shopify how to add usps rates

Shopify Basics: How to set up USPS flat rate Priority Mail hello everybody this is Ian Lamont the,op

Lean Media

Updated on Feb 24,2023

Shopify Basics: How to set up USPS flat rate Priority Mail

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Shopify Basics: How to set up USPS flat rate Priority Mail

hello everybody this is Ian Lamont the,operator of the sightly media which,talks about online selling Amazon,Shopify etc today and be talking about,Shopify shipping rates and basically how,to set up a US Postal Service flat rate,shipping which is usually cheaper than,the custom party mail shipping so here's,a situation I have this quarter,it weighs one point six to five pounds,and as you may know above a certain,weight US Postal Service will say no you,cannot use first-class shipping you must,use Priority Mail and if it's a custom,rate that is you bring in your own box,the Postal Service will allow you to use,a custom Priority Mail rate and sticker,and basically for this particular,package one point six to five pounds and,the location is going they're charging,about ten dollars and that's not good,for me because first of all I offered,free ground shipping and I don't want to,pay ten dollars for it and also because,I know that there's a Priority Mail,option a flat rate option that is,cheaper than ten dollars and basically,you're using the US Postal Service,mailers that they provide for free to,ship the package and they cut they take,a few dollars off of it so here here's,the option right now with my with my own,white mailer I only have the custom,Priority Mail option what I want to do,is I want to set up the flat rate option,here's how to do it two ways actually,you can go to settings and then click on,shipping and then click add a package or,conveniently they have add package,button right above the package and,weight section for the order so I've,opened it up in another window so let's,take a look and see what it looks like,you click Add package and you will see,this this little window pops up it gives,you options to create custom packaging,so you have your own box or bubble,mailer or whatever you enter the,information the size and the weight give,it a name bubble mailer and then you,could even set it as a default and click,Add package I don't want to do that I,want to use the carrier package options,and these are flat rate options so UPS,and the US Postal Service offer this in,the United States I'm going to select,USPS and look at all of these options,isn't that cool they have a whole bunch,of different types of boxes and,flat-rate things that you can use so,let's say that I wanted to use you know,one of the one of the flat the Priority,Mail you know flat rate options so I,could select it here,click Add package okay and that will be,available as one of my options the other,thing is is once you add one of these,flat rate options,Shopify will automatically show you what,the flat rate is as an option so here we,go back to the order I've selected the,the priority mail flat rate envelope you,can see the weights gone up a little bit,because the envelope itself has some,weight and look at this it's showing me,a much cheaper option USPS priority mail,seven dollars and 15 cents this is the,flat rate option it doesn't say flat,rate mailer this means that I have to,use the actual flat rate flat rate mail,or the envelope that the US Postal,Service provides but I have a bunch of,those in my inventory and that's what I,want so I'm gonna click I'm gonna select,this click buy shipping label and I've,saved nearly three dollars so for more,information on how to get the most out,of your Shopify business or your Amazon,publishing business or Amazon seller,central business I have a whole bunch of,tips and tricks on lean media org this,is the blog page you can see the types,of things that I do I hope to see you,soon and thank you so much for watching

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