shopify how to disable the popup cart

How to remove cart and Icon from Shopify 2.0 store | Dawn Theme | Straight to Checkout uh hello guys

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Updated on Mar 05,2023

How to remove cart and Icon from Shopify 2.0 store | Dawn Theme | Straight to Checkout

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How to remove cart and Icon from Shopify 2.0 store | Dawn Theme | Straight to Checkout

uh hello guys and welcome to this very,quick and easy tutorial for removing the,add to cart option from your Shopify 2.0,Dawn theme store this will work with any,Shopify 2.0 themes basically what we're,going to be doing in this video is,removing this add to cart option this is,perfect for stores that don't really,need this so like a one product store or,whatever it might be so instead what,we're going to do is just have this Buy,It Now option so they can still choose,what they want okay they can still,change the variance whatever it might be,and you can still have the stock options,etc etc,but instead of having the outer car,it'll just be this perfect little Buy It,Now button which isn't which is already,an option on Dawn and if it's not an,option on your Shopify 2.0 theme or your,Shopify theme then definitely have a,look at switching over to Dawn because I,think it's the best option so let's just,quickly exit out of here so we can start,from the beginning this is the page that,we want them to be taken to as soon as,they say I want this product they just,click buy it now and they're instantly,on this page instead of having the cart,so I have the latest version of dawn,7.01 so this is the most up-to-date,video you'll find on YouTube press edit,code like this type in main product dot,liquid like that okay I'm not going to,give you specific line numbers I'm going,to show you how to find what you need so,do a control F search and type in cart,as you can see it says add to cart form,here and all I'm going to be doing is,removing this button like that,so that was about,um,seven lines of code,and then I'm going to hit save,make sure that you're removing the,closing tag as well and then if we go,back here and we click refresh it didn't,even have to click refresh you can see,now that there is just a Buy It Now,button and there is no cards so another,thing here is that there is a cart here,I believe this is a front end Shopify,change so if I go on something,like I'll just find it quickly,okay it seems to actually be a back end,change so what you're gonna have to do,is type in header on the code editor on,Dawn so let me just exit let me start,this again,so click edit code here type in header,here click on header.liquid press Ctrl F,and look for cart and then you're gonna,have to press enter a lot of times okay,and what you're looking for is when it,says,a h ref so it should be around here,let's have a look,keep going keep going,oh I went all the way through,okay there it is there so ah ref where,it says ahref just highlight that you,can uh copy it just in case you make a,mistake delete it and then press save I,can't press save because I already made,this change and now when I press refresh,you can see that the cart is basically,gone from our store and now people can,just instantly click on buy it now,instead of going through the cart,process thanks for watching guys plenty,more Dawn tutorials on my channel,subscribe for more and peace out

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