shopify how to delete images in bulk

Bulk Edit Photos | Shopify in this video we're going to cover,photos show all the different ways tha


Updated on Feb 23,2023

Bulk Edit Photos | Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how to delete images in bulk

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shopify how to delete images in bulk catalogs

Bulk Edit Photos | Shopify

in this video we're going to cover,photos show all the different ways that,you could update both in bulk and,individually for shopify within vela,so when you come into the bulk edit page,and go to the photo section you'll see,all of the photos organized for the,listings that you have selected,if you click the bulk edit drop down up,top you'll notice that there are options,to add replace and delete so let's start,with add,imagine that you click then on the first,position,and that will then open up,the photo library modal this is,basically pulling all of the photos that,exist across all your listings and have,been brought into bella so if there,happens to be a photo from here that you,would like to add then you will be able,to select as many as you'd like you can,also upload directly from your computer,desktop wherever you store your photos,so let's say that we want to add this,photo to all of my listings,i select that you see that it's going to,then be added to the last position of,every selected listing not only on the,first page but if i,go to the second page and the listings,that were brought in so in this case,we're only doing 30 listings but whether,it was 30 or 30 000 the same thing would,hold true,when,that looks like it's good then you can,simply click apply,you'll notice that then it saves the,photo in bella you'll see an indicator,here,next to photos that shows updates have,been saved in vella but would then still,need to be synced to shopify by clicking,sync updates however you can continue to,do work so we'll cover,a couple additional functions here,on replace,you'll see that there are 10 icons that,correspond to each of the 10 photo,positions,so let's say for example if i wanted to,replace,photo number,5 here,i could simply click that let me pick,one from my computer,go to the desktop,and,so i have now this iphone dimension,photo that i wanted to replace an,existing photo with,that again will,be applied across all selected listings,if there happened to be a listing that,you didn't want that to apply to simply,deselect the listing,and it will then be disconnected from,any bulk updates,i'll reselect that click apply,once again,you would click sync updates to,send the updates to shopify but you can,continue working not only within photos,but you could work in other sections as,well and then just click sync updates at,the end when you're,finished with all of your updates,final thing we'll cover in bulk is,delete,works the same as replace,in that you have corresponding,position numbers for each of the,position photos,if i wanted to delete let's say,all the photos in position number four,simply click that,you can see it a red indicator dot will,apply you could do this for multiple,photos if you wanted at the same time,at that point once again apply,it will take all the photos in that,position away,and if then everything looks good,you would again quick sync updates but,let's just take one more look at what,you can do individually,you could click on the individual icon,for,any specific listing and it will add a,photo just there,you can also drag and drop to move,photos into whatever position you like,and you can delete individual photos,simply by clicking the,trash cans,over any individual photo and it will,then remove,that specific photo,once everything looks good,again quick sync updates,you'll see the indicator appear up top,showing the progress of the sync,depending on how many listings you,select will determine how long it takes,but in general just a matter of seconds,to a couple minutes if you've selected,more listings,you'll see the indicator showing the,progress so zero of 30 listings,and then it will continue,until reaches the,full amount,and those updates will,then be reflected directly,in your shopify shop,while it's processing you're able to,continue doing additional work you can,close the page,it will continue running,behind the scenes so it looks like it's,complete,and now the updates will be reflected on,shopify that's all you gotta do

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