shopify how to remove home

Shopify - How to Add/Remove Sections | Home Page Customizations hello,what i wanted to do in this vi


Updated on Mar 12,2023

Shopify - How to Add/Remove Sections | Home Page Customizations

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how to remove home

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Shopify - How to Add/Remove Sections | Home Page Customizations

hello,what i wanted to do in this video was,customize our home page,and,you will see there's a lot of sections,here that at least in the beginning,you probably are not going to use as,your source starts to grow you're,probably going to,use these sections and even more but,just to begin with just wanted to,show you how,you can just get rid of some of these,sections,and,so,let's go,customize,and,you will see,all these sections that you're seeing on,the home page,they are showing,on the left side here in this column so,this header is this header so as you,start selecting each section you,should see more options related to that,section so it's like header,we've been in this area before to,upload the logo,and you can also see there's some more,options here custom logo width you can,arrange the width of this logo,you can,add an announcement bar,if you click this i think it's going to,be a bar that kind of shows up,right there you can make a quick,announcement turn this on,and,i'm going to turn this back off,also you want to show that bar just the,home page or all the pages,and,you write your text here also gives you,the option to change colors and stuff so,same way you start moving through each,section,so this is your image with text overlay,then there's this image with text,i'm not going to go into detail of each,and every option here it's pretty,self-explanatory you just basically some,alignment options and of course change,the text,text columns with images see how i,select and this keeps changing,so feature collection,is this area right here,image with texture lay,well,apparently we have two image with text,overlays,so this is the second one showing down,here,and then we have,testimonials and gallery down here,and then you have the footer,and same thing you have some options,here for these links and this newsletter,area that you can customize,so,another thing is,you can also move these sections,the position of say these testimonials,right now it's showing here if i wanted,to i can move testimonials right above,this footer so how you would do that is,move your,mouse to the right side and you see this,cursor changing,so i'm going to go to the testimonials,and,right there it shows you the right side,what it's doing so i'm going to bring,that down,and see how i just moved it um,always remember to,click save so right now showing you this,kind of gives you a preview but it's,still not saved,so,i can go,and,save this,you will see,the,testimonials should be at the bottom,all right so,what i'm going to do right now is,get rid of some of these sections that i,think i'm not going to use in the,beginning,so,we'll keep this we'll upload some image,here this is a simple section here we,can keep,so this area here i can remove for now,text column width,image,i guess text color with images,so what we are going to do is,click here,and on the right side you see this,column,and,all the way down here you'll see remove,section,so,remove,you can see that section is gone,same thing i'm going to get rid of this,featured collection here,feature collection again remove,i'm going to get rid of this image with,text overlay the second one,again down here remove,let's see what we have right now we have,this main image we have this and then we,have these three images and the,testimonials so i'm going to get rid of,these three images here also,gallery,and,say thing remove section,and this is what's left we have a footer,we have testimonials we have this image,with text and i mean,image um,image with text overlay as shopify calls,it and then your header,so,i need to still save,and if you have made a mistake just,remember,you see these buttons right here this is,your undo button so you could undo your,changes here,and if you have say,gone away saved it and wanted to come,back and bring in some other section,that you had removed that's pretty easy,too,so down here at this ad section so you,see this ad block this is within the,footer so it's not this it's,close all of them out you can see,is the header these are all the sections,within the page and you can add a,section there so you could easily come,back here and add a section if i click,on this,you can see all these different sections,the ones that we're seeing before and,more,you could just add them in here,all right so for now we're not going to,do that i'll leave this here one,important thing,we still have not saved all the changes,i'm going to click save,and now the changes should be saved,and,let's see so you have testimony so it's,a pretty simple,page which is okay for now,okay so next i would just like to,upload an image in this section,so i'm going to select image with text,overlay on the right side,all those options related to this area,select image,this is the logo we had uploaded earlier,so,i have an image i would like to upload,and it's showing here remember you still,have to,click this button down here select,and,so save,all right so we have an image showing we,can,change this text here if we like,you could have it say,anything you want,we can just type in,i guess we can make this capitals,whatever you prefer,um,and then,this can be changed to,of course,you can add whatever text you want,and uh,down here you're seeing this button,label,there,if you wanted this to link to a,different page you could do that so,you could do something like,this,and say you had a,link,you see how when i clicked in there it,starts to show all the stuff you can,link to,i know we haven't done too much of,anything else we added a couple of pages,and stuff,but,you know you could link to a product a,specific collection,and a blog post or whatever you like so,uh for now just to show you if i was to,go in pages see how it gives you the,pages of course the pages we have here,we,wouldn't want a link to those,but once we've added a product you could,just add a link and then,have a button,link to those so if i select this here,you see how a button showed up and this,is the text exactly what you have here,and then,that's pretty much it so for now i am,going to get rid of this button maybe we,can add it later when we have more,products added to the site,so,all you have to do is just get rid of,this and just remove this link from here,and,just,save this,so we have this image showing,and then we have this another section,down here,so we click on this,on the right side,select image again,upload,find your image i have another one here,and,you select it will start showing you all,the options and you just save,and that is it,so then we can also change this text,here,so we can say,for example you know whatever you want,to write,so of course,you know if it's a little text it won't,look as good you can,fill up,this section here with a few lines,describe your product,and it will look much better,and we are going to just save this,alright so this is where we at right now,we still have the testimonial area,i'm going to just leave that alone for,now you can see there's three,testimonials showing right now,if you have,more it should create a scroll of this,section here so,if you wanted to show your best,testimonials in the beginning you can,also,move the positioning of course right now,you cannot tell so say for example if i,go here,you can tell,that,that testimonial was in the middle i,wanted to move that up i could just drag,it from the right side move it up,and,it shows up to the website,and you can keep adding testimonials and,once you keep adding this tomorrow what,will happen is,let's do that right now so you can see,it i'm gonna add another quick,testimonial,and,just save,and you can see how this became a,slideshow so i go here,you have three showing and you click,this,and if you are on the phone you can,slide these,and you will be able to see rest of the,content,so,what we have on the home page now is,basically a very simple page you know a,lot of times you want to drop ship one,item you really don't have that much,content or something you know you're,starting off,you probably want to keep it simple so,just wanted to show you guys how you can,customize the home page and,make it so it works for you,and that is it for this video guys

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