shopify how to bulk import products

How to Upload Import Products in Bulk To Shopify Store hello and welcome my name is amuly and,you ar


Updated on Mar 23,2023

How to Upload Import Products in Bulk To Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how to bulk import products

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How to Upload Import Products in Bulk To Shopify Store

hello and welcome my name is amuly and,you are watching,tubemint in this video i'm going to show,you how to add,products in bulk to your shopify store,so let's get started,i assume that you already know how to,add a single product,using shopify user interface,so simply go ahead and log into shopify,admin area to add one product,and on the home page you will see it,says add product,and by pressing this button which says,add another product,you can add a product it's very simple,and user friendly interface,right this is how you add a single,product but if you want to add,more products products in bulk then,you'll simply go ahead and press this,products button on the left,in your shopify store admin dashboard,area,and here are few options add a single,product,this will take you to the previous page,which lets you add,one product at a time,and then you have export and then import,button,so export will export,a csv file of the uploaded products,okay import like this so this will,give you export products okay,and this will ask you to upload a,product,kind of through a csv template,so there are two ways basically you can,do the same thing,so it depends on your on your store,situation right now so if you don't have,any product,upload it to your shopify store i would,suggest go ahead and upload at least,two or three products manually and in,most cases you already have one,like few products uploaded to your,shopify store now you want to do it in,bulk so what if you have,uploaded products go ahead and export,the csv file and then,up update with the new products,by deleting the old ones,and then import the updated,csv file and,i'm going to kind of export and show you,so go with this one which is for excel,numbers and spreadsheet programs,this will let you open in google sheet,number on mac and excel on,wherever it is go ahead and export the,products,and open it and what then what you can,do,so that's the first way so i already,have this,open in my excel so this is the,exported product from my shopify store,here,and you can see what i will do i will,simply go ahead and delete,the most of products here i'll keep just,a few and then accordingly,i will go ahead and update this file,with the new products that i want to add,right that's the first way and,i'll save it i hope this makes sense to,you,this is very much custom to your store,so this is the best way to do it,otherwise what you can do if you're,really savvy,then you can simply go ahead and click,on import here,and download this sample csv,template okay so go ahead and click on,this,export sorry import and then download,this,csv template and this will take you to,this page where you can download this,csv,so you can see it says get a sample csv,file go ahead and download,it from here and this is also open in my,excel so you can see this is how it,looks,now you can go ahead and accordingly,update the rows here,with your products that you want to add,in bulk,the one thing i would suggest you do,before you start,creating this csv template for bulk,update,import to your shopify store you want,to go ahead and upload images one by one,like media,to your shopify store for each product,because in,image source you will have to give,to this template,just one image otherwise once you have,imported,so go ahead and,to import your updated csv file,you simply click on import choose a file,so i'm going to choose this uh sample,one,template right so go ahead and select,one,and overwrite any current product that,have the same handle but i don't have,any,thing like that,go ahead and click on it and then,this is the preview of your product,go ahead and click import if you're not,happy,cancel it and go ahead and update it,import and we are currently,importing your products in your store so,this is how you,add products in bulk let me go ahead and,see if they have,added anything looks like they have,added,few,okay now tracked inventory not tracked,okay,so this is how you import products in,bulk to your shopify store,i'll go to catalog let's see,it should be at the very last i guess,yeah they have added few products you,can see here,these are few that they just had a white,cotton shirt this was also added,wooden fence wooden outdoors,slats this was added this was added,so this is how you can add,products in bulk you can simply go ahead,choose a file but make sure it's already,there,and i'm going to just overwrite let's,see how it goes template,overwrite replace file,upload and continue,go ahead and check you are importing a,file into shopify,okay this,doesn't look right right if this doesn't,look right you can,change the order of column,so,you can see this is how you can change,it,you can have a look at everything,you can see there are a few options and,you can change here if you're not happy,with something and then you can,simply go ahead and save the column,headings,though i did not make any change and now,this is how it looks go ahead and click,on import,products products importing,and then you will see a success message,product imported so this is how you,import,our or upload products in bulk to your,shopify store,hope this has given few ways to do,things a little bit different way so,thank you so much for watching this,video,please like share and subscribe to my,channel bye for now,you

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