forth so let's go ahead and jump into,the upsell so,the reason why you want to have upsells,for your theme kind of like this,customer is going to show up and and,you're going to do majority of the,marketing for one specific product does,that make sense so uh whatever that one,product is a good example of this let's,just head over here let's open this up,in a new tab so we can just uh kind of,see the newsletter feature and all that,kind of stuff so let's go to,oneproducttheme.com,so i can kind of explain what the,purpose of this is go over here and,click view demo you copy and paste the,password hit view demo and paste the,password in and enter i want to show you,guys the purpose when you're doing,marketing you're doing marketing on the,main product right which in this case,this is the main product right this is,their demo this is the motto's one,product theme demo okay blend jet etc,you go over here you pick your product,whatever color you want let's just say,you want the blue variation you hit add,to bag well,what happens is you want to boost the,average order value this is also known,as the aov,okay and when people talk about aov you,know that stands for average order value,let's go ahead and get rid of this real,quick all right,so people add the product to their cart,well guess what they might not,necessarily be thinking about extra,bonuses to pay for,but you get this little upsell you know,amazon does the same thing it says you,may also like these products and it,shows like a bunch of products and they,can click add to cart and guess what,they get more upsells now why does,upsells matter and how do they help once,again they increase average order value,but more importantly with this specific,theme notice here it says free shipping,for any orders over x amount you can,change this number by the way,and then here it shows the amount left,for you to spend to get free shipping so,the more products i add or the more,products i add to my cart aka upsells,the better chance i have to get free,shipping and,the increase i will get well from a,consumer standpoint i'll have a higher,chance to get free shipping but from a,seller's standpoint or a business,owner's standpoint the more money you're,gonna make right so the concept is very,simple every business uses this or every,business that's making money uses this,so let's go ahead and jump right in here,all right,so um how to set it up okay,now there's two ways to set this up,whenever you hit the add to cart button,or add to bag,you want to have the upsells here,and you want to have the upsells also,when people are scrolling down you want,to have it somewhere on your website so,let's go ahead and hit here the cust,online store and then customize so let's,go to online store themes and then hit,the customize button and very simply put,the first one we're going to focus on is,the product slider upsell so wait for,this to load give it like about five,more seconds right five four,three,two one should uh kind of load by now,all right so,go over here scroll down and hit the,uh where is it here it is the product,slider so,if we scroll down scroll down it's right,under the lookbook so find the lookbook,for us i mean for you it might be,different but it's this button right,here the model product slider and just,literally go over here to the right and,pick the collection that you want in my,case i called it the upsell collection,you could call it what you want uh you,could change this title it doesn't have,to you know be called upsell or it could,be called,hour bonuses or you know,you know whatever whatever you want to,call it hit save,and then wait for it to reload there,would be this green bar right here on,the top and it will reload and that's,kind of how it looks like right so you,can also set up the arrow keys and you,know show navigation show scroll bar,limit the amount of products that are,shown all that kind of cosmetic stuff,right obvious stuff now for the products,to,to pop up here when you add a product to,the cart and you have these you just,have to simply go to every product that,you have,okay and you want to tag the product so,the product has to be tagged right here,you navigate to the product page you go,to the tag section and you need to call,it upsell right if you do not call it,upsell it is not going to work um i read,this information in the themato,documentation website,but you know i'm just literally saving,you guys time instead of you guys,sitting there reading through the,documentation you could do it this way,type in upsell you cannot type in you,know summer clothing all this kind i,mean you could add in extra tags if you,want to but it has to be called upsell,so that the system knows these are the,products that you want to create as,upsells so that when somebody adds the,product to the cart right there's the,upsell so for example let's say i change,my mind and i don't want this product to,be in the upsell section,it's very simple i just so if i remove,this little tag that says upsell here,which i just did,it won't show up here okay does that,make sense so whichever product you want,to show up in the upsell,just simply give it the little upsell,tag and that's it all right thank you,guys for watching if you have any,questions on the theme please let me,know we're gonna be doing a lot more,tutorials a lot more guides things like,that so uh put put your co put you know,your requests in the comments down below,i'll talk to you guys later alright,peace out bye
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