you might have heard the saying that,people eat with their eyes first well in,the world of e-commerce they buy with,them first to photography plays a,crucial role in selling products but,before you go spending thousands of,dollars on that new camera and lighting,setup I'm gonna show you how to take,amazing product photos on a budget by,simply harnessing the power of your,smartphone and natural light online,trustworthiness of your brand is often,judged based on how you visually present,it since online shoppers can't touch,your products they really base their,purchasing decision on the value that,the product photo conveys that often,means having high quality beautiful,product photography so to get started,here's a list of everything you need a,cell phone,the higher the megapixel count the,better a mini tripod it's a low,investment with a high payoff it stops,camera shake and can help you,standardize product photo angles and,trust me your arms will thank you later,a white backdrop your backdrop should,always be white because it reflects,natural light onto the product resulting,in an evenly lit photo remember to look,for pure white as off later cream will,be more difficult to control light with,scotch tape you want tape to hold things,down and to fix things to your backdrop,sticky tack also works great white,bounce boards when you're lighting with,a window light there will be a bright,side where light is striking the product,and a shadow side this shadow side will,typically be too dark and so we need to,use something light to reflect the light,back into the shadow brightening it up,the right room what I mean by this is,you're gonna want to be in a room with,Windows the bigger the window the more,natural light you'll get it diffuser,paper and to smash that like button and,subscribe to our Channel all right guys,so one thing I realized we forgot to,include was brackets so I went over the,dollar store picked up these handy-dandy,barbecue skewers and they're gonna give,us all the support we need okay so now,that we have the list of things we need,let's start putting these things,together,place your table as close to the window,as possible you'll want to start with,the window 90 degrees to the right or,left of your setup when shooting next to,a window you want to shoot when the day,is brightest take a look at the weather,is it a fully sunny day or is it an,overcast day if the Sun is too strong,you don't need to completely scrap a,photo shoot instead hold a thin white,sheet that light can pass through notice,a diffuser against the window so as you,can see behind me there's a lot of,sunlight coming in this is gonna create,a really blown out image so we're gonna,want to use some diffuser paper as I,said before you can use parchment paper,but my window is pretty large so I'm,gonna use this drop sheet that I picked,up at the dollar store and it's gonna,give us the exact same effect this will,soften the light and create a less harsh,effect avoid hard light at all costs as,it often makes colors look more,saturated and will highlight even the,most miniscule flaws not normally,visible to the naked eye if the Sun,suddenly decides to hide behind the,clouds causing the level of natural,light to drop make sure that you have,your foam boards on hand that's so that,you can bounce and intensify the light,to fill shadows using a white surface,helps reflect natural light from the Sun,back onto the product don't be afraid to,play with the angle of the reflector to,find the right balance between shadows,and lighting also don't forget to turn,off all the other lights inside the room,you're shooting it as other light will,contaminate the set this is really,important and is such a common mistake I,definitely know I've made it before I'm,not gonna lie the most crucial part of,every photo setup is the lighting and,it's also the hardest part to get right,there's no quick fix or,one-size-fits-all solution different,products will require different lighting,since they're different sizes and,dimensions it's up to you to figure out,what works best for your products be,open to trying and adjusting new things,once you get a handle on the basics,it'll be a case of trial and error until,you find the perfect formula now that we,have our setting and lighting sorted,let's think about angles no one just,wants to see a straight to camera shot,anymore,especially not with products we want to,visually answer any questions that your,customer might have that the product,descriptions don't fully explain that's,why having a variety of camera angles is,so important the ultimate goal is to,shoot your product from every angle,giving your customers a 360-degree view,of the product if you're not sure which,features you should capture focus on,features that showcase the quality of,your product take close-ups of the,fabric print detail texture or even your,products being put to use be sure to,highlight the detailed elements of your,product especially the ones that,customers might want to inspect for,those new to product photography,I recommend moving around the product,rather than moving around the camera,keeping the product in roughly the same,place each time and rotating it means,your final shots will all be frame the,same consistency here is key these are,the main camera angles you should be,aware of and experiment with during your,photo shoot I level this shows the,product exactly the way you see it in,reality this is recommended for your,hero image high angle shows the product,from above as if you're looking down at,it from an angle low angle from below as,if you're looking up at the product,bird's eye this shows the product,directly from above as if you're,standing directly over it slanted this,shows the product from one side as if,you're looking side on at it finally,we're ready to shoot now before we start,busting at our phone here's a checklist,of tips we're gonna run through to,ensure your phone is ready to shoot,firstly ensure your phone is charged and,you have backup storage to store your,images set up your white balance to,properly set the white balance according,to the light temperature in your setup,touch the WB button and then touch the,white background check your exposure,touch the circular exposure button and,then touch your product so that the,camera knows to properly expose the,product keep things in focus,touch the circular focus button and then,touch your product so that the camera,knows to properly focus on the product,make sure you lock your settings when,you're finished adjusting parameter,make sure to tap each one again to lock,it in place this will keep the camera,from auto adjusting the settings when,you're taking your images when shooting,we're gonna want to avoid the zoom,feature as this significantly reduces,the quality of the image avoid using the,flash as this will over expose your,photo and distort the colors once we,have our shots we can start editing them,right from our phone all right guys now,that we're done shooting our product,photography we're onto the next crucial,step which is editing our photos now,don't get intimidated you don't need a,super computer and we're not going to be,doing any intense deep dives into,editing software all you need is your,cell phone and to prove how easy editing,photos can be we're gonna do it right,here right now okay so first thing,you're gonna want to do is go to the app,store and download an app called,Photoshop mix so you're gonna open that,up and you're gonna go to image where it,says on my phone that's we're gonna pull,them from we're gonna go to our recents,we're gonna come down here I think well,we'll go with this picture of this,teacup it looks pretty nice so first,thing you're going to want to do is we,did on the white background because it,makes it easier to isolate our object,from the background so first thing we're,going to do is we're gonna come here and,we're going to go to cutouts when we get,to cutout we're going to hit Auto okay,auto does a lot of the work for us,but as you can see looking right here,it's not exactly perfect so what we're,going to do is we're gonna hit our smart,tool right down here and we're gonna get,in all the parts that it missed,make sure to zoom in so that you can,really see the detail you really don't,want to get the white background in so,if you do get the white background so,you can see right there as I did you're,gonna go to here you're gonna hit,subtract and you're just gonna get it,out of there there you go so now that we,have our image all cut out from the,background looking nice and crisp what,we're gonna do is come up here to that,layer button and we're,hit add layer now we're gonna hit color,down here and we're just gonna go for,the white white looks really clean and,you can't really go wrong with it,so there we go and Oh where'd the image,go it looks like it disappeared what,we're gonna do is we grab this layer,right here and we move it down to the,bottom and there we go now it's looking,pretty clean I'm pretty happy with it,we're just gonna hit save go to our,camera roll and boom the image is done,and ready to be uploaded to your Shopify,site well show you what it looks like,looks pretty good most people won't ever,know that you filmed it on a cell phone,other factors you can adjust our aspect,ratio timer grids and levels as well as,highlight clipping which shows you,precisely what is overexposed in the,image once you've taken your images you,can also adjust color exposure tone and,contrast additionally you can upload all,of your images onto a computer and work,from there the choice is yours there you,have it,hopefully this tutorial has helped you,realize that there is nothing stopping,you from starting your own business or,taking amazing quality product,photography you don't need a fancy,camera all you need is a bit of,ingenuity don't forget to subscribe to,our Channel what videos would you like,to see to help you grow your online,business let me know in the comments,below
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