shopify local delivery not showing

How to setup the Local Delivery/Local Pick-up Feature in Shopify 2021 hey guys,thank you for joining

COR Commerce- Shopify Experts

Updated on Mar 15,2023

How to setup the Local Delivery/Local Pick-up Feature in Shopify 2021

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How to setup the Local Delivery/Local Pick-up Feature in Shopify 2021

hey guys,thank you for joining me my name is,carrie with core marketing group,your shopify experts and today we are,talking,about local pickup and,local delivery options with shopify so,this is a feature that was recently,rolled out probably i want to say three,or four months,ago and it's super simple to set up so,i'm gonna do a quick walkthrough,on how to set it up and the different,customizations that you can do,so first thing you wanna do is you wanna,navigate over to your settings,and we're going to hit locations so the,main thing is you want to make sure your,location,information is correct so you can add up,to eight locations,even more if you have a bigger plan but,this will allow you to be able to,specify which,location that you want to offer pick up,and delivery from so if you needed to,change your,information this is usually set up when,you first set up your shopify site,it's going to take the address that you,put in so if you need to update this,location you would do so here and then,just go ahead and say so then we're,going to go back over to,shipping and delivery under settings so,you're going to see this local delivery,option so we're going to hit,manage and we're going to click that it,does offer,local delivery so you have a couple,different options you can set it,on a delivery radius so say we want to,be able to deliver within 20 miles from,our location okay and say the minimum,orders,five dollars,um gonna remove and then the delivery,price i don't know,is two dollars right and then if you,want to do conditional pricing you can,do,orders from five dollars up or an,additional cost so if we did five,dollars to,um you know 10,and then so if it's a larger item then,it's you know free,free delivery okay and then you can put,your delivery information here,and that's going to go out in their,order confirmation notice,the other options is to use the zip code,so you can,implement specific zip codes you want to,be able to deliver to,and there's also an option to include,like neighboring states or regions,so i'm going to hit save,and then so when we go to our,website i've got my item in the cart,and if i go to checkout,based on the information that i have i'm,going to get the local delivery as an,option,so then it will ask the customer to put,in their mobile,number and then if there's any delivery,instructions that are optional like drop,off by the door,or if there's a gate code to the,community that can be used and then,they'll continue to payment,so that is how you set up local shipping,super simple super easy,so we're gonna go back over here i'm,gonna leave this local delivery,and now we're gonna go over to local,pickup kind of the same process,you click on it you activate it and,you're going to have the options for,information at checkout,so your expected pickup time can,be whatever you want it to be so we're,going to choose like four hours,and this is the location that they can,pick up to remember if you have more,than one location you can go back to,your location setups,and add additional locations maybe if,you even had temporary ones you could,set those up as well,and then you can add your order,your pickup notification so if it's like,curbside pickup,or what customers need to do when they,arrive at your store for pickup,so it's going to send them that,information so we're going to hit,save and we're gonna go back,to our website we're gonna hit refresh,and i'm gonna go check out,and now we have if i go back to,information now we're gonna have the,pickup option,so if i wanted to choose that continue,to payment,then we would be able to do local pickup,for that,so those are the simplified instructions,for local pickup and local delivery,if you have any questions as always you,can connect with us on instagram,at coremarketing or you can check out,our website at,thank you

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