hi and welcome back in the last video I,showed you how to add a MailChimp popup,on your Shopify store in this video,let's see how you can add an embedded,form on that Shopify store I want to add,an embedded form and to add an embedded,form first of all of course I need the,embed code so to get the embed code I'll,go back to MailChimp and then let me go,into lists and for whichever list that,you want to add the embed code choose,that specific list but since in the,previous examples we used this list and,we already have a form so I will just,click on this one go to signup forms so,that I can get the embed code which I,can put on my Shopify store so if I come,here I'll just click on embedded forms,so if you want to edit the form in any,way go ahead and do that but I don't,really need to edit anything here the,only thing I want to do is to confirm,that when I click here this happens for,me and the same thing will happen if I,embed this on the Shopify page so if I,come here and I copy this code ctrl C,and then I come back to my Shopify store,the admin area for my Shopify store and,if you are not already here you just,click on online store and it will bring,you here automatically what I want to do,here is I want to add it here,on the home page the theme that I'm,using is simple theme and Shopify what's,in the same way if you're using any,different theme just follow the steps,the way I'm doing and you're going to,find a way of how to do the same thing,that I'm doing even if you're using a,different theme so here I want to edit,this I want to customize this and what I,want to do is I want to go into,customize theme which will give me the,option to add a block which I can use,with the embed code,so what I want to do is I want to add,the form somewhere here on the page and,the way that I want to do this is by,adding a section none of this will allow,me to do that so I will have to add a,new section here and if I click on add,section I want to add a custom HTML,section which will allow me to add code,so you can see it's already it's already,been put there I'll click on add and,this will allow me to hop this section,here and in this section I can just,click on it and if I click on it then,paste in the embed code in there you can,see it will embed our form right there,and then I can reduce the width so I can,make it 50% of the page so that it can,be small if you want it to be bigger you,can choose any of the larger percentages,and then I can change the heading or I,can remove the heading if you want to,change the heading you can change that,here but in my case I'm going to delete,that heading and once I do that I'll,just come here and save and if I come to,the front end,I can't reload this and if I reload this,I should see my form down here I will,see it here you can see the form has,been added there if I want to change the,position of the form let me go back here,and I can just drag this I can drag it,up there,so our form can be the first thing on,the page or you can put it anywhere that,you want to but that is basically how,you can add it on this particular page,you can also create a new page so let me,save this and then I'll go and create a,new page and then add that embed code,so I'll click back here I want to go,back to the full online store and then I,want to go into pages so that I can,create a new page where I will embed,their form so if I come here I'll just,say add a page let's call it signup and,then I don't write anything I don't want,to add any text so I'll just click on,show HTML and then I'll paste in that,HTML code in there then click on show,editor and just like that our form has,been embedded then I will save so if you,want to add anything on your page go,ahead and do that but in my case I don't,really care how the page appears so I,can go and view the page but let me go,and add it on the navigation so that,it's very easy to see so I want to add,it on the main menu so if I click on the,main menu and then I come down here and,click on add menu item and let's call it,signup and then it is a page and let's,select my page and the page was called,signup and I'll save the menu and just,with that if I come back here and and I,reload first of all you'll see the one,that we have we added on the home page,is there and if you go to sign up we are,going to see you're going to see but our,form is here but Shopify has stripped,out some of the styling for this form,okay but still it's still function so,even if I say subscribe it's going to,work so if you want to if you want this,to work you'd have to do a little bit of,styling,just to make it appear the way that you,want or an easier alternative for you,you can use a different tool for the,form like in my case sometimes I usually,use mail merge that core so if you go to,mail merge that core you can create a,form and then and then connect that form,to your MailChimp account so that every,time people subscribe on that form all,the emails will automatically be added,to your MailChimp list so if you want to,watch a mail merge tutorial I have a,mailman tutorial here you just go here,and you'll find it so that's it for this,video I will see you next time
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