hey guys so we're gonna look at sinking,inventory with a supplier today in,Shopify specifically so don't forget to,subscribe to our channel like the video,tell your friends etc etc okay let's get,on to the actual video and look at a,sample site so a sample site as always,is a just green beans sample coffee site,excite cells green beans but we're going,to look at at gift items today,particularly our mugs,okay so we've got these products on our,website we want them to be shipped by a,drop shipper and these products actually,do come from a drop shipper so I just,want to show you that so this is we,using drop shipping by global crafts as,our example and once you're logged in,you can download their product files let,me login here quickly okay so once we're,logged in we can look at their products,and if I do a mocha for example we,should get quite a few mugs here you can,see the pricing and once you're logged,in you can actually add them to your,cart and purchase them with your drop,shippers shipping address and your,billing address acceptor etc just like,drop shipping always works one of the,things that they're pretty good out here,is they provide us with some files so we,can upload we can get the entire,products files from here and they also,have inventory files now they asked us,to use stock see and if I go to their,help system under support I can find out,where that file is kept so let me have a,look let me setting up stock sink this,is the one that's going to tell me where,the file is so this is the link and if I,grab this file link here let me just,grab it just to show you if I copy it,and I put it into my browser I can see,the way just a second it's going to load,up a complete inventory of you know,three or four thousand line items let's,actually just downloaded it gone,straight to a download but let's open,that file up as a download this is not,it here we go so you can see they've got,various columns in here they've got the,SKU code the quantity the price the,per our price and this is what their,MSRP would basically be their map,pricing and they've got the product,handle that they suggest we just need,the quantity and the SKU for AK in our,case so column a and current B is what,we're gonna be working with this data is,maintained and held on effectively on,their server it's actually not it's,actually pulled just by as a by the way,that because they've got stock sync,installed at their end it's actually,pulled in real time whenever you try and,load that URL up it's it's so it's with,the moment that I load that file up and,moment I grab it it's actually correct,okay so let's have a look at our own web,site so we've got these few products up,here that come from Global crafts they,have got important to note that they,were imported by their through that file,but the only thing that really matters,is the SKU code the SKU code is exactly,the same as a SKU code in their file if,the SKU code was not exactly the same we,would have a problem this would not work,you cannot change the SKU code on,products okay so let's have a quick look,we're gonna use the app called stock,sync which is what global Kraft,recommend and if we go into it I could,actually you know I could almost cheat,with this let me get rid of a couple of,these other ones that I've used before,delete delete delete so that we can,start from beginning okay so this is a,clean it's still on a trial account it's,actually like five dollars once you get,into manage Billings and set it up so,let's set up a new feed I want to update,products because the products already,exist on the website all I'm looking to,do is update the inventory so it's,update products let's continue,they've preset some of these so I didn't,really need to grab that URL because I,could just actually click on the create,button here and it recently do it for me,I want to show you how to do it just,because what the hell you know it's a,learning video you might not be working,with global crafts right so let's start,new let's change it to a EU are,now let's paste in that URL that we just,grabbed off them,it's a CSV file the first row is indeed,a header I can test the connection but I,know because I've got the little,checkboxes that we are good and that,will confirm that in a second connection,successful let's go to next the skew is,in column one and if I add another,column the quantity is in column two and,then what I might want to do is I might,want to up hide and unhide products,based on how many we have so if I live,published and then click more settings,here I can have well first of all I'm,going to publish it based on the,quantity right so that's column two and,then I'm gonna unpublish it if I have,zero in stock and I'm gonna publish it,if I have one in stock okay let's go,next not gonna worry about anything here,and I'm just gonna click done now what I,can do if I go back to my that is now,done let's go here I can either run it,manually or I can set it for a schedule,so let's just look at scheduling I can,schedule this thing how early and I,think I can only do 24 hours on the,trial account but let's try to swap Yale,only let me do 24 once I buy an account,it'll let me run it more often and it,depends on how much you're willing to,pay after how often you can run your,files I'm going to leave it on 24 hours,there click OK and I'm just gonna start,this process just so that it runs,depending on how busy stocks Inc is this,will take well the file that we're,actually syncing with us three or four,thousand items and even though we only,have 17 of them in our our website it's,still got to go through the 17,000 ice,and so this could take a while,okay and it's still queuing at the,moment but what's going to happen as,this runs and it doesn't matter just to,put it into context it doesn't matter,that we've only got 17 of the 3,000,items in there because at the end of the,day if they don't,exist they're just gonna be ignored,right so it's only going to modify the,17 items that that's where the skew,count matches column 1 in the,spreadsheet,so as this runs it's going to change our,inventory and it's going to do that once,a day based on the 24-hour limit that we,have it's gonna be hard for me to show,you that happen oh how it's actually,already done it it's updated 17 of the,products I don't know whether we're,gonna be able really see less a little,bit something that's big like 353 there,I'm going to press f5 to refresh the,screen and hope the damn number changes,I have no idea what's in the product,file 351 ok so there we go it has,updated it has changed it and they'll,guess and you can test that by just,looking at the activity here you can,actually see the change log here they,still download a file for you you can,open that file it'll take a second to,open here we go and we can see that,before and after quantities 353 has gone,to 351 ok so you can do that with any,supplier I just said I just demonstrated,it with Global crafts drop shipping drop,shipping by Global crafts but you can do,it with any supplier salong ii provide,you with a URL to a csv failable URL to,a csv file that has the SKU code and,then the information you want,typically quantity but you can obviously,update other things with this I just,want to show you a couple of other,things if they can't give you a CSV file,through a URL there is a whole bunch of,other ways first of all they could send,you a file every day and you could run,this manually that's a pain in the butt,obviously you can do FTP you know youth,if they put it on Dropbox or something,you can do various things you can read,it from a Google spreadsheet if you give,you access to it they can put it on,Dropbox it even a receive from email,they can send the file through an email,to an address there's a whole bunch of,different ways so they can get the file,to you here it looks like you can,actually connect to people's online,QuickBooks,never tried that but that's interesting,so the whole bunch of ways you can do,this you know the way we do it with what,the wager of Global crafts dropshipping,does it is to a CSV file health exactly,through a file that stock sync is,actually automatically providing and so,that we know it's a live file in a,real-time file okay so I hope that's,useful that's how you think your,inventory with your wholesale vendors,and the app were using your stock sync,don't forget to subscribe to this,channel and we look forward to seeing,you in other videos
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