what's going on everyone it's Jamie here,from Shopify masterclass and today we'll,be looking at a product paid tutorial to,give you an overview of what the product,page is I can be adding new products,what you should be looking at in things,that you might have missed so make sure,you stay to the end of the video here,and as I go along the content if you're,enjoying anything along the way I would,love it so much if you hit that like And,subscribe button below that's what,really helps the channel out especially,as we're on the road to 3 000,subscribers now before I dive into it I,want to mention our sponsor profit calc,the one click profit calculator app,available on the Shopify App Store it,comes with a 15 day free trial and,allows you to skip the spreadsheets and,get back to Growing your store with,real-time calculations and there's a,link in the description below to access,that trial there also I'm going to show,a quick video detailing their full,feature set are you a Shopify business,owner who spends hours doing your,accounting have messy spreadsheets kept,you from growing your business discover,profit cap the affordable and easy to,set up Shopify app that crunches your,numbers in just one click it,automatically syncs with all your,accounts and expenses to calculate your,profit displaying everything in an easy,to read dashboard so you understand your,business in real time start for free on,the Shopify app store today let's dive,into the product page now so this is the,back end of a test store so to get to,your product section you want to Simply,click on products in the left hand,sidebar and from here you'll see an,overall list of your products you can,fail to buy products searching for what,you're looking for you can filter by,product vendor when it's tagged with the,status and there are many additional,filters as well so you can find the,exact product you're looking for you can,also export them or input new products,from a CSV file there's also an overall,view to view by all active draft and,archive we'll start by adding a new,product we'll go through everything step,by step so when you first create a,product you're going to see everything,separated into cards you have your main,card section here as well as the 12 some,overall settings on the right here so,let's start with the middle section and,you have your title and then your,description so both are pretty,self-explanatory so with the title it's,called it's a short sleeve t-shirt and,with your description you can add quite,a few details changing things such as,the styling for the heading you can add,bolds italic underline as well as,different images and videos so the media,section are going to be your product,images you can also add videos or 3D,models so it's going to show what your,product is like and these are really,important to have high quality ones,there next we'll move into pricing you,can have your price so this is the,actual amount your product is going to,sell for let's say this sells for 19.99,and the compare at price is going to be,the original price and the price is,going to be the sale here so let's say,the compare price is 39 and the price is,19.99 this is going to show around a 50,discount if you want to leave this at,its full price you can just remove the,care pair ad Price there you can also,select whether to charge tax new product,this is going to be determined by your,tax setting set up in the bottom left,under settings and taxes so your cost,per item so your customers aren't going,to see this it's going to be the cost of,goods sold let's say this cost me five,dollars and I sold for 19.99 this gives,me a 75 margin with a 14.99 per profit,this item is relevant for different,Shopify reports different analytics apps,will also sync in this cost per item and,if you're Drop Shipping as well it might,sync those in as well just to have those,costs available so next is going to be,the inventory section so if you're using,Shopify to track your inventory here's,what you're putting your SKU so your,stock keeping unit number and its,barcode you can also allow Shopify to,track quantity so to track your,inventory levels then you can select,whether to sell it with it's out of,stock and this will alert the customer,that the item is out of stock next under,quantity you can set which locations,which have the items available so you,can have your address on the left which,I have blurred out here as well as how,many are available next will be the,shipping information you can either,toggle that on or off but here you can,set things such as the weight as well as,the Customs information this is going to,tie into your shipping information,overall in what rate to charge for,certain products Shopify has rules so,you could say If an item is over 10 kg,10 pounds charge a shipping rate to this,country if it's under that maybe charge,free shipping inferior Customs,information you can select the country,as well as the harmonized system code,and Customs authorities use this,information to calculate duties when,shipping internationally on unprinted,custom forms next is going to be options,so it's gonna be the size and color so,you can have different options here so,you can maybe change it by size color,you could say the color is going to be,black there could be yellow maybe white,are the options as well once you fill,these out here this leads you to a more,detail option of the variants so you can,set different prices and different stock,levels as well if you click into edit,you can essentially see the same items,such as the SKU the barcode as well as,the Customs information you can set this,by a variant by variant basis lastly you,can have your search ending listing so,is this what it can be shown in Google's,results or any search engine results so,you can customize that to give a more,detailed description it will,automatically pull from your title and,description but if you want to customize,exactly what it looks like you can,basically do so if you have some very,popular products showing up in organic,search you can maybe give a more,relevant meta description you can also,edit the URL handle if you desire to do,that as well so next we move on to the,right hand side you have your product,status because it's active or draft so,if it's active customers can see it and,they can purchase it if it's in the,draft State they can't do that you can,also select which sales channels to have,this on maybe you have a few different,sales channels and you only want to be,available on your online store but not,your Amazon integration there's also the,ability to schedule when the product is,going to be available so when customers,can purchase it so maybe instead of,October the 12th I can set it to October,the 19th and this app will appear active,then sorry this product will appear,active then next is going to be the,product organization so this is going to,help create categories for your store so,you can set the product category here,it's going to give you some suggested,ones we're going to leave that as,clothing gonna suggest t-shirt as well,which is exactly what that is you also,get the vendor so you can go into detail,classifying which vendor produces which,items this can lead into more detailed,reporting based on that you can also add,it to different collections so you might,have an apparel store here so it could,be t-shirts pants shoes socks hats I,might list this under a t-shirt,collection and maybe I want this to be,featured on the home page collection so,I can enter that one in there so tags,are extra things you can create to,provide further detailed categorization,for your products there used to be a,theory that adding different tags to,your products can lead to higher search,results for those products kind of out,for debate whether that really works,I've heard it might be good for Google,shopping as it allows Google's AI there,to help categorize your products so you,can enter those in there they could be,just a script of factors such as black,T-shirt men's t-shirt something along,those lines blast is going to be the,online theme template with this store,there's only the default product,template so I'm just going to leave that,as is and once you're done you just hit,save in the top right and I've set this,to active so this should be live on my,testing store here and once a product is,live you get a little more options here,on what to add on the top so you can,preview the product you can create a,link to share on Twitter Reddit interest,LinkedIn it's more actions such as,create a shop code so you can create a,QR code link to share with people you,can duplicate your product if you want,to do so as well so I'm going to hit,preview here to see what this is going,to look like it's gonna be pretty basic,we can see short sleeve t-shirt you can,have your variant options it's sold out,as I list zero as a quantity and there,is no image so overall not what your,product should be looking like but in a,nutshell that is how the product page,works for Shopify if you have any,questions about anything just leave a,comment below as well and so this is,where the video is going to conclude,here I want to thank you so much for,watching and if you enjoyed any of this,content in any of these tutorials I,would love it so much if you hit that,like subscribe button below as that,really helps the channel out lastly I,want to mention our sponsor profit calc,again the one click profit calculator,app available on the Shopify App Store,it comes with a 15 day free trial and,there's a link in the description below,to access that there thank you so much,for watching again and I'll see you in,our next video
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