shopify how to reduce product image size

How to reduce main product images size in Dawn theme - Shopify 2.0 Tutorials hey guys what is going

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Updated on Mar 21,2023

How to reduce main product images size in Dawn theme - Shopify 2.0 Tutorials

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How to reduce main product images size in Dawn theme - Shopify 2.0 Tutorials

hey guys what is going on my name is,hamish welcome back to my channel thank,you to whoever suggested this i think,it's a really really good idea i'm going,to be releasing more shopify 2.0 dawn,theme and debutify 3.0,tutorials today's tutorial is going to,show you how to make your product page,bigger it's way too big in my opinion,um,on dawn theme so,let's talk about how to actually find,out,what we have to edit so you want to,right click and you want to inspect,whatever it is that you want to edit you,often you will need to scroll up a,little bit to get to like the main,content class so the content class here,you can see a shopify section product,section and then if you just scroll down,a little bit as well,we can also see where is it,as you see here it says product media,item so we know that this,uh product media item is the thing that,we actually want to be editing,or something with product media in any,way so product underscore underscore,media is what we want to edit and it's,probably in a shopify section that has,something to do with a product page,this just it's just using logic guys you,just kind of have to think about it a,little bit okay so let's go to the back,end,and i all i did was i opened up all of,these sections and i pressed ctrl f on,google chrome and i typed in product and,then i opened all of the ones that have,the word product in and then i just,control f and i looked for product,underscore underscore media and then i,just looked for something that was,relevant,so let's just scroll through here and,we'll see,if there is anything relevant and as you,can see here media screen and min width,99,90 pixels,product media wrapper maximum width 64.,okay,so obviously,what we want to do here is we just want,to reduce this so let's put 50 and then,i'm also going to reduce this other,number because i think that will mean,that it's square i'm going to hit save,on that,and then moment of truth let's refresh,and as you can see already the picture,is much smaller,you could go even smaller if you wanted,or you could go even bigger if you were,doing some kind of crazy landing page so,let's put this on 20,and we'll refresh,it doesn't look good obviously you would,have to um make this smaller and you,would have to put some stuff here and,etc etc but i'm just showing you how to,make it smaller and then,if we wanted to do like a big landing,page let's see it's going to look really,really blurry but if you had a really,nice high quality image,okay yeah obviously you're not going to,be wanting to do this but just as an,example you make it as big as you want,okay i hope this helps some people out,and tune in tomorrow for another shopify,tutorial,peace out

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