shopify is one of the better products,out there if you want to do ecommerce,it's the reason why almost 2 million,stores use it however there's quite some,mystery behind shopify plus people don't,really know what it is what it does and,why it's worth the upwards of two,thousand dollars a month so that's what,we're going to demystify in this video,so first off what is shopify plus it's,the highest tier of the shopify plan you,can possibly get and it's used for,rapidly scaling stores stores like kylie,jenner's cosmetic stores are on it or,netflix or mvmt watches definitely some,brown house names that you know and,probably shopped that okay so why pay,the two thousand dollars a month you,might ask well one of their reasons is,it's extremely fast and reliable i hear,what you're saying shopify basic is fast,and reliable yes but is it if you send 1,million visitors in an hour to it,in 10 minutes at some point you want a,deaf team to really be on your side and,you want the entire shopify team to be,on your site so these major brands when,they do gigantic promotions they spend,millions of dollars in marketing,directing everyone to their shopify site,they want to make sure,it's not going to be down and let's be,honest if you're a heinz ketchup 29 a,month or 2 000 a month you're just gonna,go with the two thousand dollars another,advantage of shopify plus is that you,can spin up nine completely different,stores under that shopify plus account,let's say you are nike and you want nike,usa to be completely different than nike,canada well you could do that up to nine,times with different currencies,different main languages different apps,and pretty much a different offer which,is a huge advantage now let's say you're,just on the scaling part you're not,quite high in sketchup yet but you are,scaling really fast what does it really,have to do with you than shopify plus,well you might be interested in an app,called a launchpad or even the automated,flow in shopify you see with shopify,flow an app that we actually covered in,the past you can automate,different things that you do,repetitively so instead of hiring an,extra body on your team so that every,time a product is low on stock they,automatically notify the,builder of that product to order more,you can just automate that process with,shopify flow launchpad is basically a,cool app if you want to create flash,sales but you want to create them kind,of in advance and you want to make sure,they work before the actual launch date,so this makes dates like black friday or,boxing day or any big sale game or,events from your marketing team much,much much easier to work with obviously,you might also be interested in shopify,scripts that allow you to,pre-code basically cool little features,like buy one get one free,and when you add this to the cart,automatically add that to the card and,other different types of scripts and,codes that kick in on the card page or,on the checkout page so this is a really,useful feature if you know maybe you,don't need an app for it and you can,just add that piece of code to your,check okay so obviously shopify also,offers a higher level of service if,you're a shopify plus member these,services can be broken down in four,different services the first one being,the sales consultant which is basically,just not really a service it just tells,you hey is shopify plus right for you,yes or no,if you're doing over a certain volume,every year they might already be,reaching out to you so you're familiar,with these sales guys then we'll have,solution engineers they will basically,help you making sure that if you end up,moving to shopify plus all the systems,can work nicely with their shopify plus,systems um if not they will suggest,solutions or maybe even build some for,you and then finally you have the,merchant success program with the known,shopify account managers like for,example the top shopify account manager,steve hutt and his podcast right here,where he talks about like what the top,shopify stores are doing and so these,guys basically help you out their point,of contact within shopify that you can,ask questions about they help you,establish road maps they put you into,contacts with app developers that might,work well for your store or,designers or just regular shopify,developers and they advise you on how,you can grow more effectively and yeah,get better bang for your bet but let's,be honest here where the rubber really,hits the road are the lower credit card,fees because yes on shopify plus you pay,a lower credit card for example for all,credit cards paid domestically you're,going to be paying a 2.15,transaction fee plus a 30 cents per,transaction and that is about 10 less,than the shopify advanced plan if i'm,correct for your american express,clients and all international clients,you're going to be paying a 3.15,transaction fee plus again that 30 cents,and if you're using a third party,gateway to do all your payments you're,gonna have to calculate an extra point,fifteen percent per transaction which i,guess makes sense because at the end of,the day shopify makes the bulk of their,money really on those transactions and,so this is really where the rubber,eventually hits the road although that,those apps and those extras and the,extra services that you get are really,fantastic you kind of have to do the,math and probably a shopify sales rep,has already done the math for you it's,at roughly eight hundred thousand,dollars per month in revenue then it,starts making sense to go to shopify,plus,only,only if that eight hundred dollar eight,hundred thousand dollars per month is in,domestic credit cards that are not ammo,let's say that you are making eight,hundred thousand dollars per month in,revenue but 20 of that or even 50 of,that comes through paypal then it might,not necessarily be so much more,advantage for you to move to shopify,plus so you see at that point it really,becomes a numbers game and frankly if,you do the math and you do fall into,that bucket where it gets more advantage,it can quickly become an absolute,no-brainer i truly hope this video has,demystified a little bit of shopify plus,my name is andrew make sure to follow me,on twitter and i will see you again,shortly for another video adios
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