yo what's going on everybody it's luke,and today i'm going to show you how to,set up the free plus shipping shipping,options now when you're a beginner drop,shipper,there is one thing that entices you when,it's free plus shipping one is because,the data is super cheap to get,two because you get sales relatively,quick three because the cost per link,is very cheap as well and it's just like,you feel more satisfied because you get,orders quicker and it's,a lot of things that a lot of beginner,drop shippers get into like it's the,number one way of selling for beginners,but i know my very first store and how,to set up free plus shipping i was a,little bit confused on how to set up the,shipping options,so let's get right into that so let's,act like we are gonna set up a free plus,shipping store,so let's go over to our products and now,this is my core store so,we're just gonna go over to beginner,drop shipping,course now it's the same for courses,than it is with uh,products so all you gotta do is go over,to 0.0,now actually i just noticed that we're,going to add in,another variant called another,one because most of your guys's stores,are gonna have two variants on the,product,so i understand looking at that will be,a little bit confusing this is what most,of your guys stores,will look like like this so what we're,gonna do is go over to open,bulk editor we're going to change all of,them to zero,and then we're going to go over to add,fields now this is important because we,really need to add this or,people will be getting your product for,actual free so we're going to go over to,weight,and now we're gonna make our weight one,pound now it's a little bit confusing,but don't worry it all makes sense in a,second,so after we made our weight one pound,we're gonna go over here,we're gonna go to our shipping manage,rates,and now you can see that we have a lot,of raids going on and this is what the,base,shipping rates look like on every,shopify store so first things first,we're going over here,we'll click the edit zone and we're,going to check mark the rest of the,world,now for some reason this doesn't work,for me sometimes so what you have to do,sadly is go through each and every,continent,and add them all in now it's a little,bit tedious but it's definitely worth it,considering that if you're running free,plus shipping,odds are as you're doing top five,countries or worldwide just to get more,data quicker,so you want to have all these selected,or what will happen is people from,canada or people from,united kingdom will go to check out in,your store and the shipping prices will,be a lot different than what you think,they actually are,and that might be why nobody is buying,it from outside the united states so,after we change that we're gonna go over,to the rest of the world,and we're gonna delete this zone and now,we have these guys so what we're gonna,do,is the common theme is delete everything,everything that shopify set up for us we,don't want no more so we're gonna go,right here and we're gonna go to,standard shipping,and handling and now we're going to make,this base rate 1356,because that is the rate i like to have,my free plus shipping at,and now we're going to put our minimum,weight at 0.5 pounds,and our maximum weight at 1. so,the reason why we put our weight like,this is because,if you guys remember earlier in the,steps we made our product,one pound so now if they add in one of,those products,it will be 13.56 so that's,pretty simple right but the tedious part,is that you have to go through,each and every one but i probably should,copy and paste this just to make this a,little bit quicker,but don't worry i'll go through them,with you guys we have to go through each,and every one,to add in the weights and what i like to,do is make it a little bit cheaper each,time so instead of making it,let's say 26 for two we'll make it 24,61. that looks like a pretty good rate,and now,we'll go over here type in,1.5 to 2.,now the reason why we do this again is,because,with two of them added up equals two,pounds and if they only have,one it won't go through the 1.5 it won't,go through that threshold,so you want to make it 1.5 to 2 and,continuously do this,up to probably like 10 because sometimes,people try to add in like 10 to 15,free free items and even though you,might think you went high enough,like having like your maximum weight,like 10 or not 10 like five,but they might actually jip you on like,your price they might actually,screw you out of a lot of money so you'd,like to go up pretty high so we go over,here,do this once again i have it copied,boom and now we're going to add in our,price to 33.91,based on order weight now we're going to,go to 2.5,to 3. and then we're going to,continuously do this,like up to the moon and i'll be back,when i'm done,all righty so i'm done with these i'm,only going to go up to seven because i,think seven is a good enough price i,think if someone is spending,sixty six dollars uh if you're doing,free plus shipping your product price,should probably only be like one to,three dollars so it shouldn't hurt you,too much,they're only going to get like 21,dollars out of you but another step or,another tip that i don't see a lot of,people talking about when they're doing,free plus shipping,and a tip that i didn't use when i first,started free plus shipping,is you see how you have standard,shipping handling for 1356,and like the one range so if they add in,one that'll be the price range well what,i like to do is do this go into express,shipping and handling,and then make this one 15 91,and then go to this point five and then,one so when they add in one,now they have two options so they could,potentially pay two dollars more and if,you do free plus shipping you definitely,know how much that two dollars helps,per order value definitely could,increase so and you want to do that on,the first two,i don't really go farther than the first,two because if someone's willing to,spend that much money,the odds are they probably aren't going,to spend any more than that and plus you,don't really need to get that extra two,dollars,out of them if they're buying like three,to four of them so we're gonna do this,uh probably 27.95 since the last one was,24,and then we're going to make this 1.5,into two so,there we go and that is how you set up,the free plus,shipping shipping method and now once,you add your item to your cart and go to,the checkout no matter how many you've,gotten,if it's one to two to three you will see,the price matches up,correspondingly so you have now,completed how to set up a free plus,shipping shopify store i know it's,pretty tedious but right now there is no,better way to do this so,this is what we have to work with right,now if you're trying to run free plus,shipping but anyways i hope you guys,enjoyed this video if you did make sure,to hit that like button,and if you want to see more tips and,tricks for shopify make sure to,subscribe,and as always guys it's been luke and,i'm out
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