shopify how to test google remarketing tag

Setup Google Ads tag:Event snippet for Dynamic Remarketing in Shopify uh okay so today I'm going to


Updated on Mar 21,2023

Setup Google Ads tag:Event snippet for Dynamic Remarketing in Shopify

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shopify how to test google remarketing tag catalogs

Setup Google Ads tag:Event snippet for Dynamic Remarketing in Shopify

uh okay so today I'm going to show you,uh how you can,use,the retargeting tag into Shopify,okay so first of all you need to click,on uh go to your ad account click on,tools and go to,audience manager,then click on,your ad data your data sources sorry,and click on the details,okay so here you will find,this,tag this this Universal tag and this tag,so why this tag is necessary uh actually,we all know uh what about uh about,remarketing uh like using a catalog so,with this ID Google identifies the,product and Target uh as a retargeting,ad so if someone clicks on your product,uh and you are also running a dynamic ad,for remarketing uh your catalog with,performance Max or any other you know,manual remarketing campaign so this tag,should be properly placed so Google can,identify the product which receive the,view so with with the ID product ID,Google retarget the same product to the,same user,so let me show you how you can,use this tag and generate the,ID here and all the important,information uh in Shopify okay let's,move on okay so all you need to do,is go on online shopping,click on themes,edit code,I will show you the demo uh,I will show you like how we can test it,click on theme,liquid okay so first you have to copy,this,because this tag is very important to,send the data to Google and paste it,here okay so how we are going to use,this seconds,script right under the universal tag,paste it so,Here Come The Rail information okay you,can do you can get rid of this,data,and,I will also paste this code in video,description so you can,copy and paste it okay so this is now a,clean script we will going to edit to be,used,okay so it says replace with the value,okay so we should,we have,to have a value here of the product,means the price of the product like it's,if it's 38 so the script should uh get,the price here and send it to Google so,the more information you give to the,Google the more uh you know accurate,retargeting will be okay so there is a,tag,product,dot price,okay so region to pass up we just want,to pass the value so uh with with this,another uh another attack we will uh be,able to get rid of the currency,currency sign I mean,okay and now this one is replace it with,value,okay okay so there are two ways uh I,will show you uh on my Shopify store uh,the code look like this let me show you,thank you,because I deleted the code to this to,show you the video because the exact,product ID look like this,it looked like this,so I'm going to use the same code which,will generate this ID because this is,exactly the product ID,I will also show you how you can just,you know if you have a different ID,system in your Shopify you can do this,as well but let me show you mine how it,works,okay so minus,okay,so,product,dot ID you can also use alone,if you I uh software doesn't generate,this type of IDs,okay let's check with this how how it,works okay so I'm gonna click save,and Let me refresh,go to,base source,okay so with the search let's search,this tag,okay see,the ID is generating the price is,generating,okay my bad we have to use the USD as,well,okay now so what about this,second variant ID this is main ID this,is variant ID okay we also need a,variant ID if you have the variation in,the product like,two three variations this is the variant,ID this is a,variance so we also have to you know,pass a value to of variance,so what we are going to do,we have another,code okay,variant,okay so we have the ID here,uh we have the price and this is sending,data,to,Google,audience Source data source,soon we will have you know,the ID sometime uh even if you send the,right details it shows this error but,make sure you just go and check it here,like this is a product ID,this is a person I sorry,idea either the user generate ID for,each user this uh all this you know,value used to use in retargeting,and value,see this is a value,let me show you also show you example,how retargeting,shopping ad look like,see when you visit some site,it shows you,it also shows in YouTube it also shows,on site monetized with Google ads,this one like this,so you can Target see someone is,targeting this bag on YouTube so what,you can do you can retargeting uh the,exact same product to the exact same,user who visited that product like give,them a discount,and uh you can have them back and even,if the abandoned card they can you can,retarget with the exact product so you,understand I am going to you know pause,this code inside under the video thank,you so much

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