shopify how to claim pinterest

How to Claim Your Shopify Website on Pinterest (in under 5 minutes!) how to claim your shopify websi

Heather Farris

Updated on Mar 17,2023

How to Claim Your Shopify Website on Pinterest (in under 5 minutes!)

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How to Claim Your Shopify Website on Pinterest (in under 5 minutes!)

how to claim your shopify website on,pinterest i was recently doing an audit,for a client and came across one of the,most important things that you need to,do in your pinterest strategy and that,is to claim your domain it doesn't,matter if you have a wordpress domain in,this case a shopify domain you need to,claim your store in order for you to,actually have that extra added layer of,analytics inside of your pinterest,account and it'll also show on the front,end of your profile as claimed and,pinterest actually will prefer claim,domains in the algorithm they actually,seem to prioritize them in distribution,of pins so let's hop right on into the,tutorial you can do this in under four,minutes and i promise you're not gonna,break your website first thing that you,need to do to actually install and claim,that,website is to go to settings in your,pinterest account,and go to claim,and once you're inside of claim you're,going to go to,websites now you can claim more than one,website,on your pinterest account now and you,can also claim these other channels now,i've covered these in a separate video,if you'd like to watch that you can so,just in this video we're going to claim,our shopify website,so the very first thing we're going to,do is actually add an html tag to our,liquid file on our site,we cannot upload files to shopify,unfortunately and since we're not um,we can't access the hosting as well this,doesn't work either so what we're going,to do is go ahead and click to copy this,html tag,and hop over to your site now it's,probably going to look similar to this,on the front end you're going to go to,online store once you're here you're,going to click themes and that's if,you're looking for other themes but,we're going to go to edit code now we're,looking for our theme dot liquid so if,you want to search through here,typically what i do it's it's up here at,the top but i will control f and just,search theme,dot liquid,and this is where we need to put that,meta tag that we got from pinterest,so you have to paste it between the head,tags so you can see the beginning of the,head tag starts here,and you want to scroll down and find the,end of the head tag,and the end of the head tag is here and,then the body starts here,so you can see right here,this particular website has a google,site verification meta tag right there,so what we can do is just enter down a,couple of times paste our pinterest,meta tag and then you want to put it,before the in tag,now if you are doing your,pinterest tag you're not going to use,this method so,do not manually install your pinterest,tag for shopify using this method,there's a much better way so this is,just to claim your domain so your,website on pinterest shows claimed,once you've pasted that in before the,end of the head tag click save,we're going to go back to pinterest and,we're going to click continue and we're,going to put the name of the website in,so it's just this particular one is shop,quinn street i'm going to pull up the,full domain and i'm going to come over,here and paste it in,and click verify,and it says you're connected and done,and then it will say that your domain is,claimed now this may take sometimes this,can take up to 24 hours to show claimed,so over here on the front end it's not,actually showing a claim status anymore,or currently there will be a little,world with the check box,but it is showing claimed in the back,end so if it's not showing out here on,the front end it likely is fighting with,your,verified merchant status if you have a,verified merchant status these two,things can fight with each other and it,may not show that world with the,checkbox,however just to verify that the site is,claimed you'll go to settings,and claim and it'll just show that it's,claimed here,and that's how you know your website is,claimed,so don't worry if the world on the front,end does not show it's okay,just make sure that it actually shows,claimed in here,and that's it that's how you install,your meta tag to claim your website your,shopify website on pinterest,if you liked that tutorial i would love,it if you would give the video a thumbs,up that way more people can see it just,like you did and for your viewing,pleasure head on over here and watch the,pinterest for ecommerce strategy,tutorials that way you can up your,strategy game on pinterest in 2021 and,beyond that's it for today see you later

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