shopify = how to get notification on phone

EP 9 Notifications Settings in Shopify yo what's going on y'all welcome back to,the next part of our

Cosmos Ink

Updated on Mar 20,2023

EP 9 Notifications Settings in Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to shopify = how to get notification on phone

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EP 9 Notifications Settings in Shopify

yo what's going on y'all welcome back to,the next part of our shopify tutorial,in this video we will be going over the,notifications tab,so of course before we get into this,video please be sure to subscribe to our,youtube channel,after that hit the link down below in,the description to join our facebook,group where we talk about sublimation,and last but not least we are the owners,of cosmos inc,so if you need any type of sublimation,ink or pigment ink for your business,be sure to hit that link down below,we'll get it sent out to you asap,so this is possibly going to be the,quickest tutorial,for this portion and when you click on,your notifications tab,inside your underneath your settings tab,on your left hand side,when you click on the notifications tab,it's going to give you pretty much a,breakdown of,each notification that will be sent out,to your customer for this,for this first portion all right it says,customer notifications,these notifications are automatically,sent out to the customer,click on the notification template to,edit the content,i recommend not editing anything on this,list,right here at all it's already perfectly,set up,uh shipping i don't recommend doing,anything right here,nothing under local nothing under local,pickup,customer i don't recommend doing nothing,email marketing returns nothing,i want to do anything on any of that,stuff,you can do a double opt-in which,honestly i wouldn't even recommend,uh clicking that if they opt in the,first time you know,they opt in after that you have shopify,email open tracking make sure this one,is selected where it tracks it they open,the email so that way on your backend,you can know how to uh pretty much,refocus your marketing efforts,and or edit your emails so that way,uh you know what to put in your emails,to get a better response,for people to open the emails,after that scroll all the way down to,the bottom you'll see right here where,it says staff,order notifications if you do not want,your email just getting blowed out with,new orders that are coming in,of course that's definitely a blessing,uh,to say the least that is a blessing but,sometimes it can,uh overcrowd your inbox and stuff like,that so,for us we are going to click right here,on disable,so that way it won't send us an email,saying that we have a new,now we have a new order however as a,business,owner you need to be on it every single,day,monday through friday or whatever days,you sit that are your at work days,during your work hours,you need to be on it like every day as,soon as you wake up,get on shopify check to see if you have,any orders and then just go ahead and,start knocking them out,and or double checking with the person,and see if there's anything uh they need,to,uh be edited or just you know whatever,but go ahead and do that,but as far as uh stay you know,continuously getting a,notifications when people place the,order i'll just disable that all right,let's go right here and hit disable,after that uh it automatically saves so,you can just hit back on,back on the uh button right there and,it'll take you back to your,main settings screen all right so that,is it for,this part of this tutorial i will see,you all in the very next video,and once again don't forget to subscribe,to our channel,after you do that be sure to join our,facebook group you can hit the link down,in the description where we talk about,sublimation and last but not least if,you need any type of sublimation ink or,pigment ink for your business,hit that link down below we are the,owners of cosmos inc i will get a sent,out to you asap all right,so that's it i will see you all in the,very next video,angelo out,you

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