shopify how to load theme files from local computer

Shopify Themes: How to setup and edit locally as it can really improve your,productivity one of the


Updated on Mar 31,2023

Shopify Themes: How to setup and edit locally

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how to load theme files from local computer

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shopify how to load theme files from local computer catalogs

Shopify Themes: How to setup and edit locally

as it can really improve your,productivity one of the benefits of,setting up your theme locally is that um,offline,which i think is really neat okay so,before we get started make sure you have,ruby and get cli installed in your,system,whether they are installed or not you,can quickly confirm that using a command,prompt by typing in ruby dash v joking,ruby conversion return,and get space,version joking get clicker version,return,similar values,that means you have both of the cli,installed correctly in your system,however,then please make sure to download the,respective cli from the links in the,description below now we can install,another cli package called shopify cli,esco installed,ruby cli custom algorithm for that we,can type in,gem,install,shopify cli,and hit enter and it will take 30,seconds to a minute to install depending,on your internet speed,we can confirm that the package is,correctly installed by typing in shopify,space version,and if it returns some numbers like you,can see on the screen that means hamara,shopify cli properly installed,let's authenticate the shopify cli taki,shopify store connect host to,authenticate,we have to type in this command shopify,space login dash dash store,space,and after this space you need to enter,the url of your shopify store so in this,example i'm going to use my dummy,shopify store url i'm just going to copy,this url from here,and in the terminal i am going to paste,it,and then hit enter,and as you can see i have successfully,logged into shopify cli and now i can,close this tab,and in the command prompt i can see that,my authentication was successful okay so,how many successfully authenticate kalia,here and now we can see and download the,themes johamad store may available here,and to do that we need the command,shopify theme,pull,so let's type it in shopify theme,pull,and hit enter,as you can see it's showing me six,themes right now and to navigate up and,down between these themes i can use the,key k and j on my keyboard,j to go down and k to go up and just to,confirm if i go back to my shopify store,we can see that we have all these themes,available,now by pressing enter i can start,downloading the theme from shopify to my,local computer however my theme co is,current directory main download nahi,karna chata so i am going to exit out of,it,all right so i am in the correct,directory now and i i'm going to run the,same command again,shopify theme,oops,and from this list i think my sense team,go download karunga when it's,highlighted in blue you can press enter,and as you can see it's pulling theme,file from sense so we'll let it download,so theme download,here now,it will take some time to sync the theme,with the online store so as you can see,it's name port 9292,local server start,and if we press ctrl and click on it it,will open up my dummy store locally,seems like its password protected i'm,just going to enter the password for my,store,and sure enough it's working as expected,now let's try to edit the theme in a,code editor and could change this,there let's try to make some changes in,the main theme file,so for testing purpose master of page,card title change karunga so let's,change it to,updated,title one two three four,or anything,and as soon as i save it in the terminal,it will tell us that the changes that we,made are synced,sorry changes,so let's check it out and well you can,see already here that the title has been,updated to updated title one two three,four which is really amazing we didn't,even have to refresh the page so it's,working as expected,custom shopify theme,shopify theme,in it after pressing enter,for now i will call it lcl theme and as,you can see it's cloning this,boilerplate from github,because if we have to run this command,we have to be inside the theme folder,okay great so syncing is done now i'm,going to press ctrl again and click on,this link,and sure enough we have our custom,shopify theme running locally now you,can go ahead and open your code editor,and use the app up next,then you can simply go back to your,theme folder and you can compress it and,go back to your store and from the add,theme section you can upload your theme,file and it will show up here video copy,specific and brief thing but you can do,a lot more with shopify cli and its,commands so this is it for this video,then do let me know in the comment,section below i would highly recommend,checking out official shopify,documentation website,up rv details password shopify click,regarding i have all the links in the,description below you can support lazy,code lab by subscribing to our youtube,channel or by simply posting a comment,below thanks for watching and keep,coding

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