what up everybody ari here and in,today's video i want to share with you,how you can find the best possible,suppliers for your shopify store or for,your online brand obviously it doesn't,have to be on shopify but,shopify is low-key the best now i don't,want to waste any of your time because,time is a valuable asset but i do want,to mention that finding suppliers is,extremely essential probably one of the,most essential things that you need to,do to build your business and the best,place to do that is alibaba.com this is,no secret i'm pretty sure everybody,knows about this by now there's so many,incredible entrepreneurs that vouch for,alibaba.com and have started their,brands through it greta van real for,example talks about house that's how,she's found some of her suppliers for,her eight figure brands and even,movement watches who got bought out for,a hundred million dollars started off,with alibaba.com watches and even an,example closer to home here if you're,new to my channel you probably don't,know about this but i have a series,where i started an online brand from,scratch with my girlfriend in april so,in april we started this brand and as,you can see the brand is consistently,growing and not just growing like your,normal drop shipping store as you can,see our feedback score is almost maxed,out the highest score you could possibly,get on your account quality for facebook,is a five and we're at a 4.9 and the,only reason for that is that we have,obviously an amazing brand and really,cool products but also amazing suppliers,that have helped us consistently scale,little by little but in the best way,possible without actually jeopardizing,our quality or customer experience,basically so i want to show you how you,can use alibaba.com and show you how you,can find verified suppliers on there so,if you have any idea for a potential,business this video right here i guess,is a great start because once you find,your idea then what you need to do is,actually start executing and getting,product samples and whatnot,traditionally the best way to find good,suppliers is to just contact,manufacturers locally however this can,be quite slow since you actually have to,find the contact information of these,places and they may not even want to,work with you because you're not,established and this is how business was,done before the internet and depending,on the type of brand that you want to,build this could still be a great option,for you like for example if your brand,has a big focus on sourcing things,locally and helping small local,businesses for example but the other way,is obviously to find overseas suppliers,more and more we're living in this,global economy so there's really no,reason to not take advantage of the,technology that we have and basically,all the resources available to us to,find the best possible suppliers now i,wanted to make this video as soon as,possible too because a lot of people,don't know that in september alibaba.com,actually does a lot of crazy promotions,in anticipation for q4 and for the,holiday season so as you can see you can,get up to 40 off on your potential,orders so let's say that i wanted to,start a swimwear brand that's a very,popular niche obviously it's not summer,anymore but it's a great niche,nonetheless and this is for pregnant,women i believe so that's even more,niche down the processing time is only,five days and their minimum order,quantity is only two pieces which is,amazing that means that you can actually,order a very small amount of quantity to,yourself or what you can do is you can,contact the supplier and you can be like,hey,i have a swimwear company and want to,drop ship your products and you would,just send them that now the reason why,you want to ask that is because of,course you could take inventory yourself,but a genius way to start your business,without having to spend more is by,asking the suppliers themselves to ship,the products to the customers for you,that's what drop shipping is and,traditionally people do drop shipping,through aliexpress which does work but,the shipping times are going to be,ridiculous if we go here to the,readyship tab on alibaba you can find a,wider variety of products that are more,untapped than on aliexpress and you'll,find suppliers that can actually help,you grow your business more privately,because the thing about aliexpress is as,soon as you start ordering a lot of,products through aliexpress that all the,express listing is gonna start rising,and rising and getting more popular,therefore more people are gonna start,drop shipping those products,and you're just going to be making it,worse for yourself okay so this right,here is a great example of an awesome,product so this is basically a product,that in my opinion has proven to work,because there already is a brand called,blendjet that kind of does this it's a,portable blender and they've done,millions and millions of dollars but,this is a new design this one's,different a little more trendy and,here's the great thing about them is,that they're a verified supplier and,this is the crucial step that you need,to take in order to actually build a,brand that is differentiated from all,the thousands of drop shipping stores,out there and again this store that i,started from scratch recently is proof,that this works and that putting in the,extra little bit of work even though,it's not as simple as just drop shipping,stuff from aliexpress it's still worth,it i mean every extra layer of,difficulty that you encounter is a layer,that that most competitors are not going,to be able to cross like most people,starting a business will quit before,solving those type of problems so never,be afraid to do things that are,difficult that's not the right way to,think as an entrepreneur and i think,since we have these technologies at our,disposal why not spend less and make,more that's kind of alibaba.com big,slogan and i think i speak for the,majority here when i say that i can,definitely get behind that i like the,idea of bootstrapping a business and,what better time to start than now with,alibaba.com september sales so i'll link,the sale in the description of my video,so that you can go browse some products,and browse some brand ideas again make,sure that you are contacting verified,suppliers if you find something that you,really find appealing ask the supplier,if they can drop ship that for you so,that you don't have to order inventory,domestically however you can do that my,other brand we use suppliers from italy,and we actually do source everything in,ship in-house and people do love it it,does make you more profitable but it's,much more difficult to start since it,requires a bigger investment that's the,big benefit of the drop shipping model,is that you don't necessarily have to,order stock so if hits the fan for,a lack of a better phrase you don't,suffer as much but that's it for this,video make sure you check out that link,in the description i'll be seeing y'all,in my next video peace
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