hey shopify users in this video i am,going to give you some tips to,fix the size of this,logo in debut theme,so one way to fix this issue here is you,go,into,your theme to customize,by the way this is debut theme,and,what you will do is go back into header,where you had uploaded the logo,and,some people seem to miss that there is,this width,bar right here so,if you go here and then,stretch this,you can see the width changing,right now,for,some people this might do the fix,for some people it might not why i say,that is,if you look as i'm increasing the size,the,space around this logo is increasing and,causing a lot of space on top at the,bottom of this logo,and,the reason for this here is,that,this logo if you download it from canva,it comes with,extra space on the top and bottom of,this logo and,what i mean by that is i will show you,there you go,you see all the space around,so,now when you are stretching out this,logo,it's getting wider but of course it's,proportionally getting bigger so the,height,of the logo is increasing in proportion,and then that white space,starts to increase too so,um so,that is an issue but it has a really,easy fix too so,here,what you could do is you can open if,you're in a windows machine,you would just go to your,logo,and,let us get this logo first so if you,don't i mean you probably have the logo,already on your machine if not you can,just,save it from here,and actually i already have the logo,saved so,what i'm going to do is just open go to,that logo,and if you're on windows you will,do edit with photos,and this view will open up and what,you're going to do is,these round thingies on the corner,just drag them down,to the edge of the logo,and you can also,make it tighter on,the left and right side,sure it's not too tight it's not cutting,off the,logo,and,this is it so now what you're going to,do is just down here save a copy,so,i am just going to save this with a,slightly different name,okay,so go back in,to your header and,change,let's get this width back to where it,was first so say it was at,100 pixels,that's where it was and now,let me just save this here,and now what you're going to do is just,change the image you're going to replace,this image,with the one,you just cropped,so you can see here this one has this,white space this one doesn't,and now,save that,all right,so,you can kind of tell already how some,space on the top and bottom kind of,reduced so now what you can do is what,we were doing before stretch this out,again,now you can see how,logo is getting bigger and white space,is not increasing,so,there you go that's how you can fix,the whole white space and have a better,width for this logo,and,if you think that you want it say around,here but at the same time you're like,you want some more space on the top and,bottom you can go back to add,some space like don't crop too much,leave some space on the top and bottom,and then add that logo and you can have,that,the,right way of doing this is with coding,so if you're a beginner you don't know,any css or anything like that then that,is the easiest way for you to just add,some more uh white space on the top and,bottom,so,this is it right here and,one,um important thing also is everybody's,logo is not in,this horizontal orientation some people,might have a taller logo right so,what i'm going to do is first let me,just save this here,and,i'm going to replace this logo with a,slightly,different,logo that is a bit more,portrait taller and like a vertical,orientation so,i already have a logo on my machine,now,this logo so same thing i got this from,kanban you can see the top has some,space bottom has some space same thing,and then let's see how this is going to,look,okay so,you can see it's a different orientation,and now we do the same thing first i'm,going to try to play,with the,width,now again because this is a bit taller,the logo you might be okay with this but,maybe you want to do the same thing with,this so what i'm going to do is,same thing,open this up,now if you're on mac you have a similar,tool in preview you can crop images,so,i'm going back in edit with photos,and same thing like before,okay if i save a copy of this,and,i will just,just save this,okay and now we go back and,change image,and i'm going to upload the cropped,version,like that,you just felt like how it kind of got,clearer much bigger because now,it's not taking in the whole white space,into the proportion when it uh,sizes this image,and,we can still go and play with the width,down here,and let's see,not sure if we saved the image so we,were here,and save,okay now,right here so i actually,i'm going to make it a bit,smaller,like around maybe here,so,so say it you can tell it's much sharper,and looks better than before and just,save this logo here,and,that's it so just like that you can fix,the width of this logo in your debut,theme,and,guys and girls if you are new to the,channel please subscribe like the video,and if you are interested in more debuff,customizations i am going to be adding,more videos to this series so please,subscribe so you get alerts whenever i,upload a video,till next time adios
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